- Assessment 1
Please refer to the Topic Guide and Assessment Rubric
Concept Map
Academic Poster Presentation, on the trauma informed approach. 1500 words equivalent
- Visual A3 poster, including images, diagrams, concept descriptions and references
- Brief presentation on the trauma informed approach in tutorial class. Preferable that you bring a printed copy to your tutorial class on Day 1 of the Intensive.
To be submitted prior to the commencement of the intensive week so that you will be prepared for the next level of learning.
Format: poster presentation with references (sources from the topic must be used, you may only use additional sources if they directly relate to topic literature)
Assessment Details
• 45% (includes 10% on presentation at the intensive)
• 1500 words equivalent. Images are to be included within this word count
• Due Date 9th Feb 4pm
Learning Outcomes to be Assessed
1. Utilise relevant concepts and theories from professional literature in practice situations involving trauma
2. Identify and implement various appropriate interventions to help a client work on trauma
3. Recognise the indicators of post-traumatic stress disorder and various strengths, resources and resilience among people experiencing trauma
To demonstrate your understanding of the trauma informed approach, including guiding principles, knowledge about trauma, resilience, and the trauma informed professional self.
Assessment Criteria and detail.
Using a poster presentation (in A3, word format) articulate the following dot points (outlined below).
(Examples provided on the topic flo site).
The poster presentation (PDF or Word format) must cover the following areas.
- What is trauma, what is trauma informed practice? What is resilience and client agency?
- Display the importance of resilience knowledge in trauma informed care.
- Outline how trauma informed principles and trauma informed care support effective social work practice
- Outline key elements of self-awareness, self-compassion and how this supports social work trauma informed practice.
- Outline the importance of collective care, cultural humility and decolonizing practices in trauma informed social work.
The poster presentation must include visual images, diagrams, text, and references. It must be displayed for easy readability. There should be a good balance between words and visuals.
- You will be asked to bring your poster to the first day of the intensive, share a key learning moment for you through the reading and preparation for this assessment and how this relates to your emerging social work practice. In the first tutorial session during the intensive (2 minutes) – assessable (10%).
- Note: examples of poster presentations are research focused, this assessment does not require you to research the above points. You are to outline content from the questions and areas above – this has an educative and informative focus.
Opened: Monday, 30 January 2023, 9:00 AM

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