Assignment 1 – Individual (25%)
Report Due: 11:59pm Sunday Week 5 04/09/2022
This assignment will be marked out of 25 marks and is worth 25% of the overall mark for the unit. Please check the unit outline for late penalties and restrictions on late submissions. This assignment is an individual assignment and is to be completed individually.
Report Due: 11:59pm Sunday Week 5 04/09/2022…………………………………………………… 1
Submission……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Choosing a case study………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Assignment limitations………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Length………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Legibility……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Content in excess of assignment requirements…………………………………………………….. 3
Academic misconduct………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Assignment requirements…………………………………………………………………………………… 4
- Additional research and assumptions (3 marks)…………………………………………….. 4
- Rich picture (5 marks)………………………………………………………………………………. 5
- System vision (3 marks)……………………………………………………………………………. 5
- Stakeholder analysis (6 marks)…………………………………………………………………… 5
- Event table (6 marks)……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
- Reference List (1 mark)…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Formatting and Style (1 mark)………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Marking………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
All submissions must be electronic submissions through Canvas. Submissions made by any other means will not be accepted. If you experience any issues with submission, email the unit convener and your tutor immediately and describe and explain the issues encountered, including screenshots if relevant.
One submission comprising of two files is required for this assignment:
- The individual cover sheet as a separate file, to be submitted as either a .docx or a .pdf file, following the “Individual Assignment Cover Sheet” template available in the Assessment Instructions page on Canvas.
- The report as a separate file, to be submitted as either a .docx or a .pdf file.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the correct files are uploaded and submitted for the assignment. You can check the submitted file by going back to the assignment submission box on Canvas and re-downloading your submission. No consideration will be given for mistakes or errors made in submission, such as but not limited to corrupted files, files in the wrong format, or uploading an incorrect file.
Choosing a case study
Choose one of the four case studies presented on the Canvas site. Links to the case studies are available on the Assessment Instructions page. The four case studies are:
Assignment Case Study A: ArticleAccumulator Assignment Case Study B: L-Mart
Assignment Case Study C: FeedMeNow Assignment Case Study D: ActiveGo
If you have previous experience with any of these case studies (for example, in previous attempts of this unit), you must choose a case study that you have not experienced previously. If you do not follow this instruction, this may be construed as academic misconduct and will be handled according to university policy. If there are any doubts about this requirement, please contact the unit convener for advice.
You will perform your analysis and modelling for this assignment based on the case study you have chosen.
Please be aware that Assignments 2 and 3 later in the semester involve further analysis and modelling of one of the above case studies – this can be the same or a different case study from the one you choose for the Individual Assignment. This means you may want to think about who you may want to work with for the group assignment and choose a case study accordingly as you may want to choose the same case study for the individual and group assignments. However, remember that this first assignment is an individual assignment and any instances of plagiarism or academic misconduct will be handled according to university policy.
Assignment limitations
The complete report must not exceed 12 A4 pages (or equivalent) in length. This page count includes figures, tables, diagrams, and references. This page count does not include the cover sheet (as this is to be submitted as a separate file). It is expected that most assignments will be significantly shorter than this maximum page limit.
Note that some assignment parts may also have individual page or length limits – these are clearly specified in each part.
Content in excess of the page limit or in excess of any limits placed on specific assignment parts may not be assessed during marking.
It is critical that all content in your assignment, including text within figures and diagrams, is clearly readable at 100% zoom – this is because most marking takes place using the Canvas built-in document reader. As a general guide, text smaller than the text in this assignment instruction document (This font is Calibri 11pt) is too small to be easily read.
Content that is not clearly readable at 100% zoom may not be assessed during marking.
Content in excess of assignment requirements
Content that is in excess of assignment requirements may not be assessed during marking. If additional content is provided, then only the required elements that appear first in the report will be assessed.
For example, an assignment requirement might expect description and explanation for 2 elements. If more than 2 descriptions and explanations are provided, then only the first 2 that appears in the report will be assessed, and any further descriptions and explanations may not be assessed.
Therefore, there is no benefit in including content in excess of the assignment requirements.
Academic misconduct
Any cases of suspected academic misconduct will be dealt with following the university’s policies and procedures. See the university website for further information, including resources such as the university’s Student Conduct Rules, Student Charter, and the Academic Integrity Module.
Assignment requirements
All of the requirements below relate to your chosen case study and the ICT system described in the case study. It is expected that you perform additional research and investigation, in addition to the information provided in the case study, to inform your reasoning and analysis. Explanation, justification, and evidence is expected to support report contents wherever relevant.
See the marking rubric on the assignment submission box for detailed information on what is expected for each item.
1. Additional research and assumptions (3 marks)
Your report is expected to describe additions and expansions that you have made to the case study, along with the research and investigation that has been used to inform and improve the analysis and modelling in the remainder of the assignment. These additions and expansions may take the form of additional features, clarification of existing features, or other details that are not explicitly described in the chosen case study as provided. You are expected to cite specific sources where necessary, potentially including websites, articles, and examples of similar systems or businesses. You are also expected to list and describe any assumptions made that affect the analysis and modelling in the remainder of the assignment.
This section is expected to describe the following:
- (1 mark) At least one addition/expansion to the case study, and what other sections of the assignment these additions and expansions are most relevant to.
- (1 mark) For those additions/expansions based on research and investigation, cite the specific sources that have informed these additions and expansions; for those additions/expansions based on assumptions, explain and justify why the assumption has been made.
- (1 mark) A 1 paragraph description of additional activities you could undertake to gather or obtain additional information relevant to the case study, in addition to the research and investigation that you have already done, and the expected contribution of these additional activities. If you have any assumptions, this description can describe how the additional activities you might undertake might confirm, clarify, or reject the assumptions that you have made.
The activities that you describe in your answer can include activities that would be possible if the case study was a real-life situation, but you have been unable to undertake because it is a fictional (made-up) case study.
Remember that in addition to citations in this section, citations should also be included when relevant in all other sections of the report. For diagrams, this may take the form of additional explanatory notes that include the citation.
Assumptions should be clearly numbered (“Assumption 1”, “Assumption 2”, etc) and referred to when relevant in all other sections of the report. For diagrams, this may take the form of additional explanatory notes that include the assumption number.
Remember that additions/expansions, and particularly assumptions, should not contradict or conflict with anything already described in the case study.
2. Rich picture (5 marks)
Your report is expected to include a rich picture to explore, describe, and model the situation. This should include the following elements:
- (1 mark) Entities
- (1 mark) Links between entities (including labels)
- (1 mark) Concerns
- (1 mark) Boundaries
- (1 mark) A 1 paragraph description and explanation of the importance for one of the boundaries you have identified. This should clearly describe the meaning of the boundary in relation to the case study as well as why this boundary is important in relation to analysis of the case study.
3. System vision (3 marks)
Your report is expected to include a maximum 1-page system vision covering the following aspects:
- (1 mark) Problem description
- (1 mark) System capabilities – high-level requirements and constraints
- (1 mark) Anticipated business benefits
4. Stakeholder analysis (6 marks)
Your report is expected to include a stakeholder analysis that covers the following aspects:
- (2 marks) List of identified stakeholders, both those identified directly from the case study and those added based on additional research and assumptions, with a 1 or 2 sentence description for each stakeholder of the relevance to and role within the system. Remember that appropriate citations or reference to assumptions should be included.
- (2 marks) Classification of all identified stakeholders according to the classifications that have been discussed in this unit
- (1 marks) For one stakeholder that was identified from the case study, a 1 paragraph
explanation and justification of their classifications
- (1 mark) For one stakeholder that was added based on additional research and assumptions, a 1 paragraph explanation and justification of their classifications
5. Event table (6 marks)
Your report is expected to include an event table. This should cover all elements required in an event table and comprehensively cover only the most important and meaningful events and interactions for the system being described. As a rough guide, it is expected that there should be at least 10 important and meaningful events in your event table, depending upon the case study chosen and your additions based on research and assumptions. The event table should include the following elements:
- (1 mark) Events identified
- (1 mark) Event names and types
- (1 mark) Event source
- (1 mark) Event triggers and conditions
- (1 mark) Event actions
- (1 mark) Event outputs, which includes response and destination
Remember that trivial events such as log on, log off, etc are not important and meaningful at the analysis stage and should not be included in your event table.
6. Reference List (1 mark)
Your full list of references should also be presented at the end of the report in a consistent style, such as IEEE or Harvard (pick one or the other, not both!). See the UC Referencing Guide for more information. Do not list any references that are not directly cited in the report.
Formatting and Style (1 mark)
The formatting and style of your report will also be assessed. This does not form a separate individual section of your report. Your report should be easy to read, and the marker should be able to easily find the relevant information in your report for marking purposes. Factors such as formatting, layout, organisation, spelling, and grammar will be taken into account for this criterion.
Assignments will be marked by your allocated tutor, according to the rubric that is available on the assignment submission box on Canvas. In the event of any disparity between the mark breakdown presented in this document and the rubric on Canvas, the rubric on Canvas will take precedence.

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