Assessment 2 – Reflective essay
The Assessment Task Faced with the situation given below, reflect on the course of action you will take. Case study |
You are in your last year of studying BSc Accounting. You are also a trainee accountant in your second year of training within a small practice. A more senior trainee has been on sick leave, and you are due to go on study leave. You have been told by your manager that, before you go on leave, you must complete some complicated reconciliation work. The deadline suggested appears unrealistic, given the complexity of the work. You feel that you are not sufficiently experienced to complete the work alone. You would need additional supervision to complete it to the required standard, and your manager appears unable to offer the necessary support. If you try to complete the work within the proposed timeframe but fail to meet the expected quality, you could face repercussions on your return from study leave. You feel slightly intimidated by your manager, and also feel pressure to do what you can for the practice in what are challenging times. |
Note: the allocation of marks section below provides the questions you should incorporate in your essay
Allocation of marks
Introduction (5 marks)
What are the facts of the case?
What are the ethical issues in the case? (10 marks) What are the alternative courses of action? (15 marks)
What are the key principles/values related to the each option? (10 marks) What are the consequences of each course of action? (10 marks)
What is the best course of action from an ethical point of view? What ethical theory (normative) supports your position? (10 marks)
Use Rest’s model of decision making to discuss what you would actually do. (5 marks)
Discuss at least two individual factors that may affect your decision? (10 marks) Discuss at least two situational factors that may affect your decision? (10 marks)
Do you think that everybody that reads this dilemma will make similar decisions? Why? (5 marks)
What have you learnt from knowing these theories and models? (5 marks) How can you use them in the future? (5 marks)
General instructions to students
- Use Arial, font size 12 and 1.5 spacing
- Statements, assertions and ideas made in coursework should be supported by citing relevant sources. Sources cited in the text should be listed at the end of the assignment in a reference list. Any material that you read but do not cite in the report should go into a separate bibliography. All referencing should be in Westminster Harvard format.
- Word limit is 1,000, excluding appendices and tables +/- 10%.
Assessment Criteria
0-25% | No evidence of reading. Views are unsupported and non- authoritative. Academic conventions largely ignored. |
26 -39% | Evidence of little reading appropriate for this level and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Academic conventions used weakly. |
40-49% | Evidence of reading relevant sources, with some appropriate linking to given text(s). Academic conventions evident and largely consistent, with minor weaknesses. |
50-59% | Knowledge and analysis of a range of literature beyond core text(s). Literature used accurately and analytically. Academic skills generally sound. |
60-69% | Knowledge of the field of literature used consistently to support findings. Research-informed literature integrated into the work. Very good use of academic conventions. |
70-85% | Critical engagement with a range of reading. Knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work. Consistently accurate use of academic conventions. |
86%-100% | Exceptionally wide range of relevant literature evaluated and used critically to inform argument, balance discussion and/or inform problem-solving. Consistently accurate and assured use of academic conventions. |

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