-Analysis and responding to project requirements
1) Embark and clarify
2) Respond to or initiate research
3) Define the problem and specify
4) Define purpose
– Analysis of context, problem and solutions
1) Find and reflect on research
– This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIdentification of contextual and solution themes
1) Generate and evaluate
– Assessment 3 Organisational Analysis Individual Report
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAnalysis and responding to project requirements
1) Embark and clarify
2) Respond to or initiate research
3) Define the problem and specify
4) Define purpose
4 to >3.16 Pts
Advanced and Self-Developing (HD)
In addition to demonstrating the Advanced level of competence, the work shows evidence of highly original or insightful selection of information. The work demonstrates curiosity in approach to enquiry and critical analysis.
3.16 to >2.76 Pts
Advanced (D)
Respond to questions/tasks required by and implicit in a close inquiry. Competence in choosing from several provided structures to clarify questions, terms, requirements, expectations, and ethical, social, cultural and individual (ESCT) issues. Evidence of selection of information for relevance and appropriateness to the task.
2.76 to >2.36 Pts
Competent (CR)
Evidence of selection of information for the task but it is not always relevant or fully discussed. Has understood and addressed the task requirements. Able to work independently from highly structured directions and modelling from educator-prompted research.
2.36 to >1.96 Pts
Satisfactory (PA)
Adequate response to the task, but is limited in expression of ideas and selection of information. Shows some understanding of the task but may not have addressed all requirements. Demonstrates ability to improve after structured directions and modelling from educator-prompted research.
1.96 to >0 Pts
Unsatisfactory (NN)
Inadequate response to the task, and limited in expression of ideas and selection of information. Shows inadequate understanding of the task and may not have addressed all requirements. Demonstrates inability to improve after structured directions and modelling from educator-prompted research. Neglecting to follow submission processes, neglecting to submit final report to Turnitin.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAnalysis of context, problem and solutions
1) Find and reflect on research
8 to >6.32 Pts
Advanced and and Self-Developing (HD)
In addition to demonstrating the Advanced level of competence, a wide variety of source types has been selected to critically improve the response to the task that demonstrates a critical awareness of research concentrations and contributions.
6.32 to >5.52 Pts
Advanced (D)
A wide variety of source types has been selected to critically improve the response to the task. Developed competence in collecting and recording appropriate research from self-selected sources where information is not obvious. Reflects insightfully on the research process. Illustrates clarity in the enquiry approach.
5.52 to >4.72 Pts
Competent (CR)
Locates and records data/information from more than the prescribed number of sources. A variety of source types has been selected to improve the response to the task. Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to collect and records appropriate research from self-selected sources. Satisfactory ability to reflect on the research process.
4.72 to >3.92 Pts
Satisfactory (PA)
Locates and records data/information from a prescribed number of sources across a specified range. Able to demonstrate satisfactory reflection on the research process.
3.92 to >0 Pts
Unsatisfactory (NN)
Fails to locate and record data/information from a prescribed number of sources across a specified range. Unable to demonstrate satisfactory original reflection on the research process, including neglecting to submit final report to Turnitin.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIdentification of contextual and solution themes
1) Generate and evaluate
10 to >7.9 Pts
Advanced and and Self-Developing (HD)
Demonstrate an ability to reflect insightfully and to improve own processes used. Evidence of extremely solid, thorough, comprehensive written work. High level of academic integrity. Demonstrates the result of consistent hard work, use of sources and/or independent scholarship. Provides evidence of substantive self-determ–Message truncated–
-Development and organisation of research structure and content
1) Organise and manage information
2) Individual task processes and functions
– Making the case for the solution AND Justification and identification of advantages and disadvantages
1) Analyse and synthesise
2) Critically analyse and using evidence
– Presentation of the solution
1) Communicate and apply
2) Use of discipline specific language and genre
3) Grammar and spelling
4) In-class processes (ESCT)
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