The following provides an overview of Assessment 1.
type Method Individual weighting Due date Length/time
Reflection Individual 15% 23.59 AEST Sunday, Week 1 600 words +/- 10%
1. Think about the nature of law.
2. Reflect on personal experience with the law.
3. Identify and begin to apply legal research skills.
Unit learning outcomes alignment Graduate learning outcomes alignment
· ULO2: Use and interpret
primary sources of law, such
as common law and statute,
as well as secondary sources,
such as journal articles and
· ULO3: Analyse and explain
how Australian legal
institutions work both
separately and
collaboratively. · LL1: Reflect on their own practice, updating and adapting their knowledge and skills for continual professional and academic development. · LL2: Be self-aware. · P1: Employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills. · P2: Communicate effectively.
· ULO4: Evaluate the Australian legal system in context. · P3: Use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems.
· Referencing style: Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th ed.) – AGLC4; references/footnotes are for noting your sources or to clarify minor matters, not to ‘park’ content
The unit provides an opportunity to think about law systemically, with particular reference to law in Australia. The first assessment is an opportunity to reflect on a personal experience or interaction you have had with ‘the Law’. Students are to address the following:
· Describe an experience or encounter with ‘the law’ and reflect on what it evidences about the function or functioning of the law.
o Students are to a) reflect on a relevant personal experience
o and b) draw on relevant legal research on the chosen angle or experience to explain how the law affected the event and outcome.
These two angles should be linked. A minimum of five current, high-quality sources are supposed to be drawn upon for the assessment.
Sources/references shall go in footnotes and do not form part of the word count. In your Reflection, please ensure it is clear how each source you draw on is relevant to the experience you describe and reflect upon.
The assessment provides an opportunity to receive feedback early in the unit.

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