Final assessment
Trimester 3, 2021
Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
- All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
- Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit. If you consult any external resources be sure to cite correctly and list as references at the end of each question, using Holmes adapted-Harvard style.
Business and professional interactions apply advanced technology to facilitate effective communication. However, miscommunication still remains one of the most serious challenges faced by various businesses. Some common examples of miscommunication can be a situation when an employee misinterprets a to-do list and when a customer misreads a company policy.
ANSWER a): ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
- Choose and describe any six (6) out eight graphic types taught in the class including the appropriate objective for the use of each. (3 marks)
- How do you determine whether using a graphic presentation is appropriate and effective in a written or oral report? (4 marks)
Question 3 (11 marks)
A bad listening habit is an obstacle to an effective interpersonal communication. Describe in 300 words the bad listening habits that can affect your ability to understand a public lecture delivered by a speaker from a different ethnicity. Provide relevant at least 6 examples and references.
Question 4 (7 marks)
Apple Inc is one of the leading mobile phone companies. You have been hired by Apple Inc to develop an effective message to market their brand new iPhones to potential online customers. In about 300 words describe one of the five attention-getting ideas you can use. (Hint: Include a brief description of how price can be effectively handled in a sales message.)
Question 5 (7 marks)
- Describe one of the major factors influencing business communication and briefly explain how its negative effects can be minimized. (3 marks)
- Selecting an appropriate communication channel and media is important to the overall effectiveness of the delivery of a message. Discuss your opinion about this statement in 200 words. Provide two examples to support your argument. (4 marks)
Question 6 (11 marks)
- Describe the three common courtesies and confident body language you should display to create a favourable first impression during a job interview. (6 marks)
- Differentiate between weblogs and wikis as communication media. (5 marks)
Submission instructions:
- Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. BAM1290 HC1021
- Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
- Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
- Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document as special consideration is not given if you make a mistake.
- All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity.
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