Task 1: Written Assignment 1500 words (40%)
Purpose of assessment task
Childhood immunisation is a critical public health intervention that helps protect health and support normal development in infants, children, and young people. This assignment is designed to help you to analyse data, assess risk, and to develop skills to support parents in making decisions about childhood immunisation.
Due date: Friday 3rd September 2021
Time: 8.00pm
Location: Assignment drop-box on HNN300 CloudDeakin unit site
Format: PDF*
*PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue
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You are undertaking a community health placement at a maternal-child health centre. Megan presents with her two-month-old baby Isla who is due for her first round of immunisations. Megan expresses concern about “toxins” such as aluminium, formaldehyde and mercury in vaccines and asks, “how can we possibly know that these vaccines are safe to give to a tiny baby?!”
Task Description:
Discuss the evidence available regarding the safety of vaccine ingredients and explain how the nurse could use a motivational interviewing approach to support Megan’s decision-making regarding Isla’s vaccinations.
- Your discussion regarding vaccine safety should address the specific ingredients Megan has expressed concern about, as well as the general process of testing and monitoring vaccine safety.
- Your description of the Motivational Interviewing approach should outline the principles, processes or stages of motivational interviewing AND provide specific examples of how this approach would be used to support Megan’s decision making.
- This assignment is to be written in the third person (NOT using I/me/my) and academic language is required. You are encouraged to provide an introduction and conclusion.
Presentation requirements:
Title Page
Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font), Student Name, University Name, Unit Code and Name, Facilitator Name, Due Date, and word count.
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double-line spacing.
Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include: 12-point type size Times New Roman, or 11- point type size Georgia, Calibri or Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages. Place page number in the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).
Paragraph indents: Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool). Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes, references (hanging indent), appendix labels and titles
(Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)
Word Count
Assignments must be no more than 10% above or below the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations and reference list.

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