Teachers are not prepared to teach in the classroom

Section 1

Q 1-Despite differences in the definition of inclusion, the education required to become a teacher, and many other contextual factors, there is consensus that the perception of teachers is that they are not adequately prepared to teach in the inclusive classroom.

Answer- “Education, often known as inclusion, involves all non-disabled and handicapped individuals (including “children with special educational needs”) studying in the mainstream schools, institutions, and colleges”. Every kid has a good opportunity to attend to school, study and acquire the skills they require to prosper in the form of inclusive education. Every child in the same classes, the same schools, implies inclusive education. For populations that have historically been excluded, this implies actual learning possibilities — not only children with impairments but minority-speakers (Copfer & Specht, 2014). Equipped with mechanisms, students of all backgrounds respect the distinctive contributions they make to the school and to allow different groups to flourish side by side for the benefit of everyone. Prejudice and discrimination must be addressed at the community basis and people must be taught for inclusive education. Authorities must at national level connect legislation and policies with the Committee on the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities and gather and analyze statistics on a regular basis to ensure effective assistance reach children.

UNICEF encourages government initiatives to encourage and monitor inclusive schooling systems in order to close the education inequality for children with special needs. We operate in four main areas:

Promote: UNICEF supports the promotion of inclusive training for legislators and the entire public through debates, high-level gatherings and other kinds of outreach.

Sensitivity: UNICEF emphasizes the needs of disabled children through conducting investigations and holding roundtables, seminars and other events for community organizations.

 Capacity building: UNICEF creates educational capacity in partner areas by offering training to teachers, managers and communities and giving administrative technical assistance.

Support for implementation: UNICEF helps to monitor and evaluate the implementation gap among policy and practice in partner countries to narrow.

Teachers’ views

Most of the apprentice teachers talked of their preparation as insufficient to tackle ‘race’ and prejudice in the classroom. Despite many said they were taught concepts and integration policies, “race” seemed to be a side concern here. White and its link to racism have been limitedly successful in developing student teachers’ knowledge of white privilege (Bhopal & Rhamie, 2013). Many scientists have discovered that pupils avoid white privilege conversations. In addition, problems in pursuit of the debate between students and teacher educators focus on whiteness lead to animosity and refusal when a Black tutor leads them and complies with the ‘white speech’ guided by a white tutor. The attitudes and views of educators about inclusion were directly related to the implementation in the curriculum of inclusive practice. The ambiguous attitudes of educational actors towards inclusion and the resulting philosophical discussions have been proposed to prevent a shift towards more inclusive practices in schools. Consequently, identifying and understanding such attitudes and beliefs and resolving the problems they raise is a crucial element in knowing how to build more inclusive methods. Several metrics for evaluating teachers’ perspectives to inclusive education were been explored in the literature.

Contextual factors and consensus

Despite 25 years of worldwide debate, there is still a lack of agreement on integrated education. Internationally, the idea of supporting and welcoming variety among all learners is being increasingly viewed. This opinion is supposed as a result of discriminatory views towards race, socioeconomic class, ethnicity, language and gender as well as ability, to remove social exclusion. As being such, education is the cornerstone for a more equitable society and is a fundamental human right. The Educational 2030 Framework for Strategy which involves concern for justice, recently placed focus on equality. In the guide People worked to write with a team of worldwide professionals on inclusion and fairness in education we summarized this following: Every student is equally important and significant. The advances featured in this special edition of Prospects show differences between views of what all this implies. For instance, some authors concentrate on developing strategies to assist certain groups of students in general education—such as disabled children or from minority upbringings how gender influences inclusion. Most publications also focus on students from homes with poor income. In contrast, other philosophers regard inclusion as a guiding concept more generally (Waldendorf, 2021). The intersecting lens mentioned in this question informs their perceptions to various degrees. The focus here is on how to lead to biased processes through the interrelated nature of social categorizations like race, class and gender.

Most teachers in the classroom feel unable to help students with disabilities. As per a new poll of two national advocacy organizations, less than 1 in five general-learning instructors are “extremely well equipped” to educate children with mild to severe learning impairments, including ADHD and dyslexia. Good instructors emphasized that inclusion is greater than just a typical classroom for a kid with special needs: it involves a positive atmosphere for schools, teacher cooperation, integration of teacher assistance, and the use of co-operative learning strategy. If qualified teachers and supporting staff are available, special training is best managed. This guarantee that individualized education programs (IEPs) are properly identified, developed and implemented and evaluated. If IEPs take account of not just the level of impairment as well as the temperament, cognitive capabilities, personality and learner expertise, academic performance is better encouraged. There are programs to prevent and treat disability, identify and refer kids with special needs in institutions in Cameroon are nearly missing (Wynne, 2009). In higher educational establishments, the absence of specialized education training programs for professionals such as instructors and paraprofessionals has led to a severe shortage.

The failure to create effective integrative schools was not unanticipated, as inclusion policies can only be efficacious if regular educators embrace the practice and if educational institutions have the resources necessary to provide important support for students striving for learning, such as in-situ classrooms, commodity rooms educated instructors and para-professionals. Numerous experts have in fact stated that successful inclusion depends on the capabilities of the instructors in education and, in particular, their attitudes and convictions in the inclusion of disabled pupils.

Barriers to provide education

Teachers are not sufficient to be prepared and willing to engage in inclusive training. Moreover, it requires more than governmental officials to sign decrees and agreements. The only thing that can change is an aware and steadfast governmental policy to invest in teacher education, para-professional development and needed facilities and resources. This study was designed to determine what are the main obstacles to inclusive schools from the teachers’ viewpoints about the concept of inclusion, the advantages of inclusion, and how they can manage inclusive classes and teach disabled children. In order to achieve effective learning in inclusive classrooms, the content and methods utilized by educators play a vital role. However, a rigorous and rigid curriculum without individual variations might lead to a collapse in learning. Negative educational impacts include factors such as lack of appropriateness for the topic; lack of adequate learning material, supplies and aid equipment; inadequate teaching styles and teaching practices; and inadequate methods for the assessment of learning. The curriculum itself contains one of the most severe obstacles to learning, mostly related to the inflexibility of learning. It prohibits it from addressing various requirements amongst students, therefore adapting the curriculum to all students, and taking into mind the idea of apprenticeship.

It is not possible to fulfil the various requirements of students since the curriculum is adaptable (Soriano et al., n.d.). He found that the curriculum utilized at the school in experimental primary school included was not changed to provide accommodation for students with a broad variety of educational requirements. Teaching schoolchildren with learning impairments using mainstream approaches is a challenge for teachers and learners in an inclusive classroom. Learning is the most effective way to learn. For example, a teacher can educate students on the panel in a curriculum tailored to so-called typical students. In the event of children who cannot see, though, this is not relevant. Furthermore, in the inclusive education for all students to benefit from the usage of certain things. The practitioner should not be involved in learner evaluation but should always focus on learning evaluation. This indicates that it is necessary for a student who has some sort of learning issue to break apart from the performance-orientated view of evaluation. The student observes that teachers in the nation use assessment methodologies without an inclusive program which do not take care of the requirements of special needs of students in their classes.

Teachers are sometimes just not educated or supported to teach LD-induced youngsters, which renders them the most disenfranchised with regard to education and achievement. National teacher training requirements can vary substantially and are often unsatisfactory between nations. Teacher training of ordinary teachers also seldom provides instructors with the confidence, know-how and skills they need to successfully support educators with disabilities for employment in various classrooms (Herro & Quigley, 2016). This is an important reason why so numerous children with disabilities stay out of school or are excluded from school. If we want to re-establish progress towards excellent early, primary and junior secondary education, then ordinary instructors must be prepared to accommodate children with handicaps’ learning and participation requirements. To achieve this, it is necessary that they get enough initial education, continued formation and growth and continuous access by the specialized people to suitable assistance and guidance.

Most instructors in the classroom state that they require extensive instruction in inclusive learning so that students with special education needs (SENs) can get assistance in their courses. The instructors at the classroom were irritated by problems they could not cope with, such as child molestation. Research also shows that teachers who do not undertake training in relation to the inclusion of disabled students and special educational needs may have adverse attitudes towards this inclusion, whilst increasing training has resulted in more positive perceptions toward the inclusion of disabled students. Training in the domain of education with special needs tends to increase comprehension and integration attitudes. Preparing the teacher in general might sometimes not be enough for successfully inclusion in beginning courses through teacher training programs.

Educators often adopt techniques of teaching which may not respond to the requirements of some students via poor training. An educator can educate only pupils who learn very rapidly at a speed. Alternatively, the intensity and teaching style might reduce the initiative and participation of highly skilled learners. What the students learn or choose can reduce the knowledge basis of the learner or not enhance the learner’s cognitive and emotional abilities. Such hurdles occur if the balance of abilities which prepare students for employment and skills preparing the student to cope with life is not given enough attention. As a consequence of ignorance or prevention, certain students are excluded from some elements of the curriculum. For instance, learners with physical impairments are typically denied or unable to participate sports. Male and female students are also pushed or pressured to pursue particular subjects according to sexuality at school or university level since these topics provide them for occupations stereotyped by men or women.

Instructors and experts are typically concerned about education while talking about teachers’ capacity to respond to the various demands in inclusive classrooms. Inclusion has been failing because instructors have in part failed to satisfy the need that students with different educational requirements be changed and given a suitable curriculum due to disabilities. The sentiments of educators themselves may give birth to barriers stemming from fear and lack of knowledge. For example, students with high skills are typically viewed as a danger, which means that untrained and undervalued teachers deny their substantial potential.

Education can only be effective if teachers adopt an attitude that is acceptable to all students and if they have the facilities and assistance to educate all students. Teachers lack this assistance to a great extent since teacher support mechanisms are just recently developed by the Ministry of Teaching and Training (Forlin, 2012).  For example, an inclusive bachelor ‘s program was launched in 2012, as well as inclusive development courses in another teacher training institutions at Southern Africa Christian University. Although this is a positive move in building capacity, many teachers who by now are in the profession still feel that they are lacking in expertise and the tools for teaching students with diverse needs, as the large percentage of teachers never have earned coaching in inclusive education while training courses on coaching have not been open to most educators in the field. The absence of teacher support is associated with a lack of government financing for inclusive learning programs and by providing in-service opportunities for staff who may empower them and thus result in a shift in their position towards inclusive education. Professors improve themselves on a major component basis at their own expenditure. Moreover, authorities do not recognize the efforts of teachers by adequately compensating them with adequate credentials. In addition, institutions in fields like braille, hearing experts and learning problem specialists have failed to supply regular schools with specialists.


Bhopal, K., & Rhamie, J. (2013). Initial teacher training: understanding ‘race,’ diversity and inclusion. Race Ethnicity And Education17(3), 304-325. https://doi.org/10.1080/13613324.2013.832920

Forlin, C. (2012). Future directions for inclusive teacher education. Routledge.

Herro, D., & Quigley, C. (2016). Exploring teachers’ perceptions of STEAM teaching through professional development: implications for teacher educators. Professional Development In Education43(3), 416-438. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2016.1205507

Measuring effective teacher preparation for inclusion Ed. Vol. 3 pp 93-109

Soriano, V., Watkins, A., & Ebersold, S. Inclusive education for learners with disabilities.

Waldendorf, A. (2021). Bridging the Gap: Making Sense of the Disaccord between Migrants’ Education and Occupation. Social Inclusion9(1), 130-139. https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v9i1.3582

Wynne, S. (2009). Special education. XAMonline.

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