You have a total of 48 hours to complete the exam and upload this filled exam answer sheet (word document) on Moodle.
READ the exam guidelines slides before attempting the exam.
READ the two articles given in the exam paper before attempting the exam.
1. This exam has two parts: Part A and Part B. (Maximum Marks 40)
2. Write both Part A and Part B answers in this document itself.
4. You are expected to ‘save’ your answers as you work on this document.
5. Upload this completed answer sheet via the Online Exam Link on Moodle and click on submit the assignment.
This is an open book exam and you could look up course materials given on Moodle, if you wish. But please be aware that most questions are analytical and reflective in nature and require application of concepts and your critical thinking, hence, your application of knowledge using critical thinking will be tested.
Further, you are forbidden to use Search Engines (e.g., Google) for the development of your answers.
The exam is an individual assessment task. You are NOT permitted to collaborate with other students or external agents whilst undertaking this assessment. Any attempt or evidence of collaboration will result in an Academic Misconduct investigation.
Your submission will be put through Turnitin plagiarism check, and high similarity in responses will result in an investigation of possible academic misconduct, which might lead to failing this assignment or the entire unit.
Part A (20 Marks)
Q1: Write a reflective essay on innovation and virtualisation of work after reading the article “How virtual work is accelerating innovation”. Draft your essay around the following three points:
- Describe the key topic presented in the article.
- Analyse the article by reflecting on what was it about the article that made you think? Was there something about it that challenged (or reinforced) your ideas about what you’ve learned in this Unit? Can you relate your analysis with any of the concepts covered in the unit MGMT20144- Management and the Business Context?
- Evaluate (for future). What do you draw from the article? Does it lead you to change the way you think about innovation and hybrid or flexible work?
Type your answer below (900 to 1000 words)–
Part B (20 Marks)
Q1: Write a reflective essay on innovation and virtualisation of work after reading the article “Should Your Company Sell on Amazon?”. Draft your essay around the following three points:
- Describe the key topic presented in the article.
- Analyse the article by reflecting on what was it about the article that made you think? Was there something about it that challenged (or reinforced) your ideas about what you’ve learned in this Unit? Can you relate your analysis with any of the concepts covered in the unit MGMT20144- Management and the Business Context?
- Evaluate (for future). What do you draw from the article? Does it lead you to change the way you think about commerce or trade using the internet?
Type your answer below (900 to 1000 words)–

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