[Things to include here: overall sample size, gender distribution (raw number and percentage), age range, average and standard deviation].
Participants were asked to enter their age in whole years.
Participants were asked to describe their gender identity. Gender identity was coded as female = 1, male = 2, and non-binary = 3.
Relational Aggression
Relational aggression was assessed using the Self Report of Aggression and Social Behaviour Measure (SRASBM; Morales and Crick (1998) as cited in Murray-Close et al., (2010).The measure included 9 items classified into 2 subtypes, 4 items measuring proactive relational aggression, e.g. “My friends know I will think less of them if they do not do what I want them to do,” and 5 items measuring reactive relational aggression, e.g., “I have intentionally ignored a person until they gave me my way about something”. Each item was rated on an 8-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicating higher levels of behaviours (0= not at all true, 4 = sometimes, 7 = very true), and the mean of each subscale is used as the summary score. Scale reliability was good; α = .83 (Murray-Close et al., 2010).
Negative Mood
The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1993) consists of 21 negative emotional symptoms, purported to measure depression, anxiety, and stress. Participants rate the extent to which they have experienced each symptom over the past week, on a 4-point severity/frequency scale. Scores for the individual subscales are determined by summing the scores for the relevant seven items, and an overall measure of psychological distress is determined by summing the values of each individual item. Example items include “I found it hard to wind down”, “I was aware of dryness of my mouth”, and “I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all”. The observed internal consistency coefficients for the three seven-item factors are α = 0.91, α = 0.84, and α = 0.90, respectively.
Participants were undergraduate Deakin psychology students, and their family and friends who were invited to participate via word of mouth or social media advertisements. Participants who consented to take part in the study were provided a link to the questionnaire, which was hosted on an online survey platform (Qualtrics). Data collection began on March 1st, 2021 and concluded in October 2021.
Lovibond, P. F., & Lovibond, S. H. (1995). The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour research and therapy, 33(3), 335-343.
Morales, J. R., & Crick, N. R. (1998). Self-report measure of aggression and victimization. Unpublished measure.
Murray-Close, D., Ostrov, J. M., Nelson, D. A., Crick, N. R., & Coccaro, E. F. (2010). Proactive, reactive, and romantic relational aggression in adulthood: Measurement, predictive validity, gender differences, and association with intermittent explosive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(6), 393-404.
Self Report of Aggression and Social Behaviour Measure | |
Item Label | Description |
PROACT1 | I have intentionally ignored a person until they gave me my way about something. |
PROACT2 | I have threatened to share private information about my friends with other people in order to get them to comply with my wishes. |
PROACT3 | My friends know that I will think less of them if they do not do what I want them to do. |
PROACT4 | When I want something from a friend of mine, I act “cold” or indifferent towards them until I get what I want. |
REACT1 | I have spread rumours about a person just to be mean. |
REACT2 | When I am mad at a person, I try to make sure they are excluded from group activities (going to the movies or to a bar). |
REACT3 | When I am not invited to do something with a group of people, I will exclude those people from future activities. |
REACT4 | When I have been angry at, or jealous of someone, I have tried to damage that person’s reputation by gossiping about them or by passing on negative information about them to other people. |
REACT5 | When someone does something that makes me angry, I try to embarrass that person or make them look stupid in front of their friends |

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