Topic – Strategic international marketing plan (Part A): Analyse and understand the global marketing environment
It is important that students follow the format and guidelines as outlined below.
Length: No more than 3000 words (When grading an assignment, the marker does not need to read more words than the stipulated word limit.)
This is the first of a two-part strategic international marketing plan for a product or service to be launched in a foreign country market. Students are required to choose a product or service, and the new foreign country market that it will be launched in.
The objective is to provide students with the opportunity to apply the key concepts of international marketing to a real-world marketing challenge. This first part of the strategic international marketing plan emphasizes the need to understand the global environments as an essential first step in preparing a strategic international marketing plan.
Format and guidelines
The assignment should be structured according to the following format. Some brief guidelines are also provided below.
● Letter of transmittal
● Title page
● Table of contents
● Introduction – this section should clearly state the purpose, limitations and scope of the report.
● Background – this section should introduce the company and product or service to be marketed in the foreign country market you have selected and provide relevant background information. The following issues should be addressed.
● Introduce and describe the selected company and provide relevant background information. ● Describe relevant information about the selected product/service including its features and benefits.
● Identify and describe the selected foreign country.
● Environmental analysis – this section should analyse, discuss and critically evaluate the external environment in the selected foreign country market and should address the following: ● Analyse the relevant factors in the economic and trade environments, discuss the outcomes and critically evaluate their potential marketing implications for your selected company and/or product/service.
● Analyse the relevant factors in the social and cultural environments, discuss the outcomes and critically evaluate their potential marketing implications for your selected company and/or product/service.
● Analyse the relevant factors in the political, legal and regulatory environments, discuss the outcomes and critically evaluate their potential marketing implications for your selected company and/or product/service.
● Conclusions – this section should essentially summarise the main points and findings in the report.
● List of references – this section should include all reference materials used in the report. Harvard AGPS referencing style should be used in the report.

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