




Project DEADLINE: Week 14


  • This assignment will contribute 50% to your final grade.
  • This is an individual assignment.


The University requires students to adhere to submission deadlines for any form of assessment. Penalties are applied in relation to unauthorized late submission of work.

  • Coursework submitted after the deadline but within 1 week will be accepted for a maximum mark of 40%.
  • Work handed in following the extension of 1 week after the original deadline will be regarded as a non-submission and marked zero.

Lecturer’s Remark (Use additional sheet if required)

I………………………… (Name) ……………….std. ID received the assignment and read the comments………………………………… (Signature/date)

Academic Honesty Acknowledgement

“I …………………………………..(student name). verify that this paper contains entirely my own work. I have not consulted with any outside person or materials other than what was specified (an interviewee, for example) in the assignment or the syllabus requirements. Further, I have not copied or inadvertently copied ideas, sentences, or paragraphs from another student. I realize the penalties (refer to page 16, 5.5, Appendix 2, page 44 of the student handbook diploma and undergraduate programme) for any kind of copying or collaboration on any assignment.”

………………………………. (Student’s signature / Date)


The aim of this project is to achieve the learning outcomes of [d] of this subject as mentioned in the syllabus, your role is to analyse, apply, and design a software application using object oriented programming. You also need to demonstrate your work at the time of submission. This overall assignment mark will contribute 50 % of your final grade.

(You must fill the Assignment Reflection form and submit to Lecturer during presentation.)


Learning Outcome Being Assessed

Write Computer programs that use: object-oriented programming concepts – inheritance, polymorphism, GUI programming – event-driven programming, layout managers.
Submission Deadline

Microsoft Team Submission
Monday, (Week 14) by 4.00p.m. Late submission will be capped to 40% (unless a concrete reason is provided). Create a submission folder named “Project_yourID”. Put your project folder and documentation report into this submission folder. Zip it and submit this zipped file into the Microsoft Team.
Outline of ProblemThis assignment stipulates the design of a system by the identification of the classes required and the relationships among them. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge on inheritance and polymorphism in their implementation of the solution. Student also need to make use of scalaFX GUI library to create an GUI Application.
Detail QuestionPropose a standalone system such as the following 1. Calculator 2. Scientific Calculator 3. Library Management System 4. Todo List 5. Any Personal Games 6. …
The propose system should have least four use cases. For examples: A Library Management System should have at least four following use case:
• Check In • Check Out • Search Book • View Book This system should utilize object oriented programming concept in designing and developing. You should proposed additional classes or trait to achieve elegance design.
You are required to design your own user interface for ease of use.
If you refer to any sources from youtube, github or other code repository in creating the application, please do citation. Any work that is not created by you will not be consider.
What you should hand inThe following items are to be handed in: A cover page (use the template provided).
A documentation report includes the UML diagrams that describe the classes/objects identified from problem domain, and their relationships among these classes/objects used in the program. – in hardcopy

A description that show the program is working for all the 4 features.

An A4 page to be written by you on the personal reflection that includes: A description of how you applied the above object oriented concepts in your assignment. The problems encountered during this assignment and how you solved these problems. An evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your submitted work. The project/solution files, including the source code for the Item class, all pre-compiled classes, test driver program and application program. – in softcopy

NOTE: Submitting the assessment means you have agreed that your work is original and comply with the rules and regulations (refer to Academic Impropriety)

Paper Size / Format

Paper size A4 (Use only one side of the paper) For the personal reflection write-up, Paragraph format 1.5-line spacing Font size 12 points

Academic ImproprietySunway University takes a strong stand on plagiarism. Any students found to have copied work, colluded or presented work that is not their own will be punished under the terms stated in the rules and regulations booklet. Students are permitted to use 3rd party components, however all such code must be well described and credit awarded to the respective owner. Students must also ensure that the majority of source code is their own, and that the core algorithms are their own work. The use of copyright materials is forbidden. *subject to change anytime without prior notification The work that you submit must conform to those regulations.
Assessment: Report

Contributes 50% to the overall final assessment mark. Refer to ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR Project table for further elaboration of marking distribution.


Mark / General ImpressionArea / Assessment Criteria
Class Definition and DesignApplication ProgramStyleUse of Third-Party LibraryDocumentation
Fulfillment of Requirements (x2)Relationships
among classes
UML Class
Fulfilment of requirements (x2)GUI ImplementationNaming
MasteryDocumentation (Report)
5 ExcellentCorrect and complete Classes – both basic classes and the “collection” class Identification of data fields, visibility modifiers and types. Constructors Additional features / operations provided. Originality and UniquenessCorrect application of all the following concepts: inheritance polymorphism abstract class generic programming.Perfectly correct diagram. All notations are correctly used. Class members are complete, and The diagram is consistent with the class design.The following are provided Menu navigation Execution of all the required operations Input validations Completely correct, efficient and elegant use of programming constructs. Methods are extensively used to achieve complete modular programming.
Illustrated an excellent mastery in Event Driven Programming and correct use of layout classes.
GUI Components and layout component are design and use correctly.
Full adherence to naming convention with appropriate, meaningful and correctly spelt identifier names.An excellent correct use of third-party libraries to solve problem. No errors in utilizing the third-party libraries. Demonstrated in depth understanding of third-party library model.

Complete and well written documentation. All Required section is included. Table of content is formatted properly. Very few typo or spelling mistake.
4 Very GoodCorrect and complete Classes – both basic classes and the “collection” class Identification of data fields, visibility modifiers and types. Constructors Quite original and uniquenessCorrect application of the following concepts: inheritance polymorphism abstract class
Complete with only one very minor error in notations used. Diagram is consistent with class design.The following are provided Menu navigation Execution of all the required operations Correct and efficient use of programming constructs. Methods are used to achieve a high degree of modular programming.
Illustrated a good mastery in Event Driven Programming and correct use of layout classes.

GUI Components and layout component are design and use correctly with minor error.
Adherence to naming convention with meaningful, appropriate and correctly spelt identifier names.Make a good use of some third-party libraries to solve problem. No errors in utilizing the third-party libraries. Demonstrated in good understanding of third-party library model.
Complete and well written with only one very minor error in documentation. Not all required section is included only miss one section. Table of content is formatted reasonably. Few typo or spelling mistake.
3 AverageCorrect and complete Basic classes Identification of data fields, visibility modifiers and types. Constructors Partial originality and uniquenessCorrect application of the following concepts: inheritance polymorphism
Quite complete with not more than two minor errors in notations used. Diagram is consistent with class design.The application program demonstrates the correct execution of all the required operations

One or two minor errors.
Illustrated an average mastery in Event Driven Programming and correct use of layout classes.

GUI Components and layout component are design and use correctly with some error.
General adherence to the naming convention with one or two minor errors.Make use of some third-party libraries to solve problem. Minor errors in utilizing the third-party libraries. Demonstrated in average understanding of third-party library model.
Quite complete and good written with only few minor error in documentation. Not all required section is included only miss few section. Table of content is formatted. Few typo or spelling mistake.
2 PoorSome errors or 1 incomplete basic class. No originality with some uniquenessCorrect application of inheritanceSome errors in notation or diagram’s consistency with class design.Incomplete application program.

Some errors.
Illustrated a poor mastery in Event Driven Programming and correct use of layout classes.

GUI Components and layout component are design and use correctly with few error.
Limited adherence to naming convention.Make use of a third-party libraries to solve problem. Some errors in utilizing the third-party libraries. Demonstrated in poor understanding of third-party library model.
Incomplete in documentation with few major error. Not all required section is included with missing lot of section. Table of content is partially formatted. Lot of typo or spelling mistake.
1 Very PoorVery major errors or more than 1 incomplete basic class.Illogical inheritance hierarchyMajor errors in notation or diagram’s consistency with class design.Grossly incomplete application program.

Very major errors.
Illustrated a very poor mastery in Event Driven Programming and incorrect use of GUI components.Serious lack of adherence to the naming convention.Make use of a third-party libraries. Major errors in utilizing the third-party libraries.Grossly incomplete in documentation with major error. Major required section is not included. Table of content is not formatted. Lot of typo or spelling mistake.
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