Submit a 700 words paper max that includes the following:
- Your research question(s).
- The study population you selected for your project (study population is defined based on your research topic) and a rationale for the chosen population.
- Include a list of variables (dependent, independent, confounding, etc) from your selected data set, that you will be using to answer your research question(s).
- Include a rationale for why you think those variables are enough for answering your research question.
- If you are planning on selecting a sample from your selected dataset, indicate the sample size and the method for calculating the sample size, including your power calculations. If you are not selecting a sample from your dataset, explain the rationale for that decision.
- Include SPSS output(s) to support your calculation(s)/result(s).
- Use the bullet points above as subheading in the paper, and due Sunday night.
Support your paper with the reading materials and current literature from 2017-2023, and use APA formatting for your paper and to cite your resources.
Based on the data set and the research topic (please email me the data set, including the one that you found on your own from 2013-2023 as well as the PR and HI data, the research topic, and the variables as soon as possible), submit a 400 words max paper that includes the following:
- Data on PR, HI, your own data from 2013-2023, and the variables.
- An introduction/problem statement on the importance of your research topic as a public health issue.
- Support your response, with a limited review of the current literature (3–5 references from 2017-2023.
- Use the bullet points above as subheading in the paper, use APA formatting for your paper and citations for your resources, and due Friday night

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