University of Northampton
Assignment Brief – Sport & Exercise
Module title: | Applied Sport Psychology | Module code: | SPO3007 |
Assignment code/title: | SPO3007 AS1 AS1/Athlete need analysis (individual report) | Assessment weighting/word- limit: | 60% / 2500 words |
Submission date: | Tuesday 17th January 2023 | Feedback date: | Tuesday 14th February 2023 |
Module co-ordinator/ tutor: | Lee Waters, Dr Mairi Mulvenna | Resit date: | 23rd May 2023 |
Submission guidance | Thisassignmentmustbesubmittedelectronicallyby11.59pmonthesubmissiondate.Youmust uploadyourworktothe‘Submityourwork’folderwithinthe NILE/Blackboardmodule concerned. You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced – you will NOT receive an Originality Report until 24 hours from when the submission was made. Do NOT leave it until the last minute to submit as there may be a delay due to the volume of students submitting work. If submitting through Turnitin, you will be emailed a digital receipt as proof of submission; please keep this for reference. You are reminded of the University’s policy regulations on academic misconduct and plagiarism – In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these provisions. Late submission within seven days of the deadline will result in the mark being capped at a bare pass. Beyond this time the work will not be marked. Please ensure that you have read the assignment brief thoroughly and included all elements stated within. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference. Thispieceofworkwillbemarkedanonymously.Workthatismarkedanonymouslyshouldcontainneitherthestudentnameornumberanywhere onthesubmission.Furtherguidance isavailableonline. | ||
Assessment and feedback: | You will be assessed on your ability to successfully address specified module learning outcomes (please refer to the attached marking rubric for a breakdown of how the learning outcomes will be assessed). Feedback on the academic and professional quality of the submission will be provided no later than four working weeks from the due date. Guidance on how to view your Turnitin grade and feedback is available online. Thisassignmentassessesthefollowinglearningoutcomes: a)Explainandcriticallyevaluate sportpsychologyconsultancyprocess Criticallyappraisetheresearchunderpinningtheefficacyofa rangeofsportpsychologyappliedinterventions Proposeatheoreticallyandresearchinformedinterventionfor anathletethatcouldenhance theirperformance | ||
Assignment Task: | |||
Title:Athleteneedsanalysis(individualreport) Settingthescene:Ultimately the objective of a sport / performance psychologist and coach is to assist the athlete in becoming self-regulating. A method that is used extensively in industry is to conduct a comprehensive needs analyses using a holistic approach. Remember the person came before the athlete and the person will be there long after the athlete is no longer. Meaning if you solely focus on sport specific information you could miss some vital information to assist them. Task: Complete an athlete needs analysis and report. There are three sections to complete (presented in chronological order): Overview: For this assignment you will need to draw upon prior, and current, module learning and apply this to an applied sport psychology context. More specifically you will profile the psychological characteristics of a sport performer, demonstrate critical awareness of philosophical and theoretical positions informing sport psychology practice, and suggest a psychological skills training programme for the enhancement of sport performance. Thisisan individualsubmissionandthewordlimitforthisassignmentis2500words(+10%permitted). |
Assignment Guidance: |
Youshouldconsiderthefollowing structurewhenpreparingyour submission: Titlepage(notincludedinwordcount):Module title/code; module co-ordinator[s]; assignment title Tableofcontents(notincludedinwordcount) Feedbackactions(notincludedinwordcount) Section1:Rationaleforconsultancyprocess(500wordsapprox.) Introductionprovide a brief overview of the psychological demands facing athletes in competitive sport environments and justify the requirement for support by appropriately qualified practitioners It is important you understand the purpose of a consultancy process, the way it is carried out and variety of approaches that can be taken You are required to critically analyse the approaches that can be taken and ultimately provide empirical evidence of the approach you will take during your consultation process. You should look to include key models, research and recognised applied practices It is important that ethical considerations are highlighted during this section By the end of this section it should be clear as to why you have selected two methods (e.g., interview, completing a performance profile, naturalistic observation, questionnaire, etc.) for your consultation process and what you will do. Section2:Conductconsultationprocessandanalyse (500wordsequivalentforconsultationprocess&500wordforanalysis) Using two methods conduct your chosen consultation process to engage in an athlete needs analysis with an athlete of your choice Consentformswillbeprovided; athletesundertheageof18willrequireparent/guardianconsent) Templates will be provided where available but remember that these AND an interview transcript (if used) MUST be included in the appendix. Analyse the results Using empirical evidence provide an interpretation of these results and what effect they could have performance providing clear applied examples. Section3:Designanappliedinterventionforenhancingsportperformance(1000wordsapprox.) Based on your analysis of the results you are required to provide an intervention programme The programme should consist of activities that clearly relate to the results obtained and be supported by research and recognised applied practices. You should offer a comprehensive outline, and well supported rationale for the proposed intervention, drawing from appropriate theory and literature, that demonstrates an ability to propose more than one psychological solution to the athlete’s ‘issues’. You should also critically examine how the intervention, and consultant effectiveness, will be evaluated and the value of reflection-on-practice. Example layout of this section but not exclusive. Explains the athlete background / context Justifies how the athlete needs analysis has been undertaken and what the athlete needs are Provides a step-by-step design of an applied sport psychology intervention to initiate positive change in relation to the athlete needs (informed by existing applied research and literature) Explains how intervention, and consultant effectiveness will be monitored and evaluated, and the role of reflective practice Conclusion–provide a summary and offer key recommendations for the safe and effective practice of applied sport psychologists – Appendix(500-wordequivalent):include evidence of the two methods of needs analysis used with your athletes, e.g., completed questionnaires, completed performance profile AND/OR an athlete interview transcript; athlete, and parent/guardian consent forms (asappropriate). AcademicPractice Please ensure that you read the university guidelines regarding plagiarism, collusion, and academic practice. Please note that further guidance on this assignment will be provided in-class and can also be obtained via tutorial meetingsSuggestedInitialReadings Gill,D.L., Williams,L.&Reifsteck,E.J.(2017)PsychologicalDynamicsofSportandExercise,HumanKinetics,Champagne Horn,T.S.andSmith,A.L.(2019)AdvancesinSportandExercisePsychology, HumanKinetics,Champagne Papaioannou, A.G. and Hackfort, D. (2014) Routledge Companion to Sport and Exercise Psychology: Global perspectives andfundamentalconcepts.1st edition.London:Routledge Poczwardowski, A., Sherman, C., and Ravizza, K. (2004) Professional Philosophy in the Sport Psychology Service Delivery:Buildingon Theoryand Practice.TheSportPsychologist,18(4), p.445-463. Taylor,J.&Wilson,G.(2005) ApplyingSportPsychology:FourPerspectives,HumanKinetics,Champagne Taylor,J.(2018)AssessmentinAppliedSportPsychology,HumanKinetics,Champagne |
Please note: if you achieve an ‘F’ grade, you will have the opportunity to re-submit this assignment by the resit deadline date. Youshould ONLY re-work the content that has failed (refer to assignment feedback). You MUST clearly identify (e.g., highlight) thechanges thatyoumake in yourre-submission. |
FeedbackActions Please include a summary of the tutor action points from your previous submission[s] for this module (if this is not your first submission) and identify what you have done to act upon the feedback received, within your submission: Example–Keyactionpoints(max.3)fromprevioussubmission[s]andactionstaken: 1.[student to complete] 2. 3. |
SPO3007 AS1
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