Hospitality Strategic Operations Module Number: TSM11134

TSM11134 Hospitality Strategic Operations                                                      Programme Session 2021/2022

Edinburgh Napier University The Business School

Hospitality Strategic Operations Module Number: TSM11134

Module Leader: Dr Kelsy Hejjas

Module Guide Session 2021-22

Module Guide Contents

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Communication during the module…………………………………………………. 3

Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………………………. 4

Timetable and Venue………………………………………………………………….. 5

Reading list and other resources…………………………………………………… 6

Introducing the simulation – Cesim Hospitality………………………………….. 7

Assessment Information………………………………………………………………. 8

Assessment 1: Strategic Plan…………………………………………………….. 8

Assessment 2: Performance Report……………………………………………. 9

Extension Requests and Fit-to-Sit Regulations…………………………….. 10

Reassessment information………………………………………………………. 11

Important note on plagiarism……………………………………………………. 11

Marks and Feedback………………………………………………………………… 11


Welcome to TSM11134 Hospitality Strategic Operations. This is a Level 11 (PG) 40- credit module. This module will (via a computer simulation) cover the following:

  • Budgeting and revenue management
  • Sales management (pricing and promotion)
  • Food and beverage management (menu engineering and procurement)
  • Housekeeping and maintenance management
  • Strategic and operational analysis and decision making
  • Developing and implementing competitive strategies
  • Critical reflection.

This module will enable you to apply your knowledge and skills to professional practice and to critically evaluate both the accommodation and restaurant operational aspects of the industry, and therefore gain a competitive edge and develop your potential when seeking graduate employment.

You will relate academic theory to the operational context and demonstrate this through critical evaluation in assessments. You will develop your ability to critically apply and evaluate your learning in a simulated operational context. This module helps you to develop the skills that are necessary for successful postgraduates as part of your continuing professional development.

I hope you will enjoy this module while finding it a valuable experience! Best regards,

Dr. Kelsy Hejjas, Module Leader

The main form of communication for this module will be through Moodle. Notices regarding the module, module materials and other relevant information will all be circulated via this virtual learning environment. It is important that you check Moodle at least twice per week.

If you have any problems or issues with any of the topic areas or with the module overall, then please contact me and I will see how I can be of assistance. If you wish to see me then please make an appointment by sending me an e-mail. My contact details are as follows:

Dr Kelsy Hejjas, Lecturer in Tourism Management The Business School

Craiglockhart Campus Room 4/25 Email:

Learning Outcomes

The module delivery includes a variety of teaching and learning methods, which encourage your active participation. In addition to the outcomes identified below, this module aims to promote a variety of transferrable skills, as noted in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Approach (LTA) section of the Module Descriptor, which you can find in the online Module Catalogue (

LO1:Critique and reflect on the dynamic linkages between hospitality operational variables and strategic performance.
LO2:Identify and critically analyse both key operational and strategic variables.
LO3:  Evaluate operational data to develop and implement appropriate strategic decisions in a hospitality context to achieve planned goals.
LO4:Critically reflect on decision making and to be able to identify appropriate adjustments where required.
Timetable and Venue

This module contains 4 key lectures, which are designed to provide background to the module, introduction to the Cesim Simulation programme, academic theories to be explored, and information on the assessments.

Lectures take place live online via Webex. Please see module Moodle page for details.

It is important that you attend these online lectures to provide you with all the information regarding this module. Failure to attend and engage could result in you failing this module

Lectures will take place on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00

Below is a schedule of when lectures will take place and what will be covered:

  2  25 Jan9- 11:00Module Introduction and CESIM Registration  Online (live)CESIM Practice Round
  3  1 Feb9- 11:00Strategic Management – An Introduction  Online (live)CESIM Practice Round
  4  8 Feb9- 11:00  External Environments  Online (live)CESIM Practice Round
  5  15 Feb9- 11:00Achieving Competitive Advantage + Assessment Q&A and Support  Online (live)CESIM – Formal Round 1
   18 Feb  23:59Deadline to submit proforma for formative feedback (optional; not graded)  Submit online via Moodle 
  6  22 Feb CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 2
  71 March CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 3
4 March23:59Assessment 1: Strategic Plan Submission DeadlineOnline via Moodle 
  88 March9- 11:00Touch point Progress Check and Evaluation  Online (live)CESIM – Formal Round 4
  915 March CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 5
  1022 March CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 6
  1129 March CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 7
  12  5 April   CESIM Simulation week (independent)  N/ACESIM – Formal Round 8 (Final Round)
Easter Break
  1326 April9- 11:00Assessment Workshop and SupportOnline (live) 
29 April23:59Performance Report Submission DeadlineSubmit online via Moodle 
Reading list and other resources

A comprehensive Reading List can be accessed using the Leganto link on Moodle. There are generic (textbook) sources for each topic to guide you in your reading and research in this module. It is not intended to be a definitive reading list or complete list of all sources. Indeed, the range of information sources that have some relevance to this module is extensive and you should try to identify additional information sources and engage with these throughout the module.

Core Texts

Brotherton, B. (2012). The international hospitality industry: Structure, characteristics, and issues. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Enz, C. A. (2010) Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Second Edition. Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.

Evans, N. (2015) Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events

(2nd ed.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Ojugo, C. (2010). Practical food & beverage cost control (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, N.Y.: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Wood, R. (2015). Hospitality Management: A brief Introduction. London: SAGE.

Text Box: Introducing the simulation – Cesim Hospitality

Cesim Hospitality is an interactive hospitality simulation game which focuses on running a hotel and a hotel restaurant. The simulation integrates concepts from various hospitality management related functions, including revenue management, sales channels, menu engineering, housekeeping, maintenance, staffing, and procurement.

The use of the simulation is done with an on-line platform that provides flexibility and independence of the delivery formats. Participants only need a computer with internet connection and a browser. Competition against other teams makes the learning experience motivating and fun.

The key learning outcomes from using the simulation are:

  • To develop the participants’ capabilities in identifying, analysing, and acting on the key operational & environmental variables that influence hotel and restaurant operations
    • To enhance fact-based analytical decision-making and illuminate the financial implications of operational decisions by linking the decisions to cash flows and bottom line performance
    • To review concepts and ideas concerning the hospitality industry as well as general business management, deepening their understanding by demonstrating them in a concrete context
    • To give students practical experiences in problem solving and excite competitive spirits in a dynamically evolving marketplace

The CESIM Simulation will run for 11 weeks, starting in Week 2. Weeks 2, 3 and 4 will be Practice Rounds of the simulation to allow students to get used to the workings of the programme.

Weeks 5-12 will be the recorded weeks of the simulation with their performance contributing to their summative assessment.

There are two assessments for this module. They are as follows:

Assessment 1: Strategic Plan

1. Module NumberTSM11134
2. Module TitleHospitality Strategic Management
3. Module LeaderDr. Kelsy Hejjas
4. AssessmentStrategic Plan
5. Weighting25%
6. Size and or/time limits for assessment1,000 words, +/- 10% (not including reference list). If you exceed the maximum, you will be penalised and receive a capped mark of P1 at most.
7. Deadline for submissionThe finished strategic plan is due at 23:59 on Friday 4th March (Week 7). Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submissions.   Extensions may be granted by the Module Leader, given there are ‘valid reasons’ for this – for details please see the ‘Fit to Sit’ regulations note below. Submissions which are more than one week late will be given an F5 grade and classed as a fail.
8. Arrangements for submissionPlease submit the finished report online (in PDF or Word format) using the Turnitin link on Moodle. Please do not hand in a physical copy. Note that late submissions will be recorded on the system and any unjustified late submissions will be penalised in accordance with the University Regulations.   Your work must be submitted with an appropriate cover sheet, which details the module name and number, the assignment title and your matriculation number. You are advised to keep your own copy of the work.
9. Assessment RegulationsAll assessments are subject to the University Regulations.
10. The requirements for the assessmentProvide a plan of how you will approach the simulation, the key learning outcomes, and the weekly reports. You’re required to design/adapt a week-by-week proforma that you will use to analyse your performance and enhance your decision-making skills and progress.   A template can be found on Moodle.   Specific guidelines for each section of the Strategic Plan, including what material should be covered and an estimated word count for each element, can also be found on Moodle.
11. Assessment SupportAn assessment support workshop will be held in Week 6. You will also find additional guidance and support material on Moodle.
12. Return of WorkOnline feedback and provisional marks will be provided to you within three working weeks via Turnitin Grademark.
13. Assessment CriteriaAvailable via Turnitin

Assessment 2: Performance Report

1. Module NumberTSM11134
2. Module TitleHospitality Strategic Management
3. Module LeaderDr. Kelsy Hejjas
4. AssessmentPerformance Report
5. Weighting75%
6. Size and or/time limits for assessment8,000-10,000 words (not including reference list). If you exceed the maximum, you will be penalised and receive a capped mark of P1 at most.
7. Deadline for submissionThe finished strategic plan is due at 23:59 on Friday 29th April (Week 13). Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submissions.   Extensions may be granted by the Module Leader, given there are ‘valid reasons’ for this – for details please see the ‘Fit to Sit’ regulations note below. Submissions which are more than one week late will be given an F5 grade and classed as a fail.
8. Arrangements for submissionPlease submit the finished report online (in PDF or Word format) using the Turnitin link on Moodle. Please do not hand in a physical copy. Note that late submissions will be recorded on the system and any unjustified late submissions will be penalised in accordance with the University Regulations.   Your work must be submitted with an appropriate cover sheet, which details the module name and number, the assignment title and your matriculation number. You are advised to keep your own copy of the work.
9. Assessment RegulationsAll assessments are subject to the University Regulations.
10. The requirements for the assessmentThe performance report will demonstrate your evaluation and analysis of the simulation. You will present your proformas for each week of the simulation and provide a cumulative evaluation on how you performed and evaluated your progress. You will present a detailed evaluation and reflection of how the hotel performed during the simulation. The Performance Report will demonstrate how you have critically engaged with academic literature and put this into practice throughout the simulation.   A template can be found on Moodle.
11. Assessment SupportTouchpoint session: midway through the simulation, in Week 9, students will be invited to an online interactive session where the current state of play will be discussed and analysed informally. Evidence of best practice will be discussed as well sharing any challenges and advise. This will take place in Week 8. There will also be an assessment workshop in week 12.   Additional guidance and support material for the assessment can be found on Moodle.
12. Return of WorkOnline feedback and provisional marks will be provided to you within three working weeks via Turnitin Grademark.
13. Assessment CriteriaAvailable via Turnitin
Extension Requests and Fit-to-Sit Regulations

You are given details of all your assessments at the beginning of the module. Time management and prioritisation are important skills that you are expected to develop at university. Therefore, begin preparation for your assessments early and do not leave them all until the final week. However, I understand that sometimes exceptional circumstances can affect your ability to submit on time. Short extensions of up to a maximum of 10 working days may be granted, and these should be asked for as far in advance as possible i.e. as soon as you realise that the assessment deadline will not be met. It is extremely unlikely that you will be given an extension if you ask for one after the assessment deadline, except under very exceptional circumstances.

Extension requests need to be completed and sent to the Module Leader using the RE1 form that can be downloaded from the FitToSit page on myNapier: ages/ExtenuatingCircumstances.aspx

Requests for longer extensions will need to be agreed by the Extenuating Circumstances Board; please take note of the ‘Fit to Sit’ regulations available on

the above link. Please keep the module leader informed if you intend to request longer extensions through mitigating circumstances.

Reassessment information

If you fail one of both assessments (one of both assessment marks of falling below F1) you will have one attempt to pass the Reassessment, which will require you to re-do the original assessments. Further details will be provided in due course. In most cases the maximum mark for failed-reassessed work will be P1, unless you make a successful Extenuating Circumstances claim.

Important note on plagiarism

Plagiarism can be described as the dishonest use of someone else’s words, thoughts or ideas without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is viewed very seriously by Napier University and students can face disciplinary action in the event of established or suspected plagiarism. Edinburgh Napier University has a Guide on Plagiarism and you should ensure that you refer to this Guide for further information on this important issue (see

Text Box: Marks and Feedback

In addition to receiving assessment grades based on the assessment criteria for your assessments, you will be provided with written comments and feedback. These will be visible via Turnitin within 15 working days of submission.

The Assessment Feedback Sheets are available on Moodle for reference. Please familiarise yourself with these. You will also have an opportunity to receive feedback in person by making an appointment at an appropriate time.

Module Feedback

Towards the end of the module you will have an opportunity to provide formal feedback. Your views are evaluated at the end of the module are very much valued by the teaching team and the University. They do make a difference to the way the module runs in future.

Module Grades

There are 5 distinction grades (D1-D5), 5 pass grades (P1-P5) and 5 fail grades (F1-F5). The table below shows the full range of grades available.

D5OutstandingWill be virtually flawless in most aspects of the assessment criteria
D4OutstandingWill be outstanding in all aspects of the assessment criteria
D3ExceptionalWill be exceptional in most aspects of the assessment criteria
D2ExcellentAll aspects of the assessment criteria will be of a very high standard, but one or two aspects may be exceptional
D1ExcellentWill demonstrate the characteristics described in the assessment criteria to a very high standard
P5Very goodWill meet most of the criteria described very well, particularly those relating to argument, relevance and reading
P4Good–very goodMeets most of the criteria described well, particularly those relating to argument, relevance and reading
P3More than satisfactory-solidMeets most of the criteria in a more than satisfactory manner
P2SatisfactoryMeets the specified criteria although the submission may have significant weaknesses
P1Bare pass- satisfactoryJust meets enough of the criteria to pass.
F1Marginal failJust fails to meet enough of the criteria to pass.
F2FailA greater number of the criteria are not met
F3FailFails to meet most of the specified criteria
F4FailFails to meet most of the specified criteria by a significant margin
F5FailFails to meet any of the specified criteria by a significant margin
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"Hospitality Strategic Operations Module Number: TSM11134." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 26, 2024.
"Hospitality Strategic Operations Module Number: TSM11134." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: [Accessed: July 26, 2024]

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