ONPS2641 – Gene technologies Open-book assessment 2 (60 points)
Open-book assessment 2 _Part 1
This assessment reflects your routine industry-related research:
Task: Genetic reprogramming of the production of the valuable chemical in plants
Your company grows plants that produce a valuable chemical X in floral petals (flowers). Genes responsible for the biosynthesis of this chemical are GeneXA, GeneXB,
and GeneXC. The petal-specific transcription factor, TFX, regulates these genes.
Problem: These plants cannot be commercially used for the large-scale production of X because:
- they do not produce many flowers;
- flowers are small and
- the production is seasonal and short since these plants flower only in spring and flowering lasts just a few days.
As a result, it is not economical to produce enough biomass of petals for the commercial production of chemical X.
Your project
To increase the production of the chemical X, your company decided to reprogram the expression of genes XA, XB and XC, re-directing the production of chemical X from flowers to leaves of the same plants. The rationales behind this decision are:
- these plants have big leaves,
- leaves’ growth is not seasonal and
- leaves and flowers have the same genome, and all genes involved in X production exist in leaves but are not active.
You are the lucky researcher who must run this project. You need to design a strategy to conduct this project.
You need to:
- Design transgene(s) for the production of X chemical in leaves (e.g. promoter, coding region, terminator). Show a transgene as a map: 20 marks
- Design and describe a vector that contains your transgenes. Show vector as a map: 20 marks
- Design a strategy for transformation, generation, and selection of the transgenic plants: 10 marks
- Design strategies confirm your generated transgenic plant: expression of the transgene and the production of chemical X: 10 marks
Your report:
A 1000+ word review. You can add pictures and maps if required. Use paragraphs to separate different parts of the review.
You must clearly address a research topic ● The information presented must be accurate and logically organised ● You should demonstrate an innovative solution to an industry challenge/problem.

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