This assessment is ~2500 words individual case study report that will look at internationalizing ‘Oberoi Hotel’ into Uruguay.
- Evaluate an organisation’s capacity to engage in international business activities with respect to its strategy and prevailing organisational environment.
- Formulate recommendations for different types of business organisations to take advantage of international business opportunities in socially, culturally and environmentally responsible ways.
In this assignment, you will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for its entry strategies.
Refer the document Case Study PDF.pdf for details about the Oberoi Hotels.
Using the organisation’s brief, you should:
- Identify the international business opportunities that you will pursue.
- Develop recommendations for the company which includes addressing:
- The appropriate international strategy chosen
- The entry mode chosen
- The international organisation design chosen
- The international marketing strategy chosen
- The international human resource strategy chosen
Project Structure
Your report should strictly follow the following format:
- Title page
- Assignment, Name and student ID
- Table of Contents
- Introduction/Executive Summary (250 words)
- Highlight what you are going to examine in your case study report and how and why?
- International Strategy for Oberoi Hotels (500 words)
- SWOT Analysis of the company Oberoi Hotels
- (Choose one among the 4 international strategies)
- (Entry Modes)
- International Organization Design (500 words)
- Will the decision making be centralised or de-centralised? – Brief about 2 or 3 lines.
- (Three Dimensions of Organisational Structure)
- (Control system activities)
- International Marketing (500 words)
- Market segment – Explain a few lines about the market segment and on what basis we are targeting this segment according to this company/case study.
- 4P’s framework
- International Human Resource Strategy (500 words)
- Staffing Policy
- Recruitment – Having made the decision of what type of people to employ, we have to how we will recruit them.
- Training and Performance Appraisals – Explain how we will train them, compensate them and appraise their performance.
- Conclusion/Recommendations (250 words)
Summarise your main findings from your analysis and discuss the implications of the main findings of your case study analysis
- References
- You should have about atleast 20 references.
- Appendix
Include Diagrams, Graphs, Tables and other necessary information for all the analysis performed in the report.
Note: The word count mentioned is only an approximation. The count may differ for each section depending on the information but the main body of the report(where word counts are mentioned) should sum upto ~2500 words (can be + or – 100 words).
In SWOT below are the areas where the analysis needs to be performed.
- Strengths consider what the company is good at and can build upon.
- Weaknesses consider what the company is not so good at and should reconsider to minimise them.
- Opportunities consider the available alternatives that companies can choose to improve their presence in the market.
- Threats consider the political, economic, legal, and various other factors that can influence the firm’s growth.
Explain why you choose this particular strategy for the company – International or Home Replication Strategy, Multi-Domestic Strategy, Global Standardisation Strategy, Transnational Strategy
Choose one among the following entry modes – Exporting, Licensing, Turnkey projects, Franchising, Joint venture, Wholly owned subsidiaries, Mergers and Acquisitions or Strategic Alliances.
In the appendix present the advantages and disadvantages of all the entry modes in a table format and in the body of the report explain using Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm Model why you have chosen the one among all the entry modes.
The 3 dimensions are vertical differentiation, horizontal differentiation, Establishment of integrating mechanisms. Out of this specify 1 particular dimension and provide explanation on choosing it.
how will you control this new venture?
Personal control, Strategic control, Output control, Cultural control, Bureaucratic control. Out of these 5 take any 1control system and explain why we have chosen this.
(Product, Price, Promotion and Place) – Think about how you would market the product/service in the new country. The key point is whether you standardize or customize for each component of the 4P’s.
What type of staffing policy will you choose out of ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric approaches. Justify the reasons why you are choosing one among them. Also in this specify whether we will be using people from Parent-country nationals, Host-country nationals or Third-country nationals.
Some questions which will help in analysis are:
Think about your assignment organisation.
- What staffing policy should they utilise?
- What types of positions does the organisation need?
- What selection criteria would you use?
- How would you design the selection process for them?
- How would you train and develop your staff for the target country?
- What performance management system would you have in place for these staff?
- How would you compensate them?
- You need to use good quality sources of information (government fact sheets, international institutional websites (the World Bank, United Nations, World Economic Forum, WTO, etc.) or business reports of reputable organisations such as KPMG, Ernst & Young, Accenture and Deloitte). **Do not use Wikipedia or dubious references, or no-name references from strange websites**.
- You should reference sources adequately and use the Harvard referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text and as a reference list at theend).
- Your paper should be typed and double spaced with 12-point font and have proper headings.
- Frame a neat business report as 20% of the marks are allotted for the structure and presentation.

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