HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting

HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice
Student Name  Student Number  
Unit Code/s & Name/sHLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting
Assessment TypeWritten
Assessment NameWritten questions / case studiesAssessment Task No.AT1
Assessment Due Date  Date submitted 
Assessor Name  
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Instructions to Student
General Instructions: Short answer / Case study using size 12 font, open book. Please ensure you have your name and student number on the assessment – either as a title page or a header/footer. Please attempt each question and follow the question instructions to support a successful result. When you are answering your questions, type the answer below each question or in the space provided. Do not alter the exam questions when attempting the assessment. Students are expected to have accessed online learning content for this unit and complete personal study to support a successful outcome.   Information / Materials provided: Assessment Task 1 Assessment Criteria: To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard: https://training.gov.au/TrainingComponentFiles/HLT/HLTENN015   Number of Attempts: You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Submission detailsInsert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.  Assessment to be submitted via TAFE Queensland Learning Management System Username; 9 digit student numberFor Password: Reset password go to  https://passwordreset.tafeqld.edu.au/default.aspx

Instructions for the AssessorStudents are informed about TQ Student Rules and Policies – Assessment guidelines and are provided access to referencing support material in the student hub and as per orientation instructions. Students must use their own words to answer these questions (not a cut and paste from a textbook or website) and APA style referencing should be used, both in-text and in the form of a Reference List at the end of the paper.  Please note that assessments that contain plagiarism will be allocated an unsatisfactory grade. Please refer to the student rules for more information. The student has been advised to attempt each question and follow their specific instructions/requirements. Students have been advised that personal study is expected to have been attended, and that access to online content and practical sessions will also assist them in completing this assessment.
Note to StudentAn overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

1.      Primary health care settings in Australian communities are diverse, each setting comes with it a set of health challenges required to address key issues

Match the Primary health care setting (from the list) with its own unique set of health challenges:

  • Mental health, 
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people (CALD)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Veterans
  • People in rural and remote areas
  • Disability
  • Prisoners
  • Community aged care
Primary health care settingHealth challenge
 Health challenge is to provide support for severe and persistent mental illness
 Health challenge is to restore function and independence to remain at home and participate in care choices
 Health challenge is to have nurses acting as advocates,
 Health Challenge is early prevention in primary health care to address the key environmental factors to social determinates of health and wellness  such as housing, decimation, poverty or disease
 Health challenge is to decrease the limited access to services that support primary health
 Health Challenge is to address common conditions affecting this group such as post-traumatic stress syndrome, anxiety and or depression, tuberculosis, cancers, substance and alcohol use disorder,
 Health Challenge is to ensure referrals for ongoing support such as community clinics social workers, mental health service providers when released
 Health Challenge is based around communication, being able to source and comprehend health and wellness information

2.      There are many social determinents that affect the health and wellness of all Australian communities.  Discuss (3) environmental (external influences) that can impact health issues within a community.  










3.      Discuss (4) areas of the primary health care philosophical framework that underpin primary health care.












4.      Case Study Scenario.

Mr Jones a 65yr old farmer has been driving for 1 hour to visit a small rural community clinic as he has an appointment to review his leg ulcer which is almost healed. The temperature that day is 40 degrees and humid. Mr Jones air-conditioning in his car is broken.

Mr Jones enters the building and comes to the receptionist who asks him to take a seat and states that the nurse will see him shortly. 10 minutes later a nurse escorts Mr Jones to the observation room to have his Vital signs taken, weight and BGL as Mr Jones is a Diabetic. The nurse notices that as Mr Jones is seated he is sweaty, pale and rubbing his chest, the nurse asks if anything is wrong Mr Jones states he is feeling nauseated and his chest hurts

As this is clearly an emergency situation, outline the steps you would take in this situation considering the primary health care setting.












5.      When is it appropriate to initiate first aid and other emergency treatment? Tick the correct answer. 

      When you are instructed to by the registered nurse or other members of the multidisciplinary team

      When you observe an emergency situation has occurred

6.      Health issues can be age specific and there are many, below in the table is a selection of various health issues that may affect specific health groups. 

Match the age specific group (from the list) that best fits the mentioned health issues.

  • Infants
  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Older people
Age specific group Health issues
 Eating Disorders, Menstrual Disorders, Mental Health
 Parkinson’s, Cancers, Urine And Bladder Problems, Kidney / Lung Disease,  Access To Health Care, Falls
 Hypertension, Diabetes Type 11, Heart Disease, Cancers, Anxiety Disorders
 Immunisation, Low Birth Weight, Jaundice, Colic
 Immunisation, Asthma, Measles, Chickenpox, Meningitis, Congenital Disorders, Diabetes Type 1


a)      Evidence based practice (EBP) uses the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient references to take a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making, with the aim to deliver the highest quality of care to ensure the best patient outcomes Tick the answer that best describes why we need evidence-based practice

  • Increase in information and healthcare costs decreases the need to be more efficient in performance and outcome standards for healthcare practices
  • Increase in information and healthcare costs increases the need to be more efficient in performance and outcome standards for healthcare practices
  • Decrease in information and healthcare costs decreases the need to be more efficient in performance and outcome standards for healthcare practices
  • Decrease in information and healthcare costs increases the need to be more efficient in performance and outcome standards for healthcare practices

b)      Give 2 examples of where a nurse can locate evidence-based information to assist with their nursing practice and client education.                                                                                                                                



c)      Give (2) examples of professional bodies within Australia that contain literature about primary health care management.



8.      The health illness continuum or the illness – wellness continuum is a process that is never static. Individuals can move up and down the spectrum depending on their health / illness. 

Death                                                     Neutral                                     Optimal wellness

Consider that further down the continuum your patients go towards illness the closer they are to death; rather, the further up the continuum your patients goes towards wellness, the closer they are to optimal health. Many factors contribute to the illness – wellness spectrum and nurses along with a multidisciplinary team play an important role in providing optimal care and resources to assist a patient to achieve optimal health and wellness.

a)      Discuss (3) ways that a nurse can contribute contribution to the health and wellness of individuals








b)      From the multiple choice below tick the answer that you feel best outlines the (6) main components that reflect the needs of a person along the illness-wellness continuum

  • Sleep, Stress, Energy, Diet, Relationships and Finances.
  • Fruits, Vegetables, Carbohydrates, Protein, Dairy and Amino Acids
  • Physical, Emotional, Social, Mental, Environmental and Spiritual.
  • Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Temperature, Oxygen Saturation and Pain
  • Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Potassium, Sodium Chloride, White Blood Cells and Red Blood Cells

9.      There is a need for the development of sound service delivery models to ensure that health services are able to provide optimal people centred care. These models can range from preventative, curative or rehabilitative models. 

  1. Review the following web link and answer the question

The National Rural Health Alliance[1]

The National Rural Health Alliance Australia covers various topics in their models of service delivery state, which of the following is NOT a topic they cover:

  • health service delivery for rural and remote areas;
  • integrated primary care;
  • acute/hospital care;
  • illness continuum
  • patient transport;
  • outreach services and electronic health services and the policies that
    support them.
  • Health Care service models rely on a range of elements to be able to develop and implement them. Tick the answer which most determines the delivery of health care service:
  • Budgets and funding sources
  • Available resources, including nursing and allied health professionals
  • Identified needs of the target communities
  • All of the above;

10.    Review the following web link and then answer the question.

My Community Directory[2]

Molly is a 22 yr. old Aboriginal woman who has Diabetes and has moved from the Northern Territory to Queensland and she is looking for a Medical centre that caters to Aboriginal people.

From the “my community directory” state an Aboriginal medical centre in your local area that you could recommend for Molly.  Include in your answer the medical centre’s contact details and location.






a)      From your research, describe in your own words what the primary health care service    models encompasses.  Within your answer identify (5) members of the multi-disciplinary team.







  • Which of the following best describes the role of a multidisciplinary healthcare team?
  • A group of healthcare professionals led by a nurse
  • A team of healthcare professionals working together to meet the biopsychosocial needs of a patient
  • A team consisting of nurses and doctors who are commissioned to work with patients and their families
  • Several healthcare professionals led by the patient

12.    Tick the correct answer from the options below, to complete the following statement:

In Australia, people living in rural and remote areas –

  • Have the same health status as people living in urban areas.
  • Are generally healthier than people living in cities.
  • Have higher mortality and morbidity rates than their urban counterparts.
  • Have the same health status as people living in urban areas except for road crashes.

13     Case Study Scenario.

Jamie Boaz is a 56-year-old Greek man who is an interstate truck driver. He weights 110kg – he states he eats a lot of fast food at truck stops with his mates on the road. He is to be discharged from a small rural hospital where he lives in Boonah after having a myocardial infarction (MI) 4 days ago. His doctor has told him that he is to stop smoking, change diet and lose weight.

You know that he is struggling with the lifestyle changes he must make, including how to kick his cigarette habit, losing weight and eating healthier. He is reluctant to tell his wife all the information that the doctor told him as she has been nagging him for years to make lifestyle changes. You inform him that you would like to include his wife in the discussions you have with him and with the cardiac rehabilitation coordinator. 

  1. Under each of the 3 headings, discuss one (1) example of how his health problem/s would affect his activities of daily living.













  • Jamie remains reluctant for his wife to know everything the doctor told him. You feel that the wife should know due to the importance and potential impact on Jamie’s health, and you are considering talking to the wife in private so that Jamie doesn’t know. Should you do this?

Indicate if this is acceptable professional practice (mark a box below for your answer) and explain your reason below.

  • Yes
  • No

Explain your reasoning:





  • List (2) ways in which you as the nurse can support Jamie to participate in illness prevention – health promotion programs to meet his needs?




  • You are asked to talk to Jamie about what has happened to him and provide information to him about his ongoing recovery.

Outline (2) strategies you could implement to suppport Jamie’s understanding of the information you give him.




  • Jamie has finally informed his wife of all the information from the doctor, and both Jamie and his wife would now like to know how they can access resources to assist them both.

Remembering that Jamie lives in the small rural town of Boonah, use the following website plus your own research to identify (2) resources for each of the (3) categories listed below. Resources must be a combination from local community and state/national that will help to support and assist Jamie and his wife’s needs in the below categories.

You must also ensure you include somewhere in your answers, the contact details and location of (1) medical centre in their area.  

My Community Directory – Boonah community[3]

Weight loss




Smoking cessation




Healthy eating




14.    Discuss (3) barriers to health literacy in Australia that may potentially inhibit a person’s capacity to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate information to maintain and improve their health.







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Universal Assignment (September 7, 2024) HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting. Retrieved from https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/.
"HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting." Universal Assignment - September 7, 2024, https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/
Universal Assignment December 7, 2022 HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting., viewed September 7, 2024,<https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/>
Universal Assignment - HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting. [Internet]. [Accessed September 7, 2024]. Available from: https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/
"HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting." Universal Assignment - Accessed September 7, 2024. https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/
"HLTENN015 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: https://universalassignment.com/hltenn015-apply-nursing-practice-in-the-primary-health-care-setting/. [Accessed: September 7, 2024]

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