Assessment 1: Assignment
Task overview
Course | NUR1299 Foundations of Nursing Practice |
Assessment name | Written Assignment – Essay |
Brief task description | Written essay addressing safety requirements for older patients with degenerative conditions. |
Due Date | 23 March 2021, by 23:55 AEST |
Length | 1000 words +/-10% (includes in-text referencing, excludes your reference list ) |
Marks out of: Weighting: | 50 marks 45% |
Course Objectives and Graduate Attributes | Course Objectives: 1, 3 & 6 Graduate Attributes: 1, 2 & 4 |
Task information
Task detail | Life expectancy for older Australians is increasing due to advances in nutrition, healthcare and medications. Increasing longevity, however, can lead to a gradual decline in physical and mental capacity and growing risk of disease, with many health conditions, and associated impairments associated with ageing. Nursing care for the older person must include consideration of these impairments, particularly when patient safety is compromised. Select one (1) of the patient scenarios below. You are required to write an essay discussing the implications of nursing care for your chosen patient. Scenario 1. Mr. Michael Jones is a 79 year old gentleman who has recently been admitted to a residential aged care facility following a cerebrovascular accident and lengthy hospitalisation. He has a residual left (L) sided hemiplegia along with dysphasia and dysphagia requiring ongoing nursing care. Scenario 2. Mrs. Elsie Smith, is a 94 year old, who was diagnosed with dementia many years ago. Mrs. Smith also suffers from visual impairment requiring glasses. She has been a resident in a residential aged care facility since her husband passed away and she was no longer able to care for herself at home. In your assignment: Explain how the patient’s condition affects their ability to safely perform their activities of daily living.Consider the implications for patient safety that should be considered in the development of nursing care plans for your selected patient (consider basic, patient centred nursing care and communication requirements) |
Writing Style | Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelinesAPA 7th Edition Referencing (no less than 3 references)Contemporary evidence based literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old) |
Formatting Style | Use the following points for your assignment. Penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to. You are expected to present your assignment in a scholarly fashion following academic writing conventions.Submit your assignment in Word format.Use Times New Roman size 12 font.Include an introduction and conclusion in your assignment.Do not use headings.In-text citations are required. Reference according to USQ APA 7th ed (https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/apa-referencing-guide). Do NOT attach marking rubric to assignment. |
Resources available to complete task | The Study Desk Assessment Tab contains many resources to help you with this assessment: Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
Exemplar/Example provided | No exemplar is provided due to the nature of this assessment. |
Submission information
What you need to submit | You are required to submit one (1) Microsoft Word document meeting the following requirements: No coversheet requiredFooter must include: surname_initial_studentnumber_NUR1299_A1_page no Do not include the marking rubric |
Submission requirements | This assessment task must: use APA 7th edition referencing be submitted in electronic format via StudyDesk Turnitin has been enabled so that students can check for similarity matching within their assessment and make amendments prior to the due date to demonstrate academic integrity. |
File Name Conventions | Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initial_ A1_coursecode.doc/docx E.g: Jones_J_A1_NUR1299.docx |
Marking and Moderation | This task will be marked against the marking rubric available at the end of this document. All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their marking before marks or grades are finalised. Final release of grades will normally be within three weeks of submission. This same timeframe applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission. |
Academic Integrity | Students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module PRIOR to submission of this assessment. |
Assessment policy/ procedure Extensions and Late Submissions | Students are encouraged to access the USQ assessment policy: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/1357PL Applications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in accordance with the USQ Assessment procedure https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/14749PL and the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/131150PL Note that USQ procedures requires that applications for extensions must be made PRIOR to the due date of the assessment. |
Marking Rubric | NUR1299| Semester 1, 2021 | Assignment 1 | |||||
Introduction | 5- 4.25 | 4.2 – 3.75 | 3.7 – 3.25 | 3.2 – 2.5 | 2.4 -0 |
Excellent introduction, which articulates well into the assignment and gives a strong indication of assignment content. | Very good introduction, which articulates into the assignment and gives a clear indication of assignment content. | Good introduction, which articulates into the assignment and gives some indication of assignment content. | The introductory paragraph states the main idea and attempts to address the essay question, however does not adequately preview the structure of the paper. | Poor, irrelevant or absent introduction included. | |
Explanation of impact on patients ability to safely perform activities of daily living (ADLS) | 15– 12.75 | 12.6 – 11.25 | 11.1 – 9.75 | 9.6 – 7.5 | 7.4-0 |
Excellent explanation of how this condition can influence patients’ ability to safely perform ADLs. Substantiated by highly relevant resource materials/scholarly references. | Very good explanation of how this condition can influence patients’ ability to safely perform ADLs. Substantiated by relevant resource materials/scholarly references. | Good explanation of how this condition can influence patients’ ability to safely perform ADLs. Supported by relevant resources/scholarly references. | Satisfactory explanation of how this condition can influence patients’ ability to safely perform ADLs. Limited use of additional resources to support explanations. | Impact of clinical condition on persons’ ability to perform ADLs not considered. Does not support explanation with additional resources /scholarly material. | |
Consideration of nursing care requirements relating to chosen patient scenario | 20-17.1 | 17-15.1 | 15-13.1 | 13-10 | 9.9-0 |
Excellent description of nursing cares relating to chosen clinical condition. Describes >4 essential nursing cares that relate to the patients clinical condition or treatment regime. Substantiated by highly relevant resource materials/scholarly references. | Very good description of nursing cares relating to clinical condition. Describes 3-4 essential nursing cares that relate to the patients clinical condition or treatment regime. Substantiated by relevant resources. | Good description of nursing cares relating to clinical condition. Describes 1-2 essential nursing cares that relate to the patients clinical condition or treatment regime. Substantiated by relevant resources. | Incorporates relevant nursing care(s), but does not describe how these specifically relate to the residents/patients clinical condition. Describes generic nursing cares, without considering clinical condition. Limited use of resource materials. | Limited discussion relating to nursing cares and clinical condition. Does not support explanation with additional resources /scholarly material. | |
Conclusion | 5 – 4.25 | 4.2 – 3.75 | 3.7 – 3.25 | 3.2 – 2.5 | 2.4-0 |
Excellent synthesis of information from assignment that clearly ties highly relevant main points together. | Quality synthesis of information from assignment that clearly ties relevant main points together. | Above average synthesis of information from assignment clearly ties main points together. | Demonstration of synthesis from assignment evident with some points from assignment discussed. Importance of findings indicated. | Inappropriate or absent conclusion. Conclusion includes new material. Referenced material in conclusion. | |
Academic writing | 2.5 | 2 | 1.5 | 1 | 0 |
Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression Very high standard of academic presentation. Expressed ideas clearly, concisely & fluently No errors in spelling or grammar Structure Well-constructed, clearly expressed & linked main points | Expression High standard of academic structure and presentation. Expressed ideas clearly and concisely. Very few, if any spelling or grammatical errors Structure Well-constructed, clearly expressed. | Expression Sound academic structure and presentation. Expressed ideas clearly and concisely. Minor spelling or grammatical errors Structure Well-constructed | Expression Limited clarity of expression Errors in spelling & grammar Structure Main points were inappropriate or they were not linked key content areas. | Word limit: Not adhered to Expression Used incorrect terminology Numerous mistakes in spelling and/or grammar Structure No or limited structure | |
Referencing | 2.5 | 2 | 1.5 | 1 | 0 |
Supported with well-integrated in-text references to more than 6 high quality current or seminal relevant references which included a range of: peer reviewed journals, textbooks .org/.edu/.gov websites Used direct quotes sparingly and only when relevant No mistakes in citation or referencing format (APA) | Supported with well-integrated in-text references to 5 high quality current or seminal relevant references which included a range of: peer reviewed journals, textbooks .org/.edu/.gov websites Used a few direct quotes | Supported with well-integrated in-text references to 4 relevant sources which included a range of: peer reviewed journals, textbooks .org/.edu/.gov websites Used direct quotes | Supported with well-integrated in-text references to more than 3 relevant, limited to 1 or 2 types of sources: peer reviewed journals, textbooks .org/.edu/.gov websites Used many direct quotes | Literature not appropriate or insufficient <2 References were not included and or references were not correctly set out – APA 7th ed. 6 mistakes or more in citation or referencing format (APA) | |
MARKS LOST FOR LATE PENALTY (IF RELEVANT -5% of the total marks available for the assessment item per working day deducted from total mark gained) | |||||
Final Mark | /50 |

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