Assignment Brief
University of Northampton
Faculty of Health & Society – Department of Sport, Exercise & Life Sciences
Module title: | Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation | Module code: | SPO3018 |
Assignment code/title: | AS2 – Case study | Assessment weighting: | 50% |
Submission date: | 16.01.2023 | Feedback date: | 13.02.2023 |
Module co-ordinator/ tutor: | Brett Baxter | Resit date: | 29.05.2023 |
Submission guidance: | |||
Thisassignmentmustbesubmittedelectronicallyby23.59pmonthesubmissiondate To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the NILE/Blackboard module concerned. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced, and you will NOT receive an Originality Report until 24 hours from when the submission was made. If submitting through Turnitin, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your registered e-mail address; please keep this for reference. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism (refer to the University’sassessmentandfeedbackpolicy). In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations. Late submission within seven days of the deadline will result in the mark being capped at a D-. Beyond this time the work will not be marked. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference. Ensure that you have read the assignment brief thoroughly and included all elements stated within. You must submit this assignment brief with your final assignment submission. | |||
Assessment and feedback: | |||
You will be assessed on your ability to successfully address specified module learning outcomes. Feedback on the academic/professional quality of the submission will be provided no later than 20 working days from the initial submission. Feedback will be provided via NILE. Thisassignmentteststhefollowinglearningoutcomes: D (45%) Critically evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation techniques on injury recovery. E (45%) Develop communication skill by discussing and presenting knowledge during consolidation of learning, seminars, laboratory sessions and within the assignments using a range of strategies to convey meaning and purpose. F (10%) Manage their time to meet identified goals and deadlines, analyse their own strength and limitations and draw on a range of resources to support the achievement of the associated task. | |||
Assignment task: | |||
Title:AS2CaseStudy |
You are part of the sport and exercise medicine team at Wimbledon. You are conducting an assessment on an injured player’s ankle to assess whether they can continue in the tournament. To present the case study to the head of medicine you are advised to provide a background to the injury (epidemiology and aetiology), the way in which you collected the data (procedures), and your findings (results and discussion). Regardless of whether your athlete has a between-limb asymmetry, you should discuss rehabilitation methods to improve proprioception. |
Assignment guidance: |
You will need to evidence understanding of the testing methods by including a background to the test and how it translates to injury risk. You should report the data of your athlete and visually display the data against the “uninjured limb” i.e. compare the limb of interest to the contralateral limb; you should then discuss if they are at risk of an ankle injury. Regardless of the outcome of your individual athlete, you should discuss exercises that could be used to improve proprioception. Background – Discuss the etiology of the injury and how the functionality of the injured site can be assessed Procedures – Discuss the testing procedures used to measure proprioception, treat this as a methods section. Include an image of the procedures. Findings – Report the results of the joint position test and discuss whether the athlete is at risk of injury. Compare your data to the contralateral limb and include figures where possible. Regardless of your findings i.e. even if your athlete is not at risk of injury, discuss exercises and the efficacy of these exercises to improve proprioception using the literature To address Learning Outcome d) you are required to provide details of exercise interventions that can improve proprioception and thus, rehabilitate an injured athlete and/or prevent future injury. To address Learning Outcome e) you will demonstrate learning from consolidation sessions when discussing the background of injuries in the background section, providing a basic needs analysis of the athlete (and sport), and presenting figures in your findings section. You will also report the methods used in the lab practical session. To address Learning Outcome f) by meeting the deadline of the assignment and producing an assignment that meets the requirements of the assignment brief. You will also draw upon sources by including citations in the report. You should evidence a critical mindset in your work highlighting potential strengths or limitations within the research. Consider the level of athletes used within your cited literature, age, sex, or assessment methods, etc. Academic formatting Level of critical skill displayed within the work. Appropriateness and breadth of resources utilized in forming your report Format and presentation of work – Arial 11 font; 1.5 line spaced, left justified text, page no Correct use of the HarvardReferencingSystem (in text and reference list) Reference list. (not included in word count – see referencing support for help) Usefulinitialreadings Docherty, C.L., Moore, J.H. and Arnold, B.L., 1998. Effects of strength training on strength development and joint position sense in functionally unstable ankles. Journal of athletic training, 33(4), p.310. Konradsen, L., 2002. Factors contributing to chronic ankle instability: kinesthesia and joint position sense. Journal of athletic training, 37(4), p.381. Jha, P., Ahmad, I., Khurana, S., Kamran, A., Verma, S. and Kumar, T., 2017. Proprioception: an evidence-based narrative review. Res.Inves.SportMed, 1, pp.1-5. |
Assignmentbriefinternalmoderationapproval:Date: Signed: |
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