Subject Code and Title | MIS102 Data and Networking |
Assessment | Research Report |
Individual/Group | Individual |
Length | 1200 words |
Learning Outcomes | The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: Describe and analyses the architecture and distribution of data. Compare and review communication protocol stacks and generate recommendations. |
Submission | Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 2.2 (Week 4) |
Weighting | 25% |
Total Marks | 100 marks |
Task Summary
Select a global company such as a Fortune 500 organization, that you are familiar with. Examples of Australian global companies include Qantas and BHP. Some examples of Global Fortune 500 companies are Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, BP, Google, Starbucks, Shell, Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH), Kering or Tata Motors to name a few.
Describe three of the operations of the chosen company from the perspective of data distribution.
The report has to include a discussion on data and networking concepts learned in the subject, as well as protocols used in each of the chosen operations.
A full network diagram with all the adequate network devices has to be created to support your discussion.
This assessment gives you the opportunity to apply the knowledge and theories you’ve learnt in this subject. In doing so, you are required to analyze the chosen company’s data distribution. Provide reviews and recommendations of the data flows and communication protocol stacks.
Task Instructions
- Once you have chosen your company… Select three of their operations (initiated by the employees), and describe them from the perspective of the data and networking specialist.
‘For instance, whenthe manager of a company is creating and sending the roster of the week, the operatorof an airline company is confirming the ticket for a customer, the information on stock is updated by a warehouse staff member, etc.’
- Create a full network topology diagram reflecting the chosen company. The diagram needs to be your own work and needs to be developed using Visio or Lucidchart or an approved graphic package. (Please seek the approval of the learning facilitator prior to commencing this activity.)
The diagram should be related to the characteristics of the chosen company (for example having branches across the country, having warehouses, different departments in the company,etc). The authenticity of the elements and the level of relevance with the chosen company, will demonstrate that you are the author of the diagram.
- When describing the chosen operations, you will need to focus on the flow of data (data trail) and the protocols used in each step.
What are the main protocols that enable the effective data communication? Please create small supportive pictures, to enhance your discussion.
- Provide recommendations to the company, in relation to data distribution and data safety. The recommendations should be about the technology used, protocols, network architecture, etc.
- This is an authentic assessment task and thus you are required to use professional terms Ensure that you are assignment is contextualized.
- All the diagram/pictures used must be referenced according to APA 7 style referencing.
The suggested format:
- Cover page
- AI declaration form (on a separate page)
- Table of Contents (on a separate page) The ToC should be automatically generated
- Introduction – provide an overview of the company
- Discussion – (data flows and communication protocol stacks of the company you are investigating.)
- Description and Analysis – describe and analyze the architecture and the distribution of data used by the company
- Comparison and Review – compare and review the communication protocol stacks in the company
- Conclusion – a summary of your findings. Do not introduce any new materials in your conclusion.
- Recommendations – (Write three short, sharp and actionable recommendations that you as an IS professional think (from your research) that the company should action.) Your recommendations must stem from your research.
- References
- Appendices
- Please note that all diagrams should add value to your report. Diagrams should have a border, figure number, title and source. They should be referred to in text.
- Please use at least 8 references including textbooks or academic journals.
- It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7 style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the https://library.torrens.edu.au/academicskills/apa/tool.
Submission Instructions
Please submit the report via the Assessment link within Assessment 1. The Learning Facilitator
will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
Icon Description automatically generated | When submitting their assessment task, students will be asked to declare the academic integrity of their assessment by completing and signing an assignment cover sheet. You can find the assignment cover sheet here |
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of
Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct.
These are available at https://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator. These documents are available at https://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms.
MIS102_Assessment 1 Brief_Research Report Page 4 of 7
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% | Pass (Functiona) 50-64% | Credit (Proficient) 65-74% | Distinctin (Advance) 75-84% | High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% |
Knowledge and understanding of dataarchitecture and the communication protocol stacks 40 % | Demonstrates a partially developed understanding of the data architecture and the communication protocol stacks. Essential components of the protocol stacks are not mentioned. Basic flow of the information and data networking has not been identified. | Demonstrates a functional knowledge of the data architecture and the communication protocol stacks. Only one or two essential components of the protocol stacks are mentioned. Basic flow of the information and data networking has not beenidentified. | Demonstrates proficient knowledge of the data architecture and the communication protocol stacks. Mentions essential components but not the complete protocol stacks. Basic flow of the information and data networking has been identified but has significant errors. | Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the data architecture and the communication protocol stacks. Mentions all essential components of the complete protocol stacks but has difficulty explaining their differences. Basic flow of the information and data networking has been identified but has consistent multiple minor errors. | Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the data architecture and the communication protocol stacks. Mentions all essential components of the complete protocol stacks and can explain their differences. Basic flow of the information and data networking has been identified and has no or very few errors. |
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge 30 % | Limited synthesis and analysis. Limited application or recommendations based upon analysis. | Demonstrated analysis ofnew knowledge with application. Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature. | Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of recommendations linked to analysis. | Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with application and justified recommendations linked to analysis. | Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with existing knowledge. Strong application by well-supported recommendations. |
Evaluation of information such as recommendatio ns based on the case scenario 20% | Limited understanding of key concepts required to support the case scenario. Confuses logic and emotion. Information taken from reliable sources but without a coherent analysis. Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact with little questioning. | Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion ofpersonal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the course materials. Analysis and evaluation donot reflect expert judgment, intellectual independence,rigor and adaptability. | Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and applyrelevant concepts. | Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the course materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Analysis and evaluation reflect growing judgment, intellectual independence and adaptability. | Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the course materials and extended reading. Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis. Identifies gaps in knowledge. Exhibits intellectual independence, good judgment and adaptability. |
Referencing, grammar, and writing Spelling, grammar, sentence construction, appropriate use of credible resources, Correct citation of key resources using APA 7 style of referencing 10% | Demonstrates inconsistent use of goodquality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. Grammar and writing style needs improvement. Inappropriate referencing style. | Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit orwell developed. Grammar and writing style is satisfactory. | Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas. Grammar and writing style is good. | Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements. Show evidence of wide scope within the organization for sourcing evidence. Grammar and writing style is very good. | Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Show evidence of wide scope of sourcing evidence. Grammar and writing style is excellent. Consistent referencing style, graphical and table numbering system. |

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