Maldives Business School | Cover Page | ||||
ASSESSMENT BRIEF Bachelor’s Degree Year 1 | |||||
The student must fill the relevant parts of the following table. | |||||
Student First Name | Student Last Name | Student ID | Task No. | Date submitted | Date issued |
13th March 2022 | |||||
Statement of authenticity I, the above named student, hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any assessment. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced in the Harvard format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Maldives Business Schoolrules and regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them. | |||||
Assignment summary information
Unit | Unit 2: Managing financial resources and decisions | Modality | OL |
Specialization | Core | ||
Assignment type | This is an individual assignment. | ||
Tasks | Submit on | Do on | |
Task 1: Examination: LO3, LO4. | NA | 16th April 2022 | |
Task 2: Report: LO1, LO2. | 8th May 2022 | NA | |
Extensions | An extension must be applied for in writing by individual students and will only be granted for valid reasons. | ||
Late submissions | Late submissions will be marked for all grades but will incur a fine of MVR 250 per task(report & examination). | ||
Resubmissions: | Each report resubmission will be charged MVR 100 & re-sit/retake for examination will be charged MVR 250. | ||
Assessor(s): | Dhruv Sharma | Internal verifier: | Prof. Sandeep Sing Sikewar |
Assessor(s) please fill the table below AFTER the evaluation.
Assessment criteria | Task | Maximum Marks | Marks Obtained | IV Comments |
1.1 | 2 | 14 | ||
1.2 | 2 | 10 | ||
2.1 | 2 | 12 | ||
2.2 | 2 | 14 | ||
3.1 | 1 | 12 | ||
3.2 | 1 | 12 | ||
4.1 | 1 | 12 | ||
4.2 | 1 | 14 | ||
Total Marks | 100 | |||
Assessor’s Name | Signature | Date | ||
__/__/__ |
This is the cover page for your assignment. Each task must have this cover page. A missing cover page will require you to resubmit the task and a fee of MVR 100 will be charged. Read the document titled “Additional Guidance on Assignments” for help on the general report format, general presentation format and referencing. Evidences required to achieve each criterion are given just below each criterion. End of cover page.
Statement of Grades:
Marks | Representative Grade | Grade Interpretation |
85 & Above | A * | Higher Distinction |
75 to 84 | A | Distinction |
65 to 74 | B | Merit |
50 to 64 | C | Pass |
Below 50 | F | Fail |
Unit outcomes are given below. Assessment criteria and evidence requirements are given below each task.
Learning Outcome 1 | Understand the sources finance available to a business | |||||||
Learning Outcome 2 | Understand the implications of finance as a resource within a business | |||||||
Learning Outcome 3 | Be able to make financial decisions based on financial information. | |||||||
Learning Outcome 4 | Be able to evaluate the financial performance of a business. | |||||||
Criterion Distribution Table | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 4.1 | 4.2 |
T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 | T1 | T1 | T1 | T1 |
At least two of these sources must be cited in relevant tasks in your assignment.
- BPP Learning Media. 2010. Business essentials: managing finance. London: BPP Learning Media.
- Horngren, C.T., Datar, S.M. and Rajan, M.V. 2014. Cost accounting. 8th ed. London: Pearson Education Ltd.
- Owen, A.S. 2003. Accounting for business studies. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Elliot, B. and Elliot, J. 2011. Financial accounting and reporting. London: Pearson Education Limited.
In this task you will take an examination. It will assess you on the following criteria.
- Analyze budgets and make appropriate decisions. (3.1) (12 marks)
You should:
- Discuss the concept of budget for the business.
- Analyze the importance of creating budgets for the business
- Assess the viability of a project using investment appraisal techniques. (3.2)
(12 marks)
You should:
- Assess project viability using three of the investment appraisal techniques.
- Net Present value (NPV)
- Payback Period
- Discounted Payback Period
- Analyze the calculated values of the investment appraisal techniques for the business.
- Discuss the main financial statements. (4.1) (12 marks)
You should:
- Discuss the purpose of financial statement
- Assess the main financial statements of a limited company including format, structure and purpose and draw a conclusion.
- Interpret financial statements using appropriate ratios and comparisons, both internal and external. (4.2) (14 marks)
You should:
- Calculate the following for selected companies.
- Profitability ratio; (b) Liquidity ratio; (c) Efficiency ratio.
- Interpret the calculated ratios for the business financial condition.
(This provides evidence for LO 3 & LO 4.)
Heidelberg Cement Company located in Germany is one of the world’s largest building material companies. In line with their global expansion and growth strategy they are planning to enter into Maldives due to the enormous growth in construction industry witnessed in last five years and with huge future potential with ever growing demand from housing sector.
Heidelberg Cement Company want to establish their subsidiary in Maldives with focus on establishing local manufacturing facility which requires finance of USD 250 million. The company approaches you to hire you as their financial consultant to support them in establishing the facility along with the financial arrangements for the same.
For the purpose of this report Heidelberg Cement Company will be your selected company. You are required to write a report identifying and analysing the various sources of finance available and propose the company which are the most suitable sources.
Write a report titled “Analysing of Financial resources Heidelberg Cement Company”. Your report must be unified and coherent. It must not exceed 2500 words, as is the standard in the industry.
- Identify and briefly explain the sources of finance available to a business. (1.1)
(14 marks)
You should:
- Identify and explain any four most relevant source of finance available to a selected business.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of identified source of finance available to a selected business.
- Assess the effects of the different sources of finance. (1.2) (10 marks)
You should:
- Explain the effects of acquiring finance from the sources identified in 1.1.
- Assess the effects of acquiring finance from the sources identified in 1.1 on any two of the bases given below:
- Legal
- Financial
- Dilution of control
- Bankruptcy
- Analyze the costs of different sources of finance. (2.1) (12 marks)
You should:
- Identify the costs and the impact of the sources of finance identified in 1.1 on the financial statements of the selected business.
- Explain the costs and the impact of the sources of finance identified in 1.1 on the financial statements of the selected business.
- Assess the information needs of different decision makers. (2.2) (14 marks)
You should:
- Identify the major decision-making areas in the selected company.
- Assess the information needs of three major decision makers while highlighting the purpose of needed information for identified decision makers.
(This provides evidence for LO1; LO2)
- The Task 2 Report must be submitted as PDF file. Name the file as: BY1_OL_Unit02_MFRD_March 2022_Task2_Report_FirstnameLastname_StudentID. Replace First name & Last name with your first name and last name and Student ID with your student ID. Attach any highly relevant documents as appendices.
- Do not submit the first draft of your report. The report you submit must be at least the second edited version. Do the final editing: proof read for logical errors, spelling and grammar.
- Remember to upload all the files before you click the “Submit for grading” button.
End of Assessment brief. Good luck!

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