Points to be achieved: 1.00
The following question relates to communication policies and protocols in the workplace. If you are currently working in the industry, you will need to access your organisations communications policies and protocols. If you are new to the industry, you will need to access the links below to download a sample communication policy to answer the question.
Once you have read the policies, list the topics that are addressed by these policies and protocols. (Max 200 words)
Links to sample policies:
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Explain what applying a person-centred and rights based approach means in the context of your work role as a community services worker and list 3 relevant principles.
For additional resources, please refer to the following links –
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 potential barriers to effective communication.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 2 different types of non-verbal communication cues.
For additional information, please refer to the following link – https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/nonverbal-communication.html
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 factors that commonly contribute to communication barriers.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is cross cultural communication? (50-70 words)
For additional information, please refer to this link – http://www.culturosity.com/pdfs/TipsforCross-CulturalCommunication.pdf
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Explain what the term “Group Dynamics” means. (Max 50 words)
For additional resources to help answer the question, please refer to the following link – http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/management/group-dynamics-its-characteristics-stages-types-and-other-details-management/5363/
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is the difference between motivational interviewing and undertaking a coercive approach with a client? (Max 50 words)
For additional information, please refer to the following link – http://drugabuse.com/library/motivational-interviewing
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 different methods you could apply as a community services worker to establish a trusting relationship with clients.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Watch this short video on building rapport and trust and answer the following question.
What is rapport? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 3 strategies you can apply to build rapport with a person.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe the process that could be applied to resolve conflict. (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Please answer the question.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 different objectives when seeking to effectively negotiate with a client.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Research your organisations policy and procedure relating to accessing interpretation and translation services (language service policy) specific to your organisations clients.
Explain the process you are required to implement to access interpretation and translating services if required by one of your clients and provide the contact details of one of the interpretation and translating services your organisation uses.
If you are new to the industry, you will need to access the following link and download a sample policy and procedure relating to accessing translation services and answer the above question.
(Max 200 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Why is it important to maintain professional boundaries when working with clients in the community service sector?
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://professionalboundaries.com/faq
(Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCC
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 3 different activities that form part of the role of a workplace meeting facilitator.
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/RoleofAFacilitator.htm
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 different communication strategies you could apply when facilitating a meeting.
For additional information, please refer to the following link – https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/RoleofAFacilitator.htm
Points to be achieved: 1.00
You have been asked to deliver a presentation to your work team members about a new project that your team will undertake over the next 6 months.
Describe the factors that you will consider when preparing for this presentation.
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/presentation-tips.html
(Max 200 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Research and describe how the following digital media is used in the community services or health sector (Max 250 words)
The digital media includes:
- Web
- Social Media
- Podcast and videos
- Tablets and applications
- Newsletters and broadcasts
- Intranet
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is a ‘Style Guide’ and what is its purpose? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
When working within a community organisation, describe the circumstances in which you would need to produce the following correspondence:
- Letter
- Minutes
- Case notes
- Report
(Max 150 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe the general characteristics of excellent standards of service. (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
How can you maintain a client’s confidientality and why is it important to do so? (Max 150 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Under what circumstances is it necessary to disclose a client’s personal information to others? (75 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 1 example of how cultural differences in Australia could be reflected in differences relating to communication.
Please refer to the following link for further information – http://etraining.communitydoor.org.au/mod/page/view.php?id=308
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What does the term ‘Cultural Bias’ mean?
Please refer to the following link for further information – http://etraining.communitydoor.org.au/mod/page/view.php?id=308
(Max 100 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is meant by the term ‘Behaviour of Concern’? (Max 30 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
If you are working in the industry, provide a brief summary or your organisations policies and procedures relating to behaviours of concern.
Please ensure you seek permission from your organisation to access and use this policy.
If you are new to the industry, you will need to download a sample policy and procedure relating to behaviours of concern.
The sample policy is from the Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of South Australia and can be accessed via the following link – https://homecareplus.asn.au/documents/policies-and-procedures/Behaviour-Management-Policy-and-Procedures.pdf
This question is related to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
If you are working in the industry, provide a brief summary of your organisations policies and procedures relating to how to respond to complaints.
If you are new to the industry and don’t have access to a policy and procedure for handling a complaint, please access the following link to download a sample policy and provide a summary of how this organisation responds to complaints.
Here is the link to the sample policy – https://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/5813/BR_Complaint-Handling-Kit-CS-CRAMA-Brochure-2013-web.pdf
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 1 example of how human rights are applied within community service organisations.
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 2 examples of how a community service organisation may protect their workers workplace health and safety.
For additional information, please refer to the following link – https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/resources/working-safely-community-services
Points to be achieved: 1.00
In which workplace document might you find a description of your role and responsibilities?
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Imagine that a client has presented to you with a bleeding wound on their leg. How would you address this issue? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCCS010.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 3 examples of Commonwealth laws that impact on community service industry work.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief summary of the purpose of the Privacy Act of 1988. (Max 40 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are the consequences of breaching the Privacy Act? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief summary of the purpose of the Workplace Health and Safety Act. (Max 150 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 1 consequence of breaching the Workplace Health and Safety Act.
For further information, please refer to the following link – https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/laws/ohs
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 2 examples of employee rights and 2 examples of employee responsibilities within the community service industry.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is your obligation as a community worker under the Tort Law-Duty of Care principle and describe 1 potential consequence of breach of this principle?
Please refer to the following link for further information
(Max 150 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001
Points to be achieved: 1.00
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 1 example of legislation relating to discrimination and describe the purpose of this piece of legislation.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 potential consequences in the event that a Community Services organisation breaches discrimination legislation.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief summary of the purpose of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and how human rights are reflected in a community organisation’s policies. (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief explanation of what is meant by the term “Mandatory Reporting”. (Max 30 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief explanation of what is meant by the term “informed consent”. (Max 30 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Please answer the question.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief explanation of the term “code of conduct” and 1 example of potential consequences of breach of the code of conduct. (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide a brief explanation of the term “code of practice” and 1 example of potential consequence of breach of the code of practice. (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 1 example of a type of ethical issue that may arise in the course of your work within the community service sector and how you might respond to this issue.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 standards that organisations must follow relating to the management of organisational records and 1 potential consequence of breaching these standards.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 principles associated with a client’s right to complain and what the potential consequence of breaching the client’s right to complain could be.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
List 3 different types of work that children are not permitted to undertake according to the Child Employment Act 2003.
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/208169/ISBN-Keeping-children-safe-in-the-workplace-handbook-for-workplaces-2010-12.pdf
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Why is it important to undertake regular professional development activities? (Max 30 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 1 policy framework common to community service organisations and explain why you think it’s important for the organisations to have this policy and associated procedures.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe the process that is commonly implemented within community service organisations to develop and review policies and procedures. (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Explain what is the relationship between human needs and human rights? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 different types of work that children are not permitted to undertake according to the Child Employment Act 2003.
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/208169/ISBN-Keeping-children-safe-in-the-workplace-handbook-for-workplaces-2010-12.pdf
This question relates to CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Name 1 industrial relations legislation relevant to work in the community service industry.
Please refer to the following link for further information – https://communitydoor.org.au/legislation-0
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Name 1 specific piece of legislation relating to any area of community service industry work.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Provide 1 example of a legal issue that is similar to an ethical principle.
This question relates to unit code CHCLEG001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Who has responsibility for managing work health and safety risks?
Refer to the Code of Practice for ‘How to manage work health and safety risks’ – Safe Work Australia to help answer this question. (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is a PCBU and describe 2 areas of responsibilities of the PCBU.
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are the most common work related injury and illness sustained by community services workers? (Max 30 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are the legislative requirements for record keeping and reporting under the Workplace Health and Safety Act?
Please refer to the Community Workers Work Health and Safety guidelines 2nd edition 2014 for further information.
(Max 160 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 3 Regulatory (Acts) requirements that relate to the Community Services sector.
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Please answer the question.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are the health and safety responsibilities of managers, coordinators and supervisors in the community services sector? (Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are community services workers WHS responsibilities? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 2 key policies and procedures (standards) that underpin workplace health and safety.
Please refer to the Community Workers work health and safety guidelines 4th edition, July 2014 for further information.
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are hazardous manual tasks? (Max 50 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 4 hazardous manual tasks specific to the community services sector.
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Explain the meaning and purpose of standard infection control precautions. (Max 40 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk? (Max 60 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Explain what a risk assessment report should include and describe what a residual risk is. (Max 80 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What is a hierarchy of control and when is it applied? (Max 40 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
What are hierarchy of control priorities? (Max 20 words)
This question relates to unit code HLTWHS003.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe your workplace emergency procedures.
If you are new to the industry, provide a summary of the following SafeWork Australia Emergency plan fact sheet – https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/
(Max 200 words)
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 different client needs common in the community service sector and how these needs could potentially impact on service delivery.
Please refer to the following link for further information – www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/4FD5C304C536BDE3CA257CAF0017ADE9/$File/9.pdf
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe the role of 1 community service organisation and the type of information that they provide to clients.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 2 different organisations that a community service organisation may have links with.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
List 4 factors that need to be taken into consideration when providing information to clients about the service.
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe 1 strategy for dealing with clients who are:
- Aggressive
- Distressed
- Have cognitive impairment
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Research and summarise a community service organisation’s service exit and transition procedure.
Please refer to the following link for further information – http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/4FD5C304C536BDE3CA257CAF0017ADE9/$File/9.pdf
(Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Describe the difference between collaborating with a client and confronting a client.
Please refer to the following links for further information –
(Max 100 words)
This question relates to unit code CHCCOM001.
Question 84
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Read the following case study and answer the questions.
Tony has been given 200 hours of community service by the local courts. He has been attending your service undertaking cleaning duties and some gardening tasks. Tony has been undertaking these community hours on the days he does not work (Mondays and Fridays). He needs to undertake this work at least 10 hours per week.
Tony has a young family and also has recently secured a part time job after being out of work for the last 12 months. Tony arrives at your service and tells you that his boss has requested he work more hours starting this week. Tony’s boss has asked Tony to work on a Monday and Friday starting next week as his boss has secured a new contract and must have Tony working full time.
You observe that Tony is quite distressed as he is quite pale and agitated as he tells you that he has not told his boss that he has a commitment of community hours that he must fulfil.
Tony says that if he tells his boss he has been in trouble, that his boss will think he is untrustworthy and he will get the sack.
Tony is quite agitated when he asks that you allow him to take on the extra hours as he really needs the money and is very anxious as he doesn’t want to lose his job. Tony says you can just sign his timesheet and that no-one will know. He also states in a loud and aggressive manner that he is doing the work of two people anyway and is angry that your organisation is getting ‘free labour’ and that you don’t really care about him anyway.
You can see by observing Tony that he is very agitated and his body language is starting to get quite aggressive. He states that the community hours are rubbish and that the Judge should not have given him community hours knowing he had a young family to support.
Tony’s voice has started to get louder and he is starting to pace up and down the reception area. He tells you that if he loses his job, it will be your fault. There are two other clients waiting in the reception area and they are looking anxious, wondering what Tony is going to do.
1. Describe the communication strategies (reponses and interventions) that you could use to diffuse this situation. (Tony’s anxiety, agitated and aggressive behaviour)
2. How you could problem solve and negotiate with Tony to address the issue of managing the additional hours required by his boss and also continue to meet his community service obligations.
3. How will you address Tony’s request to ‘just sign off his timesheet’?
This case study relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Please answer the questions below, ensuring that you indicate which question each response is for.
Your answer
Question 85
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Read the following case study and answer the question that follows.
Sophia is 25 years old and has three children under the age of 4. She has a history of mental health issues and has often used alcohol and other drugs to treat her mental illness. She has been an involuntary psychiatric patient at the local hospital a number of times and when she has been unwell, her mother has looked after the children. A number of notifications have been made to the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) over the past six years by professionals who have been concerned about the children’s wellbeing. DCS have recently become involved on an active basis as Sophia’s mother has been unwell and unable to help her care for the children.
Sophia has been referred to your agency by DCS for family support and so that she can attend the supported playgroup. You are the worker on intake and have been asked to do an internal review with Sophia.
When you meet with Sophia, she is very angry and resentful about being there. She is also terrified that her children might be taken from her and is distrusting of your role – she thinks you are there to see if she is a good enough mother. She tells you that you don’t understand and appears frustrated with and indignant about the DCS involvement. She just wants to look after her kids and her mum.
What can you do to develop a successful working relationship with Sophia? (Max 300 words)
This case study relates to unit code CHCCOM002.
Question 86
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Read the following case study and answer the questions.
John has a physical disability and has also recently been diagnosed with Epilepsy. He uses a wheelchair and has restricted movement in his hands. John’s favourite social activity on Friday nights is to go to the local club and have a few drinks with his mates. Because of John’s physical limitations he has a carer, Amari who accompanies him to the club. Sometimes John gets quite intoxicated and on one occasion, Amari had to assist John to throw up when he returned from the club. Amari does not drink alcohol.
1. What are the duty of care issues to consider in this scenario?
2. Who owes John a duty of care?
3. In what way could Amari’s personal values impact on this situation?
(Max 300 words)
Question 87
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Read the following case study and answer the questions.
Julie is a disability worker in a respite care facility for people with a disability. She has recently started her job. Julie has been busy since starting the job and hasn’t had a chance to learn about the organisation’s policy and procedures. One day, she is the only staff member on duty at the house when there is a very unpleasant altercation between two of the residents.
Both of the young people involved have a significant intellectual disability and difficulty in communicating their feelings. Julie makes a mental note to mention it to her supervisor when she is next in.
Julie comes in the next day to find that the staff members on the next shift were not aware of the incident and organised for the two clients involved to move into the same room. Apparently one of the clients became very distressed and ran away; leaving the night staff very perplexed.
1. In what way could Julie’s knowledge and following of policy and procedure have prevented this unfortunate incident?
2. What are some ways that Julie could have found out what the relevant policy and procedure is in relation to this situation?
(Max 300 words)
This case study is in relation to unit code CH
Question 88
Points to be achieved: 1.00
Read the following case study and answer the question.
Adam, a worker at Eastern Community Care, was asked to take Mrs Green to a medical appointment. When he arrived to pick her up, Mrs Green’s daughter and two small children were waiting to accompany her, but there were no child restraint seats available.
What should Adam do?
(Max 100 words)
This case study relates to unit code HLTWHS003.

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