Assessment Task Title: Program Proposal (in pairs)
Part A: Program Proposal/Design
Part B: Session Plan
Instructions for the Student: Students are to utilise the below Consumer Program Proposal template to complete and upload their final draft to the Collaborate drop by the due date.
Documents to submit: Program Proposal Parts A and B (Uploaded to corresponding drop box within VU Collaborate)
Assessment Task: Part A: Students will utilise the outcomes from assessment one and develop a youth focused program plan/proposal that addresses youth needs. All elements associated with part A & B of assessment two form the proposal together. A successful outcome requires all elements to be completed. The proposed program should be no shorter than six sessions.
- Aim Objectives and Strategies
- Description of the program
- Possible service users
- Cultural and ethical (disabilities, aged care, youth etc.) considerations
- Considerations about how service users access the program
- Funding & resources
- Timelines
- Roles and responsibilities & training required
- Who are the stakeholders and possible partners
- Methods for inclusive Monitoring & Evaluation
- A reflection on the way the program will be delivered based on a researched theoretical perspective.
Part B: Each student will develop one session plan. Choose one of the programs sessions and provide an in depth description, from beginning to end, one that colleagues would be able to utilise to run that session.
The outline should include:
- Which session it is within the whole program
- Aim
- Purpose
- What the session will include
- Timeframe
- Equipment that is needed for the session
- A space for feedback from the person that runs the session.
The program aims to raise awareness of existing inequality for migrant youths in the City of Maribyrnong in relation to access in education and employment. The program consists of 6 workshops to share key data on inequality, deliberate possible causes of inequality, as well as establish control strategies to improve equality for migrant youths to equally participate in education and workforce. The program staff will work in collaboration with the local City Council members to engage with local business owners, school administrators, and community leaders to participate in workshops. The workshops will be taking place once a week for a maximum period of six weeks. Each workshop will last for 4 hours from 8am to 12pm, on Mondays, at the local Council Theatre. Participants will gain broader knowledge and understanding on existing inequalities and share their preferred methods of improving the situation. After completing all the workshops, participants will form teams of equality ambassadors to advocate for equal access for youth migrants into their respective services. The program will generally result in a more inclusive community, improved educational participation and employment for migrant youths in the City of Maribyrnong.
Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Task
Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own performance against each criterion.
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