SCH4C1 Research Task: Canadian Chemist
Introduction and overview
Canadian scientists have contributed significantly towards our understanding of chemistry. Choose one chemist who has spent/is spending most of their chemistry career in Canada and create an information pamphlet about them and their career. The chemist you choose must NOT be white.
1. Research some Canadian chemists who are not white. Choose one chemist who has spent most or all their career in Canada.
2. Research this chemist and their career. Some questions to consider:
-where did this chemist study
-where did they spend their career
-what did this chemist research/work on/teach
-why is their research/work important
3. Design and write a pamphlet/info page/brochure* about this chemist. DO NOT WRITE A REPORT. MAXIMUM ONE PAGE 12pt font. Include answers to the questions in 2 (above) and anything else you think is interesting. If you do not understand something about the science, look it up and explain it. Write in your own words.
4. Use your own words. Cite all your information sources in APA citation format**.
5. Be creative! Make it visually appealing! Use colour and photos!
* See with website for differences between a pamphlet and a brochure:
** APA citation guidelines:
This task is worth 30% of your final course mark. See Assignment in Classroom for rubric.
Research /15
Communication /15
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