Due: Oct 1, before midnight.
This document first provides the aims of this project. It then lists the requirements as explicitly as possible. It then hints at how these requirements can be met. Finally, it describes how it can be submitted.
The aims of this project are as follows:
- To get you to think recursively.
- To expose you to Scheme programming.
Implement all the functions documented in the file prj2-sol.scm.
Your solutions is not allowed to use any of Scheme’s imperative features; i.e., you may not use any Scheme built-in with a name ending with the ! character.
Provided Files
You should use the provided prj2-sol directory as a starting point for your project by copying it into your i571? directory. It contains the following files:
A skeleton file which contains skeleton functions for all the required functions.
The file is executable so that it can be executed directly via the command line as a racket script. It also contains unit tests for each of the functions you are required to implement.
A README file which must be submitted along with your project. It contains an initial header which you must complete (replace the dummy entries with your name, B-number and email address at which you would like to receive project-related email). After the header you may include any content which you would like read during the grading of your project.
The provided files contain hints for each individual question. This section provides general hints.
- The unit tests provided for each function have been commented out. Uncomment them after making your first attempt at the function.
- You may encounter the limits on the number of ‘a’ and ‘d’ characters in the c[ad]+r functions. In that case, simply break up your desired function into multiple functions.
Before submitting your project, update your README to specify the status of your project. Document any known issues.
Submit using a procedure similar to that used in your previous project.

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