Assessment Brief:
This is an individual assignment based on a critical analysis of a real organisational issue and includes a presentation of findings. To complete this assignment you must choose one of the case studies from the choice of three provided on AULA for this Semester.
The assignment consists of portfolio of three tasks which are equivalent in total to an assessment of 3,500 words. NOT ALL of the tasks are written tasks.
In order to complete this assignment, you must:
- submit a written report meeting the needs of Task 1,
- submit a series of related Audio / Visual materials which meet the needs of one of the four options identified in Task 2, and
- submit the written Reflective element identified in Task 3.
- Please refer to the Module Web for more detailed information for each section of the assessment.
Your 3,500 word equivalent submission will be assessed on the following areas:
Maximum marks available | |
1. Developing a strategy to lead change | 40 |
2. Developing Audio / Visual materials to support the change | 40 |
3. A reflective personal and professional account | 10 |
4. Overall presentation and application | 10 |
Total | 100 |
Submission structure The submission is divided into three tasks |
Part A: Developing a strategy to lead change (1,500 words – 40% of the marks) Task 1 – Strategy Report Produce a 1,500 word report as follows: Using appropriate tools, critically evaluate the operating environment of your chosen case study companyComplete a strategic analysisPropose a strategic change management planIdentify your own leadership style and the implications of this style for leading a team. It is expected that appropriate models, academic sources and good practice theory will be applied and be academically rigorous to support your work. Your work must be based on CMI and Module related learning materials. You will lose marks if this is not the case. Your report must be based on the case study interview – you will fail if this is not the case. Additional information related to this Task is available on AULA. |
Task 2 – Launch Materials (1,500 words equivalent – 40% of the marks)
Having proposed a strategic change management plan in Task 1, complete ONE task from the three options listed below based on your findings from Task 1 to communicate the change.
- Imagine you are running the launch programme for this new strategy or change. Your task is to create a series of Launch Materials (or similar intervention) to brief your “colleagues” about the Change Programme. You will include, as a minimum, a) the project name, b) the project logo, c) the tag line, d) an information leaflet and e) a Powerpoint template and your Supporting Notes – see below OR
- Imagine you are announcing the launch programme for this new strategy or change to your colleagues. Your task is to submit a recorded 10 minute Launch Webinar (or similar intervention) for the Change Programme. You will also include relevant materials, such as but not limited to, the project name, the project logo, the project tag line, related PPT slides if applicable, and your audio narration, as well as your Supporting Notes – see below OR
- Imagine the new strategy or change has been in progress for a number of months. What are the outcomes of the change? Based upon your analysis in Task 1, design and present one new innovative product, service and/or process for your case study company. You will include visual materials, for of the product / service / process including as a minimum a) the product name, b) the product logo, c) the product tag line, d) an product information leaflet and your Supporting Notes – see below.
It is expected that where appropriate, relevant CMI and module-related materials, academic sources and good practice theory will be applied and be academically rigorous to support your work. The use of such materials must be reflected in your ‘Supporting Notes’ which details the creative thought process which has underpinned the development of your academic work.
Additional information related to this Task is available on AULA.
Part B: Personal and Professional Account (500 words – 10% of the marks) Task 3: Write a critical reflective personal and professional account, answering the following question: What skills and behaviours do I need to develop in order to creatively implement a programme of innovative change in a range of contemporary organisations? This reflection will include an audit of your existing leadership skills and a plan as to how you will develop two specific skills or behaviours. Additional information related to this Task is available on AULA. |
Your Task 1 report must:
- Include a cover sheet with your ID number (NOT YOUR NAME), your chosen employer case study and your word count.
- Be typed in Word – DO NOT upload PDF versions of your work.
- Include page numbers,
- Be written in Arial font size 12,
- Be 1.5 spaced,
Please note that tables/diagrams/charts, appendices and the reference list are not included in the word count. However, do not reply on appendices for information which directly supports your report – appendices are not marked. Do not rely on extensive use of tables to support your report – you are marked on the quality of your analysis, not the quantity of words per se.
Your Task 2 materials must:
Meet the needs of the assignment brief. Shorter launch presentations than that stipulated may be failed. Submissions which do not include a range of relevant materials will lose substantial marks. Supporting notes which do not evidence the student’s academic and creative thought-process will lose substantial marks.
Your Task 3 reflection must:
- Be typed in Word – DO NOT upload PDF versions of your work.
- Include page numbers,
- Be written in Arial font size 12, be 1.5 spaced,
Please note that this task requires you to analyse your Learning style, and to audit your existing leadership skills and behaviours against a standard in order to plan for their development.
Important University assessment rules for you to note:
- Please submit separate electronic copy of your assignment through Turnitin / Handin as applicable. You can access the Turnitin / Handin links through the module web.
- The electronic version of your assignment may be used to enable checks to be made using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites. Your written course work will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin which can assessed by Turnitin.
- All work submitted after the submission deadline without an approved valid reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. (This is not the same as a non-submission, which will be graded as AB (absent).
- Should you submit work on time but fail the assignment, you may be offered a resit opportunity at the discretion of the PAB (Programme Assessment Board). A resit module mark will be capped at 40%.
- The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply to your Faculty Registry team before the deadline.
- You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at: https://share.coventry.ac.uk/students/Registry/Pages/Deferrals–andExtension.aspx
- If, on the final submission date, Turnitin / Handin is not working then you must email a copy of your work to the module leader before the deadline date and time. This email will provide evidence that you have completed the work on time. Once Turnitin is working again you can then submit your assignment through it for marking. Consider taking screenshots of the problem you encountered as supportive evidence if needed.
- If you think that you will need an extension or deferral please ensure that you contact the Administrative Support person or office linked to your Course to process the request. This information will normally be found in your Course Handbook. Alternatively seek advice from your Course Director or Registry team if you are unsure.
NOTE: The 7051CRB module teaching team cannot process or approve extension or deferral requests.
- Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.
- There is an allowance of plus 10% of the word count limit. Marks may be deducted if you exceed the word count limit. Tables do not add to the word count but it is not
recommended that you include tables to an excessive amount. Marks are given for analysis, evidence and application of models / theories.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing or thoughts and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit www.coventry.ac.uk/caw.
Assessors are able to spot cases of plagiarism. The Faculty insists that coursework is submitted through a plagiarism detection system known as Turnitin. Copying another student’s work, large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the APA Reference is this changing Style and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure please refer to your tutor.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have moderated marks and supportive feedback presented to you 10 working days after submission. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional. Your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his/her review.
Marking and Assessment Scheme = See Separate Marking Guides for each Task

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