Edinburgh Napier University
Academic Year 2021-22
Trimester 1
Assessment Brief
1. Module number | LNG11120 |
2. Module title | Developing Intercultural Competence in the Workplace |
3. Module leader | |
4. Assessment | Coursework 1: Group report – an ‘intercultural training’ plan (see Section 10 below for more details) |
5. Weighting | 30% |
6. Size/length of assessment | 2500 (+/- 10%) words, excluding tables, figures and the reference list at the end (however, in-text citations are included). |
7. Due date | 12 pm, 12th November 2021. |
8. Arrangements for submission Extensions | Please submit your full report by uploading an electronic copy via Turnitin (on Moodle), with the title and full list of references. The ICC Coursework 1 submission box will go live once the groups have been allocated. On Moodle, members of each group will be linked to each other under your group number. The submission can be made by any one member. Please decide on who is to do this and avoid duplicate submissions. Requests for extensions must be made to the Module Leader in writing, giving an appropriate reason. If granted, extensions will normally be 1 week (can go up to 10 working days) following the original submission date and those over that time will normally be required to be considered under the “Extenuating Circumstances” procedure – find more details |
9. Assessment Regulations All assessments are subject to the University Regulations. | Your presentation will be assessed on a distinction (D5, D4, D3, D2, D1), pass (P5, P4, P3, P2, P1), fail (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5) scale. Please refer to the Session 1 tutorial slides for information about how these grades correspond to percentage marks. |
10. The task for the assessment | The context of your task You are a small work team in an intercultural consultancy company. You are given the task to deliver an intercultural training workshop for a client. The client is one of the following companies (you can choose by yourself): OHPROMISE WEDDING MaRoberts – The taste of Tanzania Your own suggestion (a company that does business interculturally) Your client suggests a broad objective of the workshop: to help raise their personnel’s intercultural competence. Your client suggests that the workshop should be planned for one-day delivery. If they are satisfied with the result, they will consider commissioning your team for regular intercultural training in the future. Description of your task For this coursework, you will submit a written plan for this intercultural training workshop. Your plan should include the following elements: A list of intended training outcomes, with accompanying rationale.The specific methods/activities you intend to adopt for achieving your training outcomes, with accompanying rationale and material (e.g. include in an appendix the case studies, topics for interactive discussion, links to – or screenshots of – online resources you plan to use).The methods you intend to adopt for evaluating the workshop, with accompanying rationale. As long as the above elements are suitably covered, you can create your own structure for presenting this training plan. |
11. Presentation and referencing | Be consistent in your chosen font style (commonly used ones include Arial and Times New Roman), font size (e.g. 11, 12), and spacing (e.g. single, 1.5, double spaced). Follow the structure advised above (Section 10). Other formal elements such as executive summary and use of numbered headings are your own choice. Where you cite others’ work, please follow the APA 7 referencing style (a short guide available on our Moodle page). |
12. Return of grade and feedback | Students within each group will receive the same grade. Formative feedback will be provided in written form through Moodle within three working weeks from the date of submission. |
13. Assessment criteria | Please see Appendix 1. |
Appendix 1: Assessment criteria
Your presentation will be graded against the following criteria.
Research, depth and criticality (40%) |
Demonstrate sophisticated, academically informed and critical understandings of (concepts related to) intercultural competence, particularly in the rationale of your training outcomes and selection of methods. |
Clarity of argument (20%) |
Present your argument clearly and with adequate details. Demonstrate a good command of the theoretical concepts and frameworks that you use. Integrate the chosen sources convincingly into your argument. |
Synthesis (20%) |
Demonstrate that your arguments in different parts of the presentation are coherently linked with each other and collectively contribute to a sensible, overall argument. |
Presentation (20%) |
Organise and present your argument in a reader-friendly way. Reference all information that is not originally yours in an appropriate and consistent format, including both in-text citations and the reference list in the end. |
Total: 100% |

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