T6292 (International Relations, Major-Minor Paper 6)
Issues in World Politics
Semester End Evaluation (Fresh exams – Batch 2023 only) Take-Home Assignment (Research Paper)
Due Date for the Research Paper: May 10, 2023 (11:59 p.m.). Late submissions with a 1- point penalty per day will be accepted until May 13, 2023. Submit through the Google Forms link provided by the Exam Department. Log in from your SSLA id to upload the paper. In addition to this, follow all instructions, if any, from the Exam Department regarding SEEs.
Write a research paper on a topic relevant to the themes of the course (deal with international issues). You need to get the topic approved by me by May 2, 2023.
- The paper should be about 3000 words (including in-text citations but excluding References).
- You cannot write your SEE assignment on the topic of your thought paper or video essays unless you have prior permission from me.
- The paper should
- Identify (and discuss) a specific question
- Do a literature review relating to the research question.
- Make an argument answering the research question.
- Not simply be a mere summary of readings. Instead of providing a detailed historical account, focus on identifying the main factors causing the phenomenon. In the social world, almost everything is due to multiple causation. You need to differentiate the important factors from the not-so important factors.
- Keep the argument logically consistent. Do not contradict yourself in the paper
- Provide empirical evidence if the claims are empirical.
- Critical evaluation does not necessarily mean you need to criticize the author’s argument. It is perfectly good if you think the author has done a very good job. You need to expand on why you think so.
- The paper should be clearly divided into different sections/ subsections and have headings and subheadings.
- Have a title page with relevant information. Do not do fancy work on the title page (or anywhere else). Keep it formal and academic.
- Language should be formal. You can use personal pronoun (“I”) in this course.
- You need to have at least 10 references excluding the readings mentioned in the session plan. At least 5 of the references should be academic (peer-reviewed) articles/ books.
- The paper should be adequately and appropriately referenced using the APA citation style only. Purdue OWL website will provide you more information about using the APA style. If you want to use a citation style other than the APA format, you need to take my permission before you submit the assignment.
- Plagiarism will be penalised. Penalties may include, depending on the kind and extent of plagiarism, a warning, deduction of marks, rejecting the paper with no opportunity to resubmit, etc.
- Use of AI-generated writing in part or full is prohibited and will be penalised.
- The assignment carries 25 points.
Guidelines for submission:
- Have a title for your paper.
- Mention your name and PRN on the first page of the paper.
3. Title the paper as follows: IWP-SEE_Research_Paper-PRN
- Submit the file in doc./docx (MS Word) format on Google Forms before the due date. Files that do not open in MS Word will be considered late submissions.
- Submit only the final, final, final draft.
Grading Criteria for the Research Paper
Clarity of the question (3 points): whether the question is clear or vague; whether the terms/ concepts are well defined
Literature review relating to the question (4 points): whether the review highlights existing issues in the literature that your research question/ concern can answer.
Relevance, clarity, coherence and defensibility of your arguments (13 points): whether your essay answers the research question and is supported by adequate evidence; whether your arguments are clear and consistent.
Writing (2 points): Grammar and writing style; kind of language used.
Structure of the paper (1 point): structure and organisation of the paper (introduction, body, conclusion); paragraph continuity, etc.
References (1 point): adequate and appropriate in-text referencing and References at the end of the paper. Providing adequate and appropriate in-text references is more important than having a list of sources in the References List.
Citations (1 point): whether the citations are done as per APA style (unless obtained prior permission to use a different style); consistency in the use of the citation style.
Total: 25 points.
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