NURBN 1017
Assessment task 3:
Written Analysis of case Based Scenario Example
Submission Date: (Week 6 of semester) 31st August 2021 by 23:59 via Turnitin
Word count: (1500 words +/-10%)
Weighting: 40% of overall course grade
Report Format: The report format must include an introduction, conclusion, reference list and use the headings listed below
Presentation: All work should be typed in 12-point font, double spaced; and written and presented according to the academic guidelines https://federation.edu.au/current- students#Learning_and_study.
The preferred layout of your paper should be double spaced with block paragraphing (no indenting). Do not indent the first line of each paragraph. Page numbers are to be included on the bottom left corner of the page. Please ensure the first page of your submitted work includes the assessment title, due date, relevant academic, student name AND student ID number.
For this assessment task, you are required to write 1500 words report using the criteria as headings. You will need to explore the concepts of physical assessment (including comprehensive & focused), psychosocial and mental well-being aspects of the scenario. While elaborating on criteria related to medication administration, hospital acquired infection and communication you are required to apply knowledge from these areas and demonstrate your understanding in the answers you provide. Your explanation should be informed by your reading of current research and literature.
A report format includes an introduction and conclusion, but headings are used in the body of the text. Use the criteria you are answering as your heading. Do not use dot points for your answers. Do not write in the first person.
Use APA referencing (7th edition) throughout your assignment. References must be current, preferably from the past seven years. You are required to cite no less than 8 references, and the majority of these should be current journal articles. We are looking at information informing current clinical practice, and your choice of references must reflect this.
Consider the quality of the references you use. Wikipedia, Web MD, the Better Health Channel and blogging websites are not acceptable references. Any non-reliable
sources in your reference list will not count toward the number of required references, and this will result in a loss of marks. At this point in your BN you are expected to engage with best practice literature.
Preparation for Writing
Case Based Report -Library Resource
To further assist you in preparing for your assignment and completing your searches Please make sure you use this Library resource specifically set up for NURBN 1017 assessment task 3.
This section is available under Subject Guide; search under School of Health; Nursing and then you will find NURBN1017 to the left.
Please find link below https://libguides.federation.edu.au/c.php?g=923741&p=6832373
*I recommend all students to use this Assessment specific search guide and hope you find them useful to find relevant evidenced based research.
Criteria for grading
Marking of this assessment task will be undertaken by academic and teaching staff. Pre and post moderation will be undertaken for this assessment task.
The marking rubric for the assignment is provided on Moodle. Marks will be allocated for each section according to the rubric. Use the rubric as a guide when writing your assignment to identify the depth of the answer expected.
Criteria to complete this task
1) Focussed systematic and comprehensive assessment.
2. Provision of patient centred nursing care, which includes physical, psycho-social and mental wellbeing
3) Promotion of airway clearance and facilitation of oxygen
4). Provision of medication following the 10 administration rights 5). Prevention of possible hospital acquired infection
- Importance of documentation and communication skills.
Example: Mrs Carol Beacons, a 72 year old lady, is living alone since last 2 year after her husband Mr Beacons died of Colon cancer. Mr& Mrs Beacons have enjoyed travelling and had planned to spend their retired life travelling and visiting places however now Mrs Beacons is finding it difficult to cope after her husband’s loss. She has 2 daughters and one of them lives close by and often visits her. Mrs Beacons is recently diagnosed with COPD and is experiencing shortness of breath, mild chest pain which is not radiating and productive sputum.
She is on medications for Hypertension and Cholesterol at home and usually manages them herself.
Mrs Beacons is brought to hospital by her daughter Ruth who found her unwell at home.
Upon admission, the following observations were recorded:
- Temperature-38.1oC, Pulse-100 beats/min, Resp-30 breaths/min, SaO2-89% on room air, BP-140/90mmhg.
- Shortness of breath, exacerbated on exertion like walking few distance.
- Appears generally pale in colour and extremities are cold.
- Mobility-No assistive aids required for walking, good range of motion.
- Weight-62kg
- Height-162cm
- Mood- appears anxious presently but mostly withdrawn as reported by daughter.
- Activities of Daily Living- is usually independent but, due to fatigue and shortness of breath, requires minimal assistance.
- Reports poor appetite and generally feeling unwell.
Current ordered Medication
Salbutamol Nebulisers dose 5 mg tds, 2 litre O2 via nasal prongs Oxygen therapy, Anti pyretics Panadol 500mg-1gm every 6 hourly.
Doctor has advised to continue her anti-hypertensive and anti-Cholesterol medications
Metoprolol-50mg once daily Atorvastatin-20mg once daily
Doctor requests Sputum sample- culture and sensitivity to determine if antibiotic therapy is required.
Introduction: Draft an introduction that states the key topic, and what your report will focus on/examine/explore, etc. Follow the example below, noting the components.
Your introduction sets the scene for the reader. It states the topic and tells the reader where the answers are, rather than expecting them to search for responses
Focused systematic and comprehensive assessment:
While answering this criteria make sure that you have a proper understanding of Mrs Beacons background and conduct a comprehensive assessment which addresses all issues including physical, mental, psycho- social etc. Apply the principles of comprehensive assessment which includes general survey, any health history findings, recent changes, any risk factors etc which might be identified in her case. Focused assessment must be directed to respiratory assessment in Mrs Beacons case.
Please note all your discussion should have good rationale and supported by evidence
Provision of patient centred nursing care, which includes physical, psycho- social and mental wellbeing
It is important to understand the concept of patient centred care while answering this criteria.
Please DO NOT provide a generic response to each of these areas.
Make sure that you check if the interventions you provided are relevant and applicable to Mrs Beacon.
Provide atleast 3 appropriate person-centred intervention under
Physical for example– Intervention to promote comfort for Mrs Beacons and explanation why it required and what is the evidence
Please Note: The 3 physical interventions identified under this should not overlap the interventions under Promotion of airway clearance and facilitation of oxygen. So look for other relevant interventions
Psychosocial-Intervention to assist Mrs Beacon’s anxiety and explanation why it required and what is the evidence
Mental wellbeing-Interventions to assist with her low mood and explanation why it required and what is the evidence
Please note all your discussion should have good rationale and supported by evidence
Promotion of airway clearance and facilitation of oxygen
You have to research and find out the current evidenced based practice interventions for promoting airway clearance and facilitation of oxygen. As indicated all your answers should be person-centred and must fit Mrs Beacons situation.
There are no restrictions on number of interventions but make sure that the identified one are all relevant to Mrs Beacon’s case.
Please note all your discussion should have good rationale and supported by evidence
Provision of medication following the 10 administration rights
This criteria should be addressed again in alignment with Mrs Beacon’s prescribed medications. In Mrs Beacons case there are
Current ordered Medication
Salbutamol Nebulisers dose 5 mg tds, 2 litre O2 via nasal prongs Oxygen therapy, Anti pyretics Panadol 500mg-1gm every 6 hourly.
Metoprolol-50mg once daily Atorvastatin-20mg once daily
You can choose any 2 medication you would like to discuss. You may choose to use this table to explain the medication rights
Medication Rights | Medication 1 Salbutamol | Rationale | Medication 2 Panadol | Rationale |
Medication Right1(Please describe it) | ||||
Med Right 2 | ||||
Med Right 3 | ||||
Med Right 4 | ||||
Med Right 5 | ||||
Med Right 6 | ||||
Med Right 7 | ||||
Med Right 8 | ||||
Med Right 9 | ||||
Med Right 10 |
*Please Note Rationale section is to explain how each medication right will be specifically applied to each medication considering its form, route, time etc.
*Also Note that your rationale must be informed by current circumstances i.e. In light Of Covid what are some extra precautions you might consider.
Prevention of possible hospital acquired infection
This criteria is very important to check your knowledge of infection control and as a nurse examine the areas where you are required to apply them to prevent any hospital acquired infection in Mrs Beacon.
Also DO not forget to consider the additional COVID precautions you need to consider.
Outline some hospital acquired infections at risk for Mrs Beacon and how would you prevent them.
Please note all your discussion should have good rationale and supported by evidence
Importance of documentation and communication skills.
While elaborating on this criteria make sure that you apply specific principles of documentation including reporting assessment findings specific to Mrs Beacons case
Outline the positive impact of communication skills in Mrs Beacons case.
Please note all your discussion should have good rationale and supported by evidence
Make sure to write a conclusion to your topic, it can be a very short summary of your report and what conclusion you have drawn from it.
Some Tip: Do Not introduce or discuss anything new in your conclusion which is not covered in the topic
You can choose to make some recommendations based on findings (optional)

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