Code | NAME |
Semester | 1 2022 |
Assessment Item Name | Thinking Through Systems |
Weighting | 36% |
Due Date | Before Tutorial A in Week 8 |
Assessment item description
A description of the assessment item is as follows:
A range of design thinking methods are introduced during studio sessions. This task combines the outcome of four modules – Photography (Task 1), Drawing (Task 2), Making (Task 3) and Collage (Task 4) into a Folio. Each of these tasks utilizes the techniques addressed in studios and extends these as an independent production of work in direct relationship to your Observed Environment. Additionally, task 5 involves a self-reflection on learning, submitted as a written reflection. Following each Task introduction in studio, students should prepare their Folio entries as the task required before the following week. The Folio work should not be completed last minute, but rather, reflect a work-in-progress week to week. Online submissions to canvas. Face-to-face submissions as a handmade book submitted in class. |
Subject learning outcomes (SLOs) & Language learning outcomes (LLOs)
On successful completion of this assessment item, students should achieve the following outcomes:
SLO 1 | Ability to edit, arrange and represent studio tasks Photography, Drawing, Making and Collage in a Folio format which shows a developing knowledge of design methods and revision of your own work. |
SLO 2 | Demonstrated preparation for weekly studio activities and refinement shown in final Folio submission, evidencing time spent with Folio development and critique. |
SLO 3 | A perceptive analysis of systems thinking using annotations, connecting lectures and resources to the development of design methods. |
SLO 4 | Experimental approach using design methods in response to your UTS Cross Campus Journey, exploring unconventional thinking and risk-taking |
SLO 5 | Ability to identify how your learning journey changes over time, including areas of achievement and areas for development. |
AS | Use citation and referencing skills accurately and appropriately |
Assessment item brief
For this assessment item you are required to produce the following:
Task 1 – Thinking Through Photography (Refer to Assessment 1) Revise your photography submission and update for Folio inclusion using feedback from assessment 1. Task 2 – Thinking Through Drawing Consider the elements of your chosen system. This task requires the superimposition of a selected combination of three freehand drawings from your Environmental Observations, to produce a hybrid composition. This task produces a speculative space from existing spaces, using drawing as the design thinking medium. In this task consider the principles of Human-centred Design. How can you amplify human traces found in your Environmental Observations in your drawings? Provide a short-written analysis (as annotations) which explains the types of human traces you have discovered, and how these indicate movements and activities of people through your Environment. Evidence engagement with Text Fragments, lectures and subject resources. Task 3 – Thinking Through Making Part 1. Analyse your Observed Environment in terms of Anthropocentrism. Consider non-human perspectives and your system of choice. How could your Observed Environment be more accommodating for interactions between humans and non-humans? How can your system incorporate, accommodate, or benefit a typical pet or Australian animal – vertebrate or invertebrate. How can this animal be supported to thrive in your home environment? You will experiment with building materials of your choosing (paper, recycled materials, found objects). Using this experimentation, you are required to create a 3D object which includes a narrative addressing the needs of the animal you have chosen. Design an object with your chosen animal as a user to make your Observed Environment a place designed FOR the animal and the human. You can combine the making process with any other design method you have been working with so far. You should install and photograph your object on site in your Observed Environment. Be sure that this object and analysis are relevant to your system. Create pages in this systems portfolio including: Task 4 – Thinking Through Collage This task requires you to combine in new ways some of the primary observations you have collected and created in your Design Journal since Week 1. Consider how the atmosphere or psychogeography of your Observed Environment can be represented. How do the experience of your system and home environment feel? Prepare your materials with consideration for colour, texture and mix of scales through printing and photocopying your images and drawings onto different types of papers and other mediums you would like to explore. Combine analysis of the text fragments which have been presented to you this semester, to create word poems from these readings. Cut and create new arrangements, juxtaposing images to create new hybrids including a text poem. Consider how your text poem can highlight how you have learnt to think through design this semester, and what this means to you. Photograph your collage process as you go, exploring and experimenting with different visual arrangements. Prepare your collage onto a backing board, and create a high-quality scan of your final collage so you can insert it into your file. Evidence engagement with Text Fragments, lectures and subject resources. Task 5 – Each week in tutorials and lectures you will be introduced to particular themes and concepts which aim to support the development of your thinking as designers, in relation to place-based designing, and what is common to design across disciplines. There will be required readings and viewings for you to adequately prepare for tutorials and lectures. In the reflective writing task you are to use these resources, combined with what you learn through tutorials and lectures, to write responses to the following. The aim of this task is to demonstrate your understanding using reflective writing. Give specific examples based on your experience, write in the first person, and back up your ideas by referencing the subject resources. 500 words on each of the 3 following: Folio layout This task simply collates work generated in Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 into a Folio. Single PDF File, Less than 20MB TOTAL Include: Cover page – name, student number, Assessment 2, Thinking Through Design DDTH001, tutor name Maximum 15 pages – Remote as A3 size digital folio – landscape format submitted to canvas. Face-to-face submitted as a physical handmade book. Task 1 – 3 x pages, images and annotations (revised from A.1) Task 2 – 3-4 x pages, images and annotations Task 3 – 2 x pages Task 4 – 1 x page Task 5 – 500 words x 3 reflection topics (1500 words max); written text, typed, 1.5 spacing Deadline The first deadline for this task is in week 6. This submission is a progress check and is marked. Please submit: The deadline for this task is the beginning of your session in week 8. Please submit: |
Assessment item submission requirements
For this assessment item you are required to submit the following:
For Face to Face students you will submit your handmade book to your tutor at the beginning of your Tutorial A in week 8 For Live Online students, may create and scan a handmade book and submit as PDF to Canvas or work with your tutor to create an intricately designed digital format collection which you will submit as PDF before your week 8 A tutorial. |
Assessment item grading criteria
For this assessment item you will be graded according the following criteria:
CRITERIA | HD | D | C | P | F3 | F2 | F1 | F0 |
Ability to edit, arrange and represent studio tasks Photography, Drawing and Making in a book format which shows a developing knowledge of design methods, revision and iteration. | Outstanding application of design methods which demonstrates an outstanding ability to edit and present the work for integrated and clear visual communication. Hand-made book uses impressive deign elements going beyond the expected. | Superior level of understanding of design methods and representation of tasks which shows selectivity in arrangement for effective visual communication. This includes use of font, stock (not just copy paper), thematic incorporation of content in the visuals | Good level of understanding of how to use design methods and good attempt to edit and arrange work in a designerly way. Clear consideration of layout, organisation, colour, shape. | Brief is met in terms of methods and hand-made book presentation. Little design evident. | Methods are attempted but may not be relevant to the brief. | A design method is missing or was not attempted. | Multiple methods are missing or were not attempted. | Did not submit |
A perceptive analysis of systems thinking using annotations, connecting lectures and resources to the development of design methods. | Outstanding use of subject resources, ideas are expanded and applied to individual observations to generate novel ways to think about systems in the context of the campus. | Superior use of subject resources, exploring ideas in individual ways to link systems thinking to observations. | Good use of subject resources to expand notion of systems thinking. Good connections made between observations and theory. | Reference to subject resources, however, systems thinking is more a collection of things than an analysis of relationships. | 4 of the tasks make reference to subject resources, but more a collection of things than a series of connected ideas or systems thinking. 1 task may be without reference to subject materials. | More than half of the tasks make reference to subject resources, but more a collection of things than a series of connected ideas or systems thinking. 2 tasks may be without reference to subject materials. | No reference to subject resources. No understanding of systems thinking. | Did not submit |
Experimental approach using design methods in response to your UTS Cross Campus Journey, exploring unconventional thinking and risk-taking | Outstanding level of experimentation demonstrated across all methods, which involved them pushing themselves and thinking outside of the box across each part of the tasks. | Superior level of experimentation across all or most methods. They explored the UTS Cross-Campus Journey in individual and unique ways, questioning the most obvious. | Good level of experimentation using some or all methods. Good level of questioning what is most obvious. | Little experimentation however, all methods are attempted and included. | Experimentation is not at all evident. Half of the tasks are variations on things we’ve seen in class without unique or individual variance. | Experimentation is not at all evident. most of the tasks are variations on things we’ve seen in class without unique or individual variance. | No experimentation. Not all methods are used or explored. | Did not submit |
Ability to identify how your learning journey changes over time, including areas of achievement and areas for development. | Outstanding level of engagement with the learning dimensions, using each to specifically reflect on something they have learnt and how it was/could be applied in the future. | Superior level of engagement with the dimensions which explains something they have learnt | Good attempt made to use each dimension and connect it to something they learned. | Attempted all learning dimensions. | May be missing one learning dimension reflection | Missing more than one learning dimension | Missing multiple reflection dimensions | Did not submit |
Use citation and referencing skills accurately and appropriately. | Has both a reference list and in-text citation, accurate except for maybe one minor format issues. In-text citation has the author in the sentence e.g. Berger (1972) states that… | Has both a reference list and in-text citation, accurate except for one or two format issues. In-text citation does not have the author in the sentence e.g. Berger (1972) states that… | Has both a reference list and in-text citation but has minor punctuation issues (incorrect italics or use of commas). | Has both a reference list and in-text citation but has minor punctuation issues (incorrect italics or use of commas). may be missing one important element such as author’s name or publisher. | Has both a reference list and in-text citation but may have serious format issues | Has only a citation OR reference list. Not both. No Format issues. | Has only a citation OR reference list. Not both. Format issues. | Did not submit |
Demonstrated consistent work with Journal writing and assessment 3 tasks. Demonstrated preparation for weekly studio activities and refinement shown in final Folio submission, evidencing time spent with Folio development and critique. | Tasks connect to one another and show depth of analysis and rationale with reference to course readings and employ systems thinking. Journals explore the concepts and evaluate personal process/feelings etc. Outstanding. Prepared every week and built on work week to week to improve. Outstanding submission. | Tasks connect to one another and show depth of analysis and rationale with reference to course readings. Journals explore the concepts and evaluate personal process/feelings etc. Superior at bringing in work each week and using critique to iterate their work. | Tasks have rationale/explanation/description to accompany images with reference to course readings. Journals evaluate personal process/feelings etc. Good at bringing work in each week and taking on feedback to improve. Could spend more time refining. | Completed all 5 Design Journal writings and Task 1 and Task 2 Work is not shown every week, however work is sporadically updated and developed. | Completed all Design Journals writings and task but writings are not answering the questions or one task is not following the brief. One journal entry may be missing Work has been shown once or twice. | The Journal or Tasks are present but completely irrelevant to the brief OR multiple journal entries are missing. Tutor has seen only one draft of work completed | An assessment 3 task is missing. Work consistently not brought in. | Did not submit |

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