ASR100 Essay 1: Topics
Below you will find the topics for your essay for ASR100 World Religions.
Choose one topic, and write a 1,600 word essay on this topic and upload it in the CloudDeakin Essay 1 assignment dropbox by Thursday 26 August, 2021, 8.00pm.
It is important to submit your work on time as late essays will be penalized and under University regulations we cannot accept work after 5 days past the due date without an approved extension.
The readings for reach essay topic are available for download from the readings tab.
The readings for each essay topic are listed in the reading list under Readings for Essay 1 Topic 1, Essay 1 Topic 2 and so on.
Be sure to consult the essential readings for each topic. Readings marked prescribed are essential reading for that topic and you must consult them.
Topic 1
Describe the Hindu doctrine of karma. Critically assess whether the Hindu is morally accountable for their actions in previous lives?
Topic 2
Critically compare the ultimate goal of yoga practice according to Patanjali and the ultimate goal in Buddhist practice. How do the steps of yoga practice in terms of the concepts of prakriti and purusha compare to the practice of the Eightfold Noble Path?
Topic 3
Explain the Buddhist anatta (no-self) doctrine and discuss whether it is compatible with the Buddhist doctrine of rebirth. What difficulties might the combination of these two doctrines generate?
Topic 4
Critically discuss the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, explaining the reasons or arguments given by Buddhism to support these Truths and discussing at least one objection that could be raised against the first Noble Truth and one objection that could be raised against the second Noble Truth.
Topic 5
Compare the Hindu theory of atman with the Buddhist no-self theory. Which of these do you find more plausible, and why?
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