Assignment Description
Part 1: Examine the op-amp active filter circuit The key Specifications:
- Design any two types of op-amp active filter (Low pass, high pass and band pass) circuit using simulation software.
- Use your own specification for filter design with appropriate justification.
- Examine the results obtained from the designed circuit and discuss the findings with appropriate explanation.
- You are expected to design an op-amp active filter using simulation platform.
- Explanation of the design.
- Show all design steps in details and calculate all the required components value for the design.
- Compare the theoretical calculation and the simulation results.
- Observe all the waveform at both inputs and output points.
(50 marks)
Part 2: Design an Oscillator for Electronic Applications.
The key specification:
- Different oscillation frequency for each group.
- The oscillation frequency is targeted in between the range of 1 KHz to 10 KHz.
- You can use any oscillators for your design.
- You are expected to design an oscillator using operational amplifier/BJT/FET with RC or LC feedback circuit for electronic applications.
- Explanation the design.
- Show all design steps in detail and calculate all the required components value for the design.
- Compute the expected oscillation frequency from an equation.
- Simulate the designed circuit using any simulation software.
- Compare the theoretical calculation and the simulation results.
- Observe the waveform at both inputs and output point and measure the peak to peak output voltage of the oscillator.
- Submit a copy of well written Technical Report for assessment.
(50 marks)
2000 words +/- 10%. Any deviation from this will be penalized.
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
- Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
- Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
- Length: 1000 words
- Formatting: Typed on A4 paper in Times New Roman or Arial font 12 with at 1.5 spacing.
- Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using APA referencing throughout is also provided.
- Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
Marking Rubric
Part 1: Examine the op-amp active filter circuit
Categories | Score | Weightage | Total Score (Weightage x Score) | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Part 1/4 | Missing several | Written in rough | Written in good | Well-written | ||
Design the | important design | order but | order, important | design procedures. | ||
Op-amp active | procedures or not | readable, still | design procedure | Explanation | ||
filter circuit | written in order. | missing some | are covered, | complete & well- | ||
with schematic diagram and, | Very little explanation | important design procedure. Some | some minor details missing. | written; provides all necessary | 3.75 | |
explain the | provided or | explanation but | Explanation is | background | ||
technical and | information is | still missing | nearly complete, | principles for the | ||
theory. | incorrect. | some major | missing some | experiment. | ||
points. | minor points. | |||||
Part 2/4 | Missing several | Written in rough | Written in good | Well-written | ||
Design and | important design | order but | order, important | design procedures. | ||
simulate the | procedures or not | readable, still | design procedure | Explanation | ||
Op-amp active | written in order. | missing some | are covered, | complete and well- | ||
filter circuit using an electronics | Very little explanation | important design procedure. Some | some minor details missing. | written; provides all necessary | 5 | |
design | provided or | explanation but | Explanation is | background | ||
software. Explain | information is | still missing | nearly complete, | principles for the | ||
the design and the | incorrect. | some major | missing some | experiment. | ||
circuit operations. | points. | minor points. | ||||
Part 3/4 | Figures, graphs, | Most figures, | All figures, | All figures, tables | ||
Experimental | tables are poorly | tables OK, some | tables are | are correctly | ||
observation and, | constructed, | still missing | correctly drawn, | drawn, numbered | ||
results | missing titles, | some important | but some could | & contain titles. | ||
interpretation and | numbers, units, etc. | Features. Some | still be improved. | All-important | ||
discussion. | Very incomplete interpretation of | results have been correctly | Almost all of the results have been | trends & data comparisons have | 2.5 | |
trend. Weak | interpreted, | correctly | been interpreted | |||
comparison of | incomplete | discussed, only | correctly and | |||
data indicating a | understanding of | minor | discussed, good | |||
lack understanding | results is still | improvements | understanding of | |||
of results. | evident. | are needed. | results conveyed. | |||
Part 4/4 Appearance and formatting Spelling, grammar and sentence structure References | Sections out of order, sloppy formatting. Frequent grammar or spelling errors, writing style is rough & immature. No references provided. | Sections in order, format is rough but readable. Occasional grammar/spelling errors, generally readable with some rough spots in writing style. References provided are incomplete, confusing format. | All sections in order, format generally good, could still be improved. Less than 30% grammar/spelling errors, mature, readable style. References provided are in order, formatting generally good but could still be improved. | All sections in order, well formatted, very readable. All grammar/ spelling correct & very well written. References are in order and well formatted. | 1.25 | |
Total Marks | /50 |
Marking Rubric
Part 2: Design an Oscillator for Electronic Applications.
Categories | Score | Weightage | Total Score (Weightage x Score) | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Part 1/4 | Missing several | Written in rough | Written in good | Well-written | ||
Design the | important design | order but | order, important | design procedures. | ||
oscillator circuit | procedures or not | readable, still | design procedure | Explanation | ||
with schematic | written in order. | missing some | are covered, | complete & well- | ||
diagram and, explain the | Very little explanation | important design procedure. Some | some minor details missing. | written; provides all necessary | 3.75 | |
technical and | provided or | explanation but | Explanation is | background | ||
theory. | information is | still missing | nearly complete, | principles for the | ||
incorrect. | some major | missing some | experiment. | |||
points. | minor points. | |||||
Part 2/4 | Missing several | Written in rough | Written in good | Well-written | ||
Design and | important design | order but | order, important | design procedures. | ||
simulate the | procedures or not | readable, still | design procedure | Explanation | ||
oscillator using an | written in order. | missing some | are covered, | complete and well- | ||
electronics design software. Explain | Very little explanation | important design procedure. Some | some minor details missing. | written; provides all necessary | 5 | |
the design and the | provided or | explanation but | Explanation is | background | ||
circuit operations. | information is | still missing | nearly complete, | principles for the | ||
incorrect. | some major | missing some | experiment. | |||
points. | minor points. | |||||
Part 3/4 | Figures, graphs, | Most figures, | All figures, | All figures, tables | ||
Experimental | tables are poorly | tables OK, some | tables are | are correctly | ||
observation and, | constructed, | still missing | correctly drawn, | drawn, numbered | ||
results | missing titles, | some important | but some could | & contain titles. | ||
interpretation and | numbers, units, etc. | Features. Some | still be improved. | All-important | ||
discussion. | Very incomplete interpretation of | results have been correctly | Almost all of the results have been | trends & data comparisons have | 2.5 | |
trend. Weak | interpreted, | correctly | been interpreted | |||
comparison of | incomplete | discussed, only | correctly and | |||
data indicating a | understanding of | minor | discussed, good | |||
lack understanding | results is still | improvements | understanding of | |||
of results. | evident. | are needed. | results conveyed. | |||
Part 4/4 Appearance and formatting Spelling, grammar and sentence structure References | Sections out of order, sloppy formatting. Frequent grammar or spelling errors, writing style is rough & immature. No references provided. | Sections in order, format is rough but readable. Occasional grammar/spelling errors, generally readable with some rough spots in writing style. References provided are incomplete, confusing format. | All sections in order, format generally good, could still be improved. Less than 30% grammar/spelling errors, mature, readable style. References provided are in order, formatting generally good but could still be improved. | All sections in order, well formatted, very readable. All grammar/ spelling correct & very well written. References are in order and well formatted. | 1.25 | |
Total Marks | /50 |