Henley Business School UG Assessment Brief
Module Code and Title | IC105 Ethics in Investment Management |
Module Convenor | |
Type of Assessment | Essay ☐ In-Class TestReport ☐ Group Report ☒ Project ☐ Group Presentation Practical Skills Exercise ☐ Portfolio Other: Video presentation |
Weighting of Assessment | 10% Video |
Submission Deadline | 26th March 2021 |
Submission Point (Blackboard/Turnitin/Other) | Video presentation through Blackboard |
Items to be Submitted | Video |
Individual or Group Assessment | ☒ Individual ☐ Group |
Module Convenor Office Hours/Opportunities for Advice and Feedback | You can book an appointment with Ms Lisa Chow during her office hours through the careers portal My Jobs Online Do not send an email. |
1. What is the Purpose of This Assessment?”> |
The following table shows which of the module learning outcomes are being assessed in this assignment. Use this table to help you see the connection between this assessment and your learning on the module.
Module Learning Outcomes Being Assessed |
Task (attach a separate briefing document if required) | Thinking about the various topics from the careers elements of the module, such as team building, group work, personal effectiveness including time management, presentation and negotiation skills, you are to produce a video presentation reflecting on: How you have developed these skills to dateWhat you learned during the lecturesWhat you plan to do next to develop yourself for each of the employability–related assessable learning outcomes as outlined below: Employability related outcomes: Teamwork – ability to articulate what makes a good team and what their preferred role is on a teamTime management – ability to plan task lists and prioritise, identify and apply this to both group projects and personal workloadsNegotiation – ability to reach a negotiated outcome with others when there are competing objectivesPresentation – ability to plan and deliver compelling presentations Video (10% of final mark) Individual 5 min video presentation. Please articulate what you have learned and what you plan to do next to develop yourself for each of the employability –related assessable learning outcomes stated above. It is fairly typical at work to have to both write a report and give an oral presentation that summarises your work. These presentations are often added to very busy agendas, so you have to deliver a short, punchy presentation that will be remembered at the end of the meeting. Instead of presenting (live), you will be presenting a video of your presentation. You can be as creative as you like with the video as long as it meets the following brief. Incorporate the learnings from the lecture. |
Guidelines/Details of How to Prepare Your Submission | Video: Recommend use of video on your device. Make sure the display and audio is set up properly so that the viewer can see and hear you properly. Test this works before you record in full. Demonstrate your learnings from the Presentation Skills session. Upload your video presentation through Blackboard. You will be given a link to submit on Blackboard. Make sure the file is named in this format: IC105_Name_StudentNumber |
The Assessment Criteria to be Used for Marking This Piece of Work | Refer to the marking criteria rubric at the end of this document. |
Self-Regulation: Make sure That You… | Leave enough time to script, film and edit your video. |
Three Key Pieces of Advice Based on the Feedback Given to the Previous Cohort who Completed This Assignment | Make sure you: Demonstrate a strong grasp of the topics and enjoyment in discovering useful practical tools that would hold them in good stead in the workforceUse the concepts and write reflections about how it impacts your personal situationManage your time and avoid last-minute submissions |
For Group Work Only: | Elements of Group Working: Classroom Briefing by Module ConvenorRegular Meetings of All Team MembersRecord and Keep Evidence of Meetings (agenda/minutes)Record Attendance and Member ContributionsTeam Reflection DocumentSubmit Peer Assessment Required |
Formatting Guidelines | Video: in mp4 or WAV file format, file is named in this format: IC105_Name_StudentNumber |
Word Limit/Guidance and Penalty Applied | Video: No less than 5 mins and no longer than 10 mins 10% of the mark will be deducted if any of these parameters are not followed |
Referencing Style | No academic references required |
Guidance on Academic Misconduct (including using Turnitin practice area) | The work you produce must be your own. You should ensure that the work you produce adheres to the University’s statement on academic integrity and to the regulations regarding academic misconduct (such as plagiarism and cheating). You are encouraged to put a draft of your work through the Turnitin practice area to satisfy yourself that the work is your own original work. You can find this in your module area on Blackboard. You can seek advice from the Module Convenor or your Programme Administrator. |
4. What Resources Might I Use to Prepare My Work?”> |
Reflections from notes taken and exercises in the lectures Careers Coaching with a consultant from Henley Careers and Professional Development |
5. Late Submission Arrangements |
Point of Submission : Turnitin Late Submission Penalty: ☒ The University Standard Penalty Apply Other: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Plagiarism: ☒ The University’s Standard Policy on Academic Misconduct Applies Other: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Timing of feedback: ☒ Within 15 days of submission deadline When examinations marks are released Other Click or tap here to enter text. |
Type of feedback: ☒ Mark ☐ Generic Feedback ☒ Individual Feedback ☐ Comments Written on the Assessment Audio Feedback ☐ Video FeedbackBreakdown of Mark ☐ Other: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Location of Feedback: Blackboard ☒ Turnitin ☐ RISISOther: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Assessment Criteria Rubric for Marking
Module Code: Module Title Assessment Task: Academic Year:
Criterion 1: | Developed deep | Developed good | Developed | Some evidence of | Limited evidence of | No or poor evidence of |
Reflections on key | awareness and in- | awareness and good | awareness and a | awareness but | awareness and | awareness and little |
elements of the brief | depth consideration | consideration of self- | degree of | lacking responses in | lacking responses in | responses in self-reflection |
of self-reflection on | reflection on each of | consideration of self- | self-reflection on | self-reflection on | on each of the | |
each of the | the employability– | reflection on each of | each of the | each of the | employability–related | |
employability– | related assessable | the employability– | employability– | employability– | assessable learning | |
related assessable | learning outcomes | related assessable | related assessable | related assessable | outcomes; lacking evidence | |
learning outcomes, | which reflects | learning outcomes | learning outcomes | learning outcomes, | of personal development. | |
which reflects | excellent personal | which reflects very | which shows good | showing satisfactory | ||
outstanding personal | development. | good personal | personal | personal | ||
development. | development. | development. | development. | |||
Criterion 2: | Showing impressive | Showing mastery of | Showing sound and | Showing a grasp of | Showing little | No or poor evidence of the |
Knowledge, | mastery of the | the subject-matter | thorough grasp of the | major element the | evidence of the | subject matter. Inability to |
understanding of | subject-matter and | and developed ability | subject-matter, | subject-matter. There | subject matter. Little | analyse, evaluate and |
relevant concepts of | highly developed | to analyse, evaluate | though lacking in the | is some attempt to | attempt to analyse, | integrate knowledge and |
the subject-matter, | ability to analyse, | and integrate | breadth and depth | analyse, evaluate and | evaluate and | concepts. Few learning |
analysis, evaluation | evaluate and | knowledge and | required for a first | integrate knowledge | integrate knowledge | outcomes met with little or |
and critical reflection | integrate knowledge | concepts. Major | class mark. A good | and concepts. Most | and concepts. Not all | no evidence of critical |
towards the | and concepts. All | learning outcomes | attempt to analyse, | learning outcomes | learning outcomes | reflection. Superficial |
appreciation of | learning outcomes | are covered with | evaluate and | are covered with | met with little | engagement with the wider |
diversity and | are covered or | originality of thought | integrate knowledge | some evidence of | evidence of critical | society. |
multiculturalism by | exceeded with | and strong evidence | and concepts. Most | critical reflection. The | reflection. Low level | |
engaging in team- | originality of thought, | of critical reflection. | learning outcomes | work remains | of competence in | |
working. | critical reflection and | The work | are covered with | competent with | engaging with the | |
creativity. The work | demonstrates well | good evidence of | some evidence in | wider society. | ||
demonstrates high | use of sources strong | critical reflection. The | engaging with the | |||
level of competence | level of competence | work is generally | wider society. | |||
and autonomy in | and autonomy in | competent, | ||||
autonomous and |
engaging with wider society. | engaging with wider society. | shows engagement with the wider society. | ||||
Criterion 3: Structure, style and presentation | Outstanding presentation, logically structured, with a highly professional approach. | Excellent presentation, well structured with a professional approach | Good presentation, well structured with a professional approach | Fair or reasonable standard of presentation, fairly structured with some degree of professionalism | Evidence of an attempt to present material effectively, but with poorly expressed in structure and lacks professionalism | Inadequate presentation, poorly expressed a lack of structure. Poor reflection of professionalism |
Criterion 4: Demonstrate use of technological tools | Outstanding use of technological tools to create presentation | Excellent use of technological tools to create presentation | Good use of technological tools to create presentation | Some evidence of using technological tools to create presentation | Limited evidence of using technological tools to create presentation | No or poor evidence of using technological tools to create presentation |
Note: Student coursework must adhere to the University of Reading policy on Academic Misconduct.

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