Just for you is an online platform where every user who is interested in traveling and tourism can log in to the website or application in use. Along with that, can choose the area whether outside the country or inside it. Then all transportation arrangements and all the utilities are assembled by our company and can easily go wherever they want. A client can visit the desired area without doing any arrangements related to transportation, residence, or any other requirements that are related to traveling and tourism. Some locations in the globe are truly enjoying tourism, and tourism is the major source of revenue and jobs for some people. Ethical tourism is inherited in the tourism sector with initiatives aimed at raising knowledge about and respecting the advantages of responsible vacations (Hwang & Lee, 2019). Following values are inherited for better user experience-
- Convenient Language for communication.
- Discover local cultures
- Provide new offers and discounts for a better user experience.
- Priority is given to clients’ requirements regarding traveling medium and accommodations.
- Providing an appropriate environment for traveling and residential for a better and safe experience.
Our brand helps all in traveling keeping in mind the following elements-
- FUNDING/MONEY- If you want to spend on luxury travel, traveling may be a highly costly pastime. But it may also be afforded by arranging your particular preferences and knowing them well. Brand helps the client in choosing the best range for choosing better and affordable accommodations.
- DESTINATIONS- Unfortunately, this isn’t achievable for everybody, therefore the priority must be properly planned to go. The first thing to do is to know what you want. Should a journey through nature, to the beach, to a cooler location, or an adventure journey? Many areas in the nation or nearby provide most of what we wish to accomplish. We provide a long variety of choices of places with the money associated with traveling to provide a better user experience.
- Right time and sunlight- High tourist season will lead to more expensive hotels and airfares. It is, therefore, necessary to pick the location beforehand and read about the suitable season for traveling there (Abadi, 2019). If time is not on your side, you may still plan your journey when it is nearly after that season.
- FUN AND WARNING SENSE- I can say that when traveled with natives, the finest moments of travel and locations were. It may be a bit frightening, but they truly know where to go. Normally, visit eateries with many locals, but no tourists. I find a grin to go a long way, so generally, people react to it in Southeast Asia in particular.
Technologies inherited in brand for better and optimistic results-
Enhanced and virtual reality (AR and VR): The popularity of travel and tourist firms has grown in recent years, with the trend going on. These technologies are used either to advertise content or to improve the experiences of customers. To enhance ticket or auxiliary services sales, for example, airlines have begun to display cabins to travelers using VR technology in advance.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is the backbone of many advanced travel and tourism technology and developments. It may be divided into three key areas as to how the industry helps: machine learning, chat boats, or travel boats and robots (Tore, 2018). Thanks to AI, activities that typically need human interaction, and time to learn new skills, may be automated and processes accelerated as well as quality, performance, and lower costs improved.
Voice technologies are another digital novelty that is beginning to disrupt tourism, with ever more clients moving to voice interaction from written search. voice technology is another digital novelty. More and more hotels are beginning to experiment with speech-enabled gadgets. These include W Austin, Marriott International Hotel, Westin Buffalo, and Kimpton Alexis Hotel.
Wearables: Despite a slow start, tourist firms progressively use this technology to provide
consumers with a more customized and unified experience. Wearable gadgets. To decrease
waiting times and to track guests’ movements and activities, for example, Walt Disney Company
has implemented a wearable, personalizable, RFID-equipped MagicBand that links to the
themes of the park.
This would help in attracting a wide range of customers towards the site or application for gaining optimistic profits. This will help tourists in choosing the destination for traveling with just one click and then all the accessibilities and accommodations are provided by our brand.
Tore, O. (2018, March 8). Top 6 technology trends in the travel and tourism industry in 2018
Shares. FtnNEWS. https://ftnnews.com/technology/33890-top-6-technology-trends-in-the-travel and-tourism-industry-in-2018
Hwang, J., & Lee, J. (2019). Antecedents and consequences of brand prestige of package tour in the senior tourism industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(7), 679-695.
Abadi, F. (2019, February). The role of human capital in the tour and travel industry. The influence of employee competence, employee commitment and compensation to the employee performance of the tour and travel company. In 5th Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMaR 2018) (pp. 87-91). Atlantis Press.
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