Assignment Task (Assignment Number: UA513)
ICT100 Transition to IT
Skills Submission 03
This submission relates to the lab work for Labs 9-10 as listed below. It is worth 10% of your final mark for the unit. You should submit a single word document named using your student number (e.g., 12345678.docx) to LMS. The due date is as specified in the submission link.
It is your responsibility to keep a copy of any work handed in for assessment purposes. It is recommended that you keep both a hard copy and an electronic copy.
Assessments that are not received by the due date will be regarded as late unless an extension has been granted by the unit coordinator. Applications for extensions should be made as soon as a problem is experienced. Late submission will be penalized at a rate of five percent of the total marks available for the assignment per day (or part thereof). No submission will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date, as assignment return will have begun.
This unit may use software called Urkund when viewing work that you submit. Urkund is a pattern-matching system designed to compare work submitted by students with other sources from the internet, journals/periodicals, and previous submissions. Its primary purpose is to detect any submitted work that is not original and provide a thorough comparison between the submitted document and the original sources.
Please submit a single Word document that includes both labs. All citations and references should be formatted using the APA 6 style. A penalty will be applied for submitting more than one document.
Lab 09:
For this lab, you will need to:
- Create a new Skills Submission word document
- Add the 10 best practices in a table that includes a brief explanation of what it is, what type of threat it protects you from, and a citation.
- Reference list at the end of the document.
When marking this lab, markers will be looking for:
- 10 best practices, 2 for each type of cyber hygiene
- Well written explanation of the best practice and the threat
- Reference details
Lab 10:
Create a list of five (5) candidate activities. For each activity, list where the activity can be accessed, what skill(s) you would be hoping to develop from completing that activity and how much time you will need to devote to it.
For this lab, you will need to:
- Add this to the document you created in Lab 09.
- Create a table that lists the information as listed above.
When marking this lab, markers will be looking for:
- Creation of a table that includes the required information.
ICT100 Transition to IT Lab Exercise 10:
Each week during the semester, there will be a lab exercise that will be aimed primarily at helping you to develop skills you will need to be successful in your IT studies. The labs are designed for you to be able to complete with no assistance, but if you do get stuck, you may seek the assistance of your tutor. Some Lab Exercises will require you to complete an exercise to submit later. Instructions as to what you may be required to submit will be on each of the Lab Exercise sheets.
What you need to do.
In the lecture and tutorial, we focused on self-learning and its importance in developing the skills required to prepare ourselves for life post-graduation. In this lab, you are being asked to prepare a list of self-learning activities that you think will be useful to you for the rest of this year. Create a list of five (5) candidate activities. For each activity, list where the activity can be accessed, what skill(s) you would be hoping to develop from completing that activity and how much time you will need to devote to it.
What you need to submit
For this lab, you will need to:
- Add this to the document you created in Lab 09.
- Create a table that lists the information as listed above.
When marking this lab, markers will be looking for: - Creation of a table that includes the required information.
Please note that this is the final lab exercise for the semester
Assignment Solution/Sample Answer
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