HLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions

Implement and monitor care for a person
Student Name  Student Number  
Unit Code/s & Name/sHLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions
Assessment TypeWritten
Assessment NameFormative assessment with Case studyAssessment Task No.AT1
Assessment Due Date  Date submitted 
Assessor Name  
Student Declaration:  I declare that this assessment is my own work.  Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references.  I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules.  I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date 
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.

Instructions to Student
General Instructions: This is a skills activity where, in the role of an Enrolled Nurse and within your Scope of Practice, you must demonstrate evidence of specified essential knowledge in mental health.Each question to be answered.   Information / Materials provided: Scenario,  links to documents, online topics, readings Word limits and referencing requirements noted within assessment where applicable   Assessment Criteria: To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard: Key features of the Mental Health Act, Qld.The Enrolled/Division 2 nurse’s role and responsibilities within the mental health environment.Rights of patients in a mental health environment.Nursing management of common mental health disorders.Specific medications and support strategies within the defined scope of practice.Mental health assessment and assessment of risk.This must not be a re-iteration of the elements and performance criteria from the Unit of Competency.Referencing (in-text and reference list) per APA 7th ed referencing style to be used when acknowledging source material used.  Failure to use will result in an unsatisfactory result.   Number of Attempts: You are required to satisfactorily complete all assessments listed in the table below to be receive a ‘Competency Achieved’ result for the Unit(s) of Competency. You are responsible for complying with TAFE Queensland’s assessment rules and complete assessment tasks honestly.  You need to follow all assessment instructions, including submission details and retain a copy of all assessment items.  You must submit assessment on or by the due date, unless an extension has been granted.  Failure to submit or complete assessment on or by the due date will result in a “did not submit/sit” (DNS) being recorded (unless there are exceptional circumstances) and you will have five (5) days to submit your second and final attempt. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Submission detailsInsert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. <method of submission;  example – Assessment to be submitted via TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect   url: Username; 9 digit student numberFor Password: Reset password go to 
Instructions for the AssessorThe student will be provided with education and information on mental health assessment, risk assessment in the mental health field, common mental disorders, and a variety of issues pertaining to mental health and wellness. Students may write on this form directly and submit as an electronic copy, but they must follow the format included here to undertake the required tasks Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. In addition, assessors must hold current registration as a registered nurse with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Assessor is allowed to use discretion in assessment in judging assessment evidence in context with scenario and/ or reputable resources used other than provided resources.
Note to StudentAn overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.



Mental Health Disorder groups
Mood disorders Bipolar Affective DisorderDepression Anxiety Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Panic disorderPost-traumatic Stress DisorderSocial & Specific PhobiasEating disorders  Organic Disorders DementiaDelirium Personality Disorders Borderline Personality Disorder Psychotic Disorders SchizophreniaPsychosis 

Using the table below, insert the mental health disorder group as an appropriate heading to each group of common sighs, symptoms and behaviours.  Then matches the common signs, symptoms and behaviours with the correct Mental Health disorder

Mental health Disorder group Common Signs and symptoms (classification)
  Disorder group: ………………………………………………. 
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderRacing thoughts, shaking, sweaty, feeling of choking, heart pounding
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderUnable to attend social functions Intense anxiety around social functions, physical symptoms of anxiety
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderFlashback, nightmares, recurrent memory of traumatic event
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderIncreased weight loss, poor appetite, sleep, social isolation, purging, vomiting, binge eating. BMI below 15.
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderObsessive thoughts, debilitating behaviours leading to decline in functionality
Mental health Disorder group Common Signs and symptoms (classification)
  Disorder group: ………………………………………………. 
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderFear of abandonment, unstable relationships, chronic feelings of emptiness, suicidal thoughts, Deliberate Self Harm, Poor self-image, impulsive, Angry.
Mental health Disorder group Common Signs and symptoms (classification)
  Disorder group: ………………………………………………. 
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderMemory loss, Difficulty communicating, problem-solving, planning and organizing. Confusion and disorientation
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderAcute confusion/ disorientation. Anger irritability, anxiety, mood swings. Disturbed sleep.
Mental health Disorder group Common Signs and symptoms (classification)
  Disorder group: ………………………………………………. 
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderPositive symptoms: Paranoid, disordered thoughts, Hallucinations, Delusions Negative symptoms: Apathy social isolation, poor diet, ADL’s Fixed false beliefs Substantially impair effective communication
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderVivid, involuntary perceptions that are experienced as ‘normal’ and occur without an external stimulus Usually experienced as voices that are perceived as distinct from the person’s own thoughts
Mental health Disorder group Common Signs and symptoms (classification)
  Disorder group: ………………………………………………. 
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderElevated mood, manic, pressured speech, increased spending, lack of sleep, increased substance abuse.
  ………………………………………………………….  DisorderLow mood, suicidal thoughts, poor sleep, no energy, Helpless / hopeless themes, poor appetite. Low energy.

1b.    For each of the mental health disorder groups below, provide two (2) treatment options (one medication class and one therapy) and two (2) nursing interventions to manage the disorder group

Note: Please do not repeat any answers

Mental Health Disorder groupTherapeutic Treatment options Medication ClassTherapeutic Treatment options PsychotherapyNursing Interventions
Mood disorders Bipolar Affective DisorderDepression   
Psychotic Disorders Schizophrenia Psychoses   
Anxiety Disorders Obsessive Compulsive DisorderPanic disorderPost-traumatic Stress DisorderSocial & Specific PhobiasEating disorders    
Organic Disorders DementiaDelirium   
Personality Disorders Borderline Personality Disorder    

2.      Clinical practice is guided by nursing theory. There are many different theories in regards to mental illness. Phil Barker is renowned for his Tidal Model which looks at the recovery journey.

Outline three (3) principles of this theory (Reference)










3.      From a biopsychosocial perspective, list three (3) possible hypothesized causes for mental illness per perspective

Biopsychological perspective Possible causes

4.      Define and give a rationale for the indicated key features that relate to the Mental Health Act QLD 2016 as identified below:

The following websites will assist (use the contents index in the website link if needed to locate relevant information):  

(Word limit for each point max 60 – 100 words and reference)

4.1    Outline the main objectives of the Act









4.2    State eight (8) reasons why a patient may be classified as an involuntary patient?









4.3    State seven (7) Rights of the patient according to the Mental Health Act (2016)
























4.4    Involuntary review processes (Forensic orders)

Types of Forensic ordersRationale for use

4.5       Use of Mechanical restraint, seclusion, physical restraint and other practices

Type of RestraintAuthorization and Implementation, e.g. who authorize restraint and time period to be implemented?Nursing Interventions required with implementation of restraint
Mechanical restraint  
Seclusion (emergency)  

4.6    Treatment in the community

Definition of a Community Treatment Order:








Rationale for implementation:








4.7    Capacity to consent

Define ‘capacity’ as per the Qld MH Act 2016. State five (5) conditions










4.8    Privacy and confidentiality

State two (2) Policies and or Procedures to establish privacy and confidentiality regarding patient information in Mental Health Care








Outline two (2) provisions in the Mental Health Act (2016) where private and confidential information of a patient can be shared without consent









4.9       Admission procedures – what must happen immediately after the client has been admitted to a secured unit in an authorised mental health facility?









4.10  Role of the Authorised Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) during the assessment and transfer as per the Mental Health Act (2016)

State the authority an AMHP has to perform a Mental Status examination (MSE) in the community:







State the authority an AMHP has to transport a patient for assessment:







5.      Outline four (4) ways that you as the nurse can ensure that your own interactions with a person experiencing a mental illness is therapeutic and positive

(Word limit max 80 – 100 words and reference)







SECTION 2:  CASE STUDY (Mapping matrix indicated as CS)

Bill is a 45 year old man 75kg brought into the Emergency Department by his sister after intentionally lacerating one arm and his neck while heavily intoxicated on alcohol. Bill is separated from his wife and children, he has a history of domestic abuse due to his alcohol consumption and often is verbally abusive to his neighbors. Bill is currently unemployed due to the recent loss of his driver’s license for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). His sister lives 4 houses away from Bill and seems to be the only person that he will talk to, she is often away and only sees Bill occasionally. He is seen in the Emergency Department by the Mental Health Assessment Team (MHAT). Following assessment, Bill is admitted as a voluntary patient to the Mental Health Unit for assessment, observation and monitoring. Bill appears malnourished, dehydrated, and unwashed. He is flushed, ataxic and smells strongly of alcohol. His speech is slurred. He has a productive cough. He is given a provisional diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Substance Abuse (Alcohol). A few hours later, Bill attempts to leave the Mental Health Unit without a medical review or authority. He becomes verbally and physically threatening toward nursing staff who are trying to persuade him to stay and be treated. Security is called and they physically restrain Bill when he lashes out at them and the nurses. Following further assessment by the Medical Officer, Bill is placed on an involuntary Treatment Authority (TA) under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld). By this time, he appears physically exhausted, sobbing and stating that he wants to die.

1.      Discuss five (5) signs and symptoms of a Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), as per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5), applicable to the case study information (Word limit max 60 -80 words and reference)

Timeframe re. presence of signs and symptoms: 






Discussion of five (5) Signs and symptoms Bill presents with:






2.      Bills behaviour demonstrates to have a significant impact on his family/friend/neighbours re a person with Mental illness. 

2a     Identify four (4) behaviours Bill is showing that impact on his family / friends? (Word limit max 40-60 words)











2b     Bill could feel stigmatised by having a mental illness.  Outline three (3) common misconceptions about mental illness which is reinforced by Bill’s behaviour. (Word limit max 40-60 words and reference)







2c      Bill will experience discrimination during his episode of care (hospital and community).  Explain. (Word limit max 40-60 words and reference)







2d     For effective-evidence based practice in mental health nursing use a variety of sources to plan appropriate care delivery to Bill.  Explain the importance of the consumer and carer perspec­tive as sources of information when planning evidence based care delivery

(Word limit max 80 – 100 words and reference)







2e     Referring to the Mental Health Standards of Practice, discuss two (2) ways you as the enrolled nurse, the health team and careers can act to maintain Bill’s dignity and uniqueness. (Word limit max 60 – 80 words and reference)

State the selected Standard of Practices which refer to dignity and uniqueness in mental health care delivery








Discuss two (2) ways you as the enrolled nurse, the health team and careers can act to maintain Bill’s dignity and uniqueness








3.      Bill has already demonstrated aggression and continues to be potentially threatening to staff and patients. 

3a.    Consult the case study information and describe four (4) common triggers which can impact on Bill to present with aggressive behaviour. (Word limit max 60 -80 words and reference)









3b.    Describe six (6) nursing interventions you as an EN may use to deflect triggers or de-escalate a patient who is agitated or aggressive – must include at least two (2) communication interventions, two (2) listening skills and two (2) other de-escalation skills. (Word limit max 80 – 100 words and reference)

You may find information from the following to assist with this question 

Clinical key textbook – Evans, K. Nizette, D. & O’Brien, A.  (2017). Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Australia: Elsevier Mosby

The following websites will assist:         


3b1   Communication skills (2 skills)





3b2   Listening skills (2 skills)





3b3   Other de-escalation skills (2 skills)





3c.     To assist you with Bills issues and possible outbursts of aggressive behaviour who can you seek to obtain guidance or support? (Word limit max 40 – 60 words and reference)







4.      Bill has been prescribed prn Diazepam (Benzodiazepine), PO additionally of his regular dosage of Diazepam 10 mg QID, PO as part of managing his alcohol withdrawal symptoms to prevent severe physical and emotional symptoms of withdrawal.  The following websites will assist:

4a.    Identify the assessment tool used to administer the correct dose of prn Diazepam





4b.    Provide health education to Bill regarding the administration of Diazepam






Two (2) contraindications to use diazepam






  • Route:
  • Explain one (1) commonly used approach:







State five (5) Possible Adverse effects Bill could experience using Diazepam






4c      Outline four (4) nursing strategies you may use to confirm that Bill understands the use, administration methods and possible effects of this medication (Word limit max 40 – 60 words and reference)









4d.    From the answers below choose 3 negotiation skills you as the EN could use if Bill becomes aggressive towards you

  • Using a calm, gentle soft tone, tactful language and sensitive use of humour towards Bill
  • Communication and engagement should be intermittent with Bill and ensure long periods of silence are used
  • Speak clearly and slowly to Bill as Bill may be unable to comprehend information when agitated; you may have to repeat information several times.
  • Validate Bills concerns where relevant and accepting that concerns are distressing for Bill (even if you may not agree with them)

5.      Bill is experiencing oral health issues due to his disorder. From the case study:

Develop two (2) nursing interventions to improve Bills oral health to contribute to care planning with the Registered nurse.

Outline three (3) possible causes for his oral health issues

Poor oral health Nursing interventions with rationale  
Possible causes of poor oral health  

6.      “Assessments are bound by time and context; that is, when you conduct an assessment, you are looking at the risk factors as they present in the current situation. While you do explore the client’s history and background, the main focus of risk assessment is what is happening for the client now.  Bill is being admitted in a secured mental health ward due to being placed on an involuntary Treatment Authority (TA) under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld).  Remember assessment is dynamic”.

You as the EN are on Duty the afternoon that Bill is admitted to the mental health facility, you would be working with a RN. Using the information from the case study you are to complete the following risk assessment tool, the RN will review your answers once you have completed it

(In this instance the RN will verify the marking of this paper)

Categories of risk identified





Detail any historical information that may indicate the potential for risk ( for example previous history or risk behaviours / threats )





What environment factors may contribute to risk ( for example, access to drugs alcohol, access to weapons)




Is there any current evidence to suggest “planned intent” to engage in risk – related behaviours




Are there any risk factors that indicate preferred staff allocation( for example danger to women, intimidation to men, need for 2 workers)




What strengths and opportunities can you identify, from the consumer and /or services as resources to support this plan




State specifically the identified risk




7.      Contemporary mental health services are based on the recovery-orientated approach. The Australian National Framework for Recovery-oriented Mental Health Services: Policy and Theory identifies five practice domains and capabilities.

7a.    List the five (5) practice domains and capabilities in relation to recovery-orientated practice and service delivery










7b.    Select one (1) of the practice domains and explain how you could use the information when assisting with planning Bills nursing care (Word limit max 40 – 60 words and reference)







7c.     Identify four (4) key recovery principles that will assist the interdisciplinary team and yourself in planning care for Bill to maximise his health outcomes. (Tick the correct answers)

  • Enable Bill to be in and connected to communities
  • Plan outcomes so that Bill feels like he is doing something worthwhile
  • Outlining to Bill that recovery is a cure
  • Plan ways for Bill to regain belief in oneself
  • Planning strategies for Bill to be aware of the principles of recovery and that it is an attitude, a way of approaching day-to-day challenges and being in control
  • Enabling Bill to understand that recovery has an endpoint and will solve his problems
Bill has remained in the mental health care facility for 4 days and there is now talk of possible discharge. A case management meeting has been arranged to discuss a plan for moving forward

8.      As the EN on duty you will participate in the case meeting for Bill, complete the following questions

You may find information from the following to assist with this question 

Clinical key textbook – Evans, K. Nizette, D. & O’Brien, A.  (2017). Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Australia: Elsevier Mosby

8a.    State which five (5) members of the multidisciplinary team would possibly attend and why (Word limit 60 – 80 words and reference)

Members attending the case meetingWhy?

8b     Review Bills case study and name two (2) possible community based service providers that the Multidisciplinary team members could include in the case meeting, as selected by Bill when he is discharged.  Explain your role as an Enrolled nurse to liaise with these services and how can they help Bill towards recovery (Word limit max 30 – 60 words per provider and reference)

8b1   Provide an example of one (1) community service provider which Bill might select to assist him when he is discharged. Explain how this service can help to support Bill’s recovery.






8b2   Provide an example of one (1) community service provider that facilitates recovery in a group based environment, which Bill might select to assist him when he is discharged.  Explain how this service can help to support Bill’s recovery.






8b3   Explain the role of the Enrolled Nurse in liaising with service providers.  Consider reporting relationships and enrolled nurse scope of practice in your response.







8c     What would your role as the EN be in this case meeting? Outline at least three (3) possible roles (Word limit max 60 – 80 words and reference)














8d     On discharge, Bills mental health care will predominantly be provided within a community-based

setting.  According to the aims of community-based service delivery, how could Bill be supported that will help him to build on his own strengths and to take as much responsibility as possible for decisions that affects his life when integrating back into the community? (Word limit max 60 – 80 words and reference)














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"HLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions." Universal Assignment - February 14, 2025, https://universalassignment.com/hltenn009-implement-and-monitor-care-for-a-person-with-mental-health-conditions/
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Universal Assignment - HLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions. [Internet]. [Accessed February 14, 2025]. Available from: https://universalassignment.com/hltenn009-implement-and-monitor-care-for-a-person-with-mental-health-conditions/
"HLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions." Universal Assignment - Accessed February 14, 2025. https://universalassignment.com/hltenn009-implement-and-monitor-care-for-a-person-with-mental-health-conditions/
"HLTENN009 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: https://universalassignment.com/hltenn009-implement-and-monitor-care-for-a-person-with-mental-health-conditions/. [Accessed: February 14, 2025]

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NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster The weighting for this assessment is 40%. Task instructions You are not permitted to use generative AI tools in this task. Use of AI in this task constitutes student misconduct and is considered contract cheating. This assessment requires you to develop scholarship and

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BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY

BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY Assessment No: 1 Weighting: 40% Due date Part A: midnight Friday 2nd August 2024 Due date Part B: midnight Sunday 29th September 2024 General information In this assessment, you will develop your skills for analysing, integrating and presenting information for effective evidence-based communication.

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