FORMAT: Report.
LENGTH: 3000 words ± 10% (which excludes tables, appendices, and references).
TYPOGRAPHY: Arial, size 11 or 12, 1½ line spacing, with justified margins. Pages should be numbered at the bottom right.
REFERENCING: Harvard referencing style should be used, and a minimum of twenty academic sources must be referenced.
Globalisation and outsourcing, while providing opportunities for growth and profitability, have exposed many supply chains to unprecedented levels of risk in the last few years including the disruption caused by Covid-19. Awareness of supply chain risk is crucial for firms to effectively manage their supply chains. ‘Supply Chain Risk Management’ (SCRM) has emerged as a focus area for many supply chain managers in various surveys in the last few years. This was particularly true during 2019-21, where international supply chains of many companies from various industries were subjected to continued disruption. The failure to respond adequately during the Covid-19 disruption has exposed the inadequacy of their SCRM strategies. In this regard, choose an industry of your choice and address the following supply chain risk management issues afflicting the industry.
(A) Identify the current level of risk perception within the supply chain of the chosen Industry.
(B) Analyse the existing supply chain risks and the operational impacts of those risks on the firms in the chosen industry.
(C) Based on your understanding of the drivers of supply chain performance, investigate what risk mitigation approach or approaches would have been deemed useful against the supply chain risks caused by Covid-19 in the chosen industry. Also, discuss the cost-benefit analysis of the chosen approach or approaches.
Note the following:
- Response should be based on both academic literatures and industrial resources.
- This work is checked up for its coherent and sustained analysis, critical perspective, balanced structure and definitive conclusion.
- Arguments should be supported with evidence from industry, where relevant.
- This work is also checked up for evidence of (a) thorough understanding of supply chain risk management concepts, processes, and applications; (b) originality; and (c) strong analytical skills.
- This work is also checked up for the use of references.Please do not use non-academic, non-industrial sources (Wikipedia, blogs, etc.).
Question A: (50 marks 1500 words)
By February 2022 the proportion of online retail sales in the UK had increased to 27%, up from 12% in February 2015. Critically evaluate what action an online retailer could take (in a logistics context) to reduce the negative aspects of increasing logistics and freight transport activities associated with growth in online retail sales.
- An excellent critical analysis of how to reduce negative aspects of logistics activities has been provided within context of an online retailer.
- The following factors should be discussed:
- Collaboration to reduce empty vehicle running.
- Alternative modes of transport.
- Travelling Salesman Problem.
- Better vehicle fleet management to reduce empty space inside vehicle.
- At least two more reasons not listed above.
All sources are correctly referenced within text and within the references list using appropriate, up-to-date sources.
You must use at least three good examples to contextualise discussion of the factors leading to a reduction in the negative aspects of logistics activities.
Question B: (50 marks 1500 words)
Modern urban logistics places growing emphasis on speed of delivery in getting goods to the end customer. Critically evaluate how an online retailer could organize its logistics activities to ensure that customers located within an urban area can place and receive orders for goods on the same day.
- A very good critical evaluation how logistics activities can be organized to facilitate speed and flow of goods to end customer has been provided, which should consider the following:
- Choice of mode of transport.
- City warehouse location.
- Use of Travelling Salesman Problem to determine shortest delivery route.
- Responsive supply chain based on agility.
- Type of warehouse internal layout to facilitate fast onward flow of goods.
- Feasibility of using drones to delivers goods to customers.
- Hub-and-Spoke warehouse network.
- Please add at least three more reasons not listed above.
All sources are correctly referenced within text and within the references list using appropriate, up-to-date sources.
Please include at least three good examples to contextualise discussion.

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