The Embraer E190-E2 is your product case study.
‘On the Embraer E190-E2 as Modern Aircraft compatible with Sustainable Development Goals ’ is your reflecive report title.
The Embraer E190-E2 entered service in April 2018. For this aircraft, theBrazilian manufacturer set for itself some very ambitious targets in
terms of fuel efficiency, operational performance and profitability. Elaborate on the above premise, giving a thorough evaluation of the design approach adopted by Embraer to ensure that the E190-E2 passes as a modern aircraft that fulfils the criteria of sustainability.
Please conduct a research based investigation into your topic. Aim to critically evaluate and contextualise your chosen case against environmental sustainability paradigms and models.
Make sure you give consideration to organisational, management, engineering and technological issues from an environmental and sustainability perspective.
Please use given template. Given the word count for each section should be used as suggestion, not a target, but please do not exceed 3500 words in total in main body (tables, references, table of contents does not count)
Appropriate referencing is a standard requirement. Not meeting the standard should be heavily penalised (accordingly with the university
procedures and code of conduct).
There are five main sections (as shown below in the template) weighted as follows:
Introduction 10 marks
Contextualisation 20 marks
Literature review 25 marks
Application/Analysis 25 marks
Final results 20 marks
List of references and title page have no weighting (but both are required, standards).

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