Dissertation (12,500 words)
Deadline: JULY 29th 2022, 3pm
Introduction and abstract
- Situates the research question within the, theory, and concepts
- Explains the value of the study.
- Relevance of the research question, to the field of study is fully justified.
- Leads logically into the Literature Review.
- Abstract of professional academic standard.
Literature Review
- Demonstrates up to date knowledge of the literature in the field of study.
- Critically assesses previous research in the chosen field of study.
- Should provide a thematic and conceptual basis for the student’s study.
- A wide range of relevant sources aggregated, evaluated and sorted for logical connections.
- Rigorously and critically interpreted within the context of the research identifying clear gaps within the literature that the study will address.
- Demonstrates a thorough awareness of the subject area.
Methodology Results
- Explanation and justification of methodology.
- Research method and research techniques.
- Comprehensive explanation with thorough justification of a most appropriate method.
- Alternative methods and techniques (& own approach) are considered and evaluated.
- Presentation of results.
- Clear, effective presentation of data that shows the validity and reliability of data collected.
- Clear conclusions drawn from research study.
- Clear and relevant conclusions drawn from the research project.
Recommendations and Limitations
- Valid recommendation following from the work (if appropriate).
- Contribution to knowledge.
- Limitations of the research and suggestions for further work.
- Actionable recommendations following from the project.
- Clearly demonstrates a contribution to knowledge.
- Limitations of the research are explored and suggestions for further work discussed.

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