General Management Class Assignment Solved



Question1: Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your Assessor


Question 2: You will need to meet with Kim’s manager to discuss the secondment and Kim’s fitness for the role you have in mind. You have a role description for the position (Appendix 1). One of the main concerns you have is Kim’s ability to transfer the customer service skills practiced and learned in the garden centre, and to learn new home wares-specific product and service knowledge. Probably one of the key determinants of whether the secondment will be a success will be Kim’s attitude to acquiring new skills and knowledge and persevering through a period of adjustment to her new work conditions.


After meeting with Kim’s manager, you will need to meet with Kim to negotiate a work plan (Appendix 2), including two to three goals and KPIs, consistent with the organisation’s preparations planning. You are prepared to accept that during a six-month transition period (one performance appraisal period) sales performance may be as much as 20% off target. Currently sales representatives in the hardware and home wares division are expected to generate $10,000 of revenue monthly. Other objectives and KPIs may be drawn from and negotiated on the basis of the role’s position description

Appendix 2: Employee work plan FILLED BY STUDENT

KRA Activities/goals Measurement/KPIs Accountability/dependencies


Internal process

Customer focus




Finally, you will need to identify and analyses two to three risks associated with the secondment and record the analyses (Appendix 3).

Appendix 3: Risk management plan template

Risk Risk likelihood Risk impact Controls Monitoring Timelines


Question 3: Arrange with your assessor:

a. a time and place to conduct the two role-plays:

  1. a consultation with the garden products manager.

Answer 3: The time and place can be decided on the basis of the situation and the circumstances. Time can be of morning 10:30 a.m., and place can be office of the assessor.

  1. a meeting to set performance expectations with the seconded employee.

Answer: A meeting to set performance expectation with the seconded employee could be during the time of afternoon 3 p.m. and place can again be the office of the assessor.

Question 4: Carry out the role-play with the peer manager. Ensure you:

a. Discuss your expectations for the employee and your needs for filling the position with this resource:

  1. Discuss the position description.

Answer 4: The position description of n employee shall be Customer Service Representative. It provides the customers an expert advice on hardware and home ware products, process sale and refers sale to checkout staff.

  1. Gather a sense of the employee’s aptitude.

Answer: The sense of employee’s aptitude depends over the wittiness of an employee, the attention paid to the questions and the answers given for the same questions. Aptitude tests are basically a type of pre employment test which helps employer in discussing and selecting the perfect employee for an industry.

b. Gather informal feedback to relay to the employee that will allow the employee to start off with a realistic sense of the expectations of the position and how hard they may have to work to close any performance/skills/knowledge gaps.

Answer: The informal feedback rely to the employee that will allow the employee to start off with a realistic sense of the expectations of the position and how difficult will it be for them to work to close any performance, skill, or any knowledge gaps shall be by providing them a manual of the industry or the information about the institution which shall provide the employee with the help of knowing about the work profile and the employment also, by sharing the information about the work so that the employee have the knowledge about the employment and the work profile and can be able to fulfill the gap of experience skill and knowledge.

Question 5: Carry out the role-play with the seconded employee. Ensure you complete the following

a. Briefly summaries how performance is measured and performance objectives are set within the organization.

Answer: Performance is measured by the task completion by an employee and the profit earned by the employment due to that task or whatever the duty was to be fulfilled by an employee towards it employment.

Objectives set within an organization are totally based on the number of employee and employer serving that particular organization.

b. In accordance with those processes, set performance objectives and complete a work plan in consultation with the employee


c. Discuss general expectations and code of conduct with employee.

Answer: The expectation and code of conduct with an employee should be very humble and polite so that a health conversation can be build between the parties. The conversation should be precise and to the point so that all the important points can be covered and discussed, also the demand of n employee or the work explanation by an employer can be straight and to the matter of the work and employment.

Question 6: After role-playing with the manager and employee, identify two to three risks associated with the secondment in accordance with the organization’s risk management plan. Ensure you identify at least one compliance risk.

Answer: A secondment takes place when an employee is temporarily assigned to work for another organization or a different part of their employer. The risk associated with the secondment in accordance with an organization’s risk management plan are that it can be a bit dangerous appointing a secondment in an organization regarding the information transfer from one place to another about an organization. The other risk can be of utilizing the office data for the misuse in the personal context, and also can be compliance risk to an industry.

Question 7: Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications

Answer: Specification:



Question 1: Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your assessor, particularly the performance management and performance appraisal processes

Answer 1: The Australian hardware simulated business documentation provided has the key to the management work and the guidance which had to be followed by the employees and has be work according to the guidance provided in it. The process of particularly management and performance appraisal shall be provided to the employee who works and does not violate the rules and regulations of the documentation.

Question 2: Review the scenario below.

It has been noted by senior management that employee performance has generally fallen behind targets. Particular areas of concern are sales revenue and customer satisfaction.

Looking at the results of organizational climate measures taken by Australian Hardware’s HR team, employees complain of:

● the lack of apparent management commitment to training and advancement

● the lack of meaningful rewards and recognition

● the lack of management presence and ongoing feedback on work performance.

A large proportion of employees, 45%, always or often feel disengaged from work; their sense of self-confidence and optimism is low. There is a high risk of the organization being unable to attract, retain and enact a succession plan if trends continue. You are the Hardware and Home wares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. As the most knowledgeable manager on matters of performance management, you have been asked to deliver a short training session (15–20 minutes) on the current performance management system and your plans to improve the current system to take account of HR information. Your managerial audience is generally familiar with the current system, but would benefit from a refresher as an introduction to learning about your approved amendments.

Answer 2:

Question 3: Arrange with your assessor:

a. a time and place to role-play the training

Answer: A time when both the parties are free and are in sense of grabbing and giving the knowledge. Training can be kept before the afternoon meal. Director or the manager can conduct the training session for the new employees.

b. a timeframe and format requirements for submitting supporting documentation, as set out in the specifications below.

Answer 3:

  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information

Question 4: Arrange with your assessor:

a. a time and place to role-play the training

Answer 4:

A time when both the parties are free and are in sense of grabbing and giving the knowledge. Training can be kept before the afternoon meal. Director or the manager can conduct the training session for the new employees.

b. a timeframe and format requirements for submitting supporting documentation, as set out in the specifications below.


  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information

Question 5: Plan a short training session to convey the important features of the current performance management system and your amendments. Assume that your amendments have been approved and are supported by senior management for piloting at the Wollongong store.

Ensure you cover the following in your session:

a. Introduction to the main features of the performance management system in place, including:

i. goal-setting and performance measurement processes

ii. formal and informal feedback

iii. performance appraisals

iv. monitoring training and development

v. recordkeeping needs and requirements

Answer 5: A training session has to be held on the due date of 5th May 2020, it is about the specifications and working schedule of the employment.

The session shall cover certain points, which shall deal with the main features of the managing and management performance and systematic schedule of the employment, which shall include the setting of the goal and performance management and measurement so that rewards for the same can be provided. A formal feedback will be taken from every employee regarding the work and the working experience. Every best performance shall be appreciated and rewarded as mentioned, training and monitoring development sessions shall be conducted in the specific time period, and the most importantly the records should be maintained and which shall be required on the daily basis to acknowledge the work.

b. Discussion of the amendments you have made to the current system, including a focus on developing potential through positive development options rather than on identifying and correcting performance weaknesses.

Answer: The amendments done to the system of the industry is for the benefit of the workers or the employees and employers of the industry. The amendments shall focus on the process of developing and progress of the employment and employee as well.

c. Prepare to answer questions on the amendments you have made, particularly the purpose of your system (What do you hope to achieve? What problems does it address?) and how your amended system is designed to achieve that purpose

Answer: The amendments brought in the industry or the better work progress shall be implemented over every individual, the achievements of the target will be the priority of every employee. The problem is that targets are not been achieved and the work is left in the pending, the casual attitude towards work of any employee shall led to the loss to the employment. The amendments made in the industry’s laws and regulations shall help in completing the targets and the work given shall be under the expertise of every employee.

Question 6: Deliver a 15–20 minute training session. Lead others by gaining support for your amended system: explain and argue for the benefits of your amendments.

Note: For example, you could demonstrate amendments to the existing performance management system by amending existing processes in response to the scenario and then using these amendments in a training presentation. You could present these amendments on PowerPoint slides or create a revised performance management flow chart to present to managers.

Answer 6: The amendments brought and implemented over the industry and the employees has to be followed strictly and should be applicable on every employee of the employment. The progress plan for the same shall be the developing sources, completion of the targets and management of the work provided the employer. The further point amended are that the attendance of the employer shall be complete and the violating of the laws and regulations of the framed rules shall be liable to face the exemplary fine or punishment for the same every week there shall be a training and presentation conducted for the review of the work and the difficulties which occur or are occurring in the duration of the working hours. Each and every point shall be covered regarding every problem and queries of the employee. The management and the relate staff should discuss all the skills and credentials regarding the system and other related activities.

Question 7: Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications.

Answer 7:

  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information


Question 1: Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your assessor, particularly the performance management and performance appraisal processes.

Answer 1: The Australian hardware simulated business documentation provided has the key to the management work and the guidance which had to be followed by the employees and has be work according to the guidance provided in it. The process of particularly management and performance appraisal shall be provided to the employee who works and does not violate the rules and regulations of the documentation.

Question 2: Review the scenario below:

You are the Hardware and Home wares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. Kim Smith has been on your team for the past six months. It is now performance review time. You will need to provide Kim with feedback on her performance since she was seconded to you from the garden centre. You are less than satisfied with Kim’s performance, but still hope you will be able together to focus on areas she needs to develop in and help her improve her performance to meet the expectations for the role. It is particularly disappointing that after providing her with feedback and setting goals at the outset, she has not lived up to her commitment. You allowed her to reduce her sales targets, but she has not made any sustained effort to develop herself to perform to a satisfactory level. She is even failing to reach the low targets set for the initial six-month period. While Kim has not performed to expectations, she has made some effort to learn the required product information. You would like to recognize her efforts, while not downplaying the fact that the organization needs and expects more from their sales staff. You will need to discuss and agree upon what development steps to take. You have another experienced and high-performing staff member in the hardware and home wares department who has agreed to act as a mentor to Kim. You also have money in the budget for 30 hours of sales training for Kim if she is willing to be trained. You will need to follow the Australian Hardware policy and procedures for performance management, including recordkeeping.

Answer 2:

Question 3: Arrange with your assessor:

a. a time and place to role-play a coaching session/performance appraisal

Answer 3:

The role play can be conducted in the conference room of the industry. Time: 3:00 p.m. and the session shall be held for the appraisal on the basis of the performance of the employee and for the training session for the new employee.

b. a timeframe and format requirements for submitting supporting documentation, as set out in the specifications below.


  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information

Question 4: Review the employee’s Performance Scorecard (Appendix 1).

Answer 4: APPENDIX 1

To be filled by student

Question 5: Plan an informal coaching session for the employee. Use the Coaching Plan template provided (Appendix 2) or a coaching planning model of your own design. The focus of this part of the role-play should be on collaborating with the employee to identify performance gaps and taking positive measures to close those gaps.

Answer 5: APPENDIX 2

To be filled by student

Question 6: Prepare the formal performance development documentation for the employee. Use the Performance Development Plan template provided (Appendix 3), in accordance with the Australian Hardware performance management policy. The focus of part of the role-play (done immediately after the coaching session) is to formally establish with the employee the performance issues, remedial steps and work goals for the next performance review period.

Answer 6: APPENDIX 3

To be filled by student

Question 7: Participate in a 10–15 minute role-play. Ensure you complete the following:

a. Conduct a coaching session where you:

i. discuss performance expectations

ii. establish and clarify the reality of the employee’s performance: describe how performance was monitored and measured; your evaluation of the gap between expectations and their performance; and discuss previous feedback given

iii. recognise achievements, attitude and positive aspects of performance

iv. discuss opportunities for growth and meeting expectations

v. establish willingness of the employee to take concrete steps.

Answer a:

To be done by student

b. Complete formal performance development documentation,

i. where you: set targets and review dates for the next performance review

ii. complete performance management recordkeeping for HR (Appendix 3), including

signatures. Refer to the performance management procedures followed with the


Answer b:

To be done by student

Question 8: Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications.

Answer 8:

  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information


Question1: Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your assessor, particularly relating to performance management requirements.

Answer 1: The Australian hardware simulated business documentation provided has the key to the management work and the guidance which had to be followed by the employees and has be work according to the guidance provided in it. The process of particularly management and performance appraisal shall be provided to the employee who works and does not violate the rules and regulations of the documentation.

Question 2: Review and answer the scenario-based questions in Appendix 1.

Answer 2:

  • Variables such as continuous and recognition of the feedback shall help in reinforce excellence in performance as every employee will be aware of the record of work done and what has been done what all are the mistakes and what work was perfect. Examples: a training session and weekly check o to the working skills of the employee.
  • Australian hardware procedure can be used in monitoring and coach individuals specifically those who are with poor management or performance as it can work like a guide book and can help new employee by providing the help they actually need.

Question 3: Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format and the below specifications. Keep a copy for your records.

Answer 3:

  • participate in a 10–15 minute role-play
  • submit a coaching plan
  • submit your performance development planning:
  • the performance development plan as prepared by you prior to the role-play
  • the performance development plan as completed in agreement with the employee during
  • the role-play.
  • Your assessor will be looking for demonstration of your ability to:
  • monitor, evaluate and provide feedback on performance; and provide coaching, training and
  • other performance management techniques as needed
  • reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
  • keep records and documentation in accordance with the organizational performance system
  • describe staff development options and information



Consider the following scenario.

You are the Hardware and Home wares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. You consider the organization’s performance management policy and resolve to undertake some research into ways to improve the system or its implementation.

Answer the following:

● How could variables such as recognition and continuous feedback help reinforce excellence in

performance? Give two examples that could work at Australian Hardware to affect performance.

● How would you apply Australian Hardware procedures to monitor and coach individuals,

specifically those with poor performance?


  • Variables such as continuous and recognition of the feedback shall help in reinforce excellence in performance as every employee will be aware of the record of work done and what has been done what all are the mistakes and what work was perfect. Examples: a training session and weekly check o to the working skills of the employee.
  • Australian hardware procedure can be used in monitoring and coach individuals specifically those who are with poor management or performance as it can work like a guide book and can help new employee by providing the help they actually need.


Consider the following scenario.

You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. You are concerned about your application of performance management and want to work according to legal requirements.

Answer the following:

● For three of the following areas, what are the relevant pieces of legislation applicable to

performance management at Australian Hardware?

○ equal employment opportunity

○ anti-discrimination

○ competition and consumer protection

○ privacy

○ industrial relations

○ health and safety (OHS/WHS)

○ environmental issues.

● For each piece of legislation identified above, identify at least one requirement relevant to

performance management at Australian Hardware


Three of the following areas which are relevant piece of legislation and are applicable to performance management at Australian Hardware are:

  • Equal employment opportunity: every employee should be provided with the equal opportunity and chance to work and to manage the same.
  • Anti- discrimination: nobody is liable for any kind of discrimination on any basis; any employment that discriminates on any basis shall be liable to pay fine.
  • Health and safety: health and safety of an employee should be the priority of an employer to take care of and help in every possible way.


Consider the following scenario.

You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of your customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting

performance expectations. You have tried setting goals in consultation with the employee, ongoing coaching and feedback. You have conducted two formal performance reviews. You are not sure what else you can do.

Answer the following:

● Name any positions of an internal source you could approach for HR or performance management advice.

● Name one external source (individual professional, consultancy or government) of HR or performance management advice, particularly for managing poor performance


The internal source that can approach for HR or performance management advice is the Team leader or the Manager of the company.

The external source can be of any political leader or any legal officer of HR or performance management advice, particularly for managing poor performance.


Consider the following scenario.

You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of your customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting performance expectations. You have decided to counsel the employee to alert her of poor performance in a formal way and to inform her that dismissal may be an option for the future if her performance does not improve.

Answer the following:

● What steps would you take to counsel the employee in accordance with organizational policy and relevant legislation for disciplinary meetings?

● What legislation is the most relevant in this scenario?

● What is the relevant award for the employee’s role at Australian Hardware?

● What support services could you offer the employee?


  • The steps taken to counsel the employee in accordance with the organizational policy and relevant legislation for disciplinary meetings will be that , one can be by imposing fine on the employee, punitive exercise can be done against an employee. Seminars can be conducted on the moral and values of the discipline in the work place.
  • The punitive measures applied on the employee is the most relevant in such scenario,
  • The rewards for the employee’s role in Australian hardware are the increase in the incentives and some prize amount.
  • The support service can be of providing the seminars and conferences regarding the solution of the in disciplinary act commitment.


Consider the following scenario.

You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of your customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting performance expectations. You have decided to terminate her.

Answer the following:

● What is the process of termination in accordance with organizational policy and legal

requirements? Summarise the details.

● What are the relevant unlawful dismissal rules and due process that you must follow?

ANSWER 5: The process of termination in accordance with organizational policy and legal requirements are providing of legal notice to an employee at least 15 days before the termination of the services.

The relevant unlawful dismissal rules and due process that an individual must follow are the section 772 of the Act says that an employer must not terminate an employee’s employment for one or more of the following unlawful reasons: temporary absence from work because of illness or injury.

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Conservation Biology Students

Are you passionate about protecting our planet’s incredible biodiversity but feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of conservation biology? Struggling with research proposals, population modeling, or navigating the intricacies of habitat restoration in your Master’s program? Universal Assignment Solutions can be your scientific compass! We offer comprehensive assignment help designed to

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of International Education Students

Embarking on your Master of International Education (MIE) journey is a noble pursuit. As you delve into the complexities of intercultural learning, global citizenship education, and preparing students for a globally interconnected world, feeling overwhelmed by demanding coursework is natural. Universal Assignment Solutions can be your trusted guide! We offer

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Public Art Studies Students

Embarking on your Master of Public Art Studies program is an exciting venture. As you delve into the world of public art theory, community engagement, and artistic interventions in the urban landscape, feeling overwhelmed by demanding coursework is natural. Universal Assignment Solutions can be your trusted guide! We offer comprehensive

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Real Estate Finance Students

Feeling lost in the labyrinth of loan-to-value ratios, cap rates, and complex financial modeling for real estate projects? Drowning in the sea of market analysis and feasibility studies in your Master of Real Estate Finance program? Universal Assignment Solutions can be your compass, navigating you towards becoming a real estate

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Corporate Finance Students

Feeling lost in the labyrinth of financial models, complex valuation techniques, and demanding coursework in your Master of Corporate Finance program? Universal Assignment Solutions can be your compass to navigating the exciting world of corporate finance! We offer comprehensive assignment help designed to empower you to become a financial whiz

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Arts in Teaching Students

Embarking on your Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) journey is a noble pursuit. As you delve into the complexities of pedagogy, curriculum development, and educational leadership, feeling overwhelmed by demanding coursework is natural. Universal Assignment Solutions can be your trusted guide! We offer comprehensive assignment help designed to empower

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Food Science Students

Feeling overwhelmed by the intricate dance of chemistry, biology, and engineering in your food? Drowning in complex food processing techniques and demanding coursework in your Master of Food Science program? Universal Assignment Solutions can be your culinary compass! We offer comprehensive assignment help designed to empower you to become a

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Expert Assignment Help for Master of Educational Leadership Students

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of educational leadership, the weight of educational policy, and demanding coursework in your Master of Educational Leadership program? Universal Assignment Solutions can be your guiding light! We offer comprehensive assignment help designed to empower you to become a visionary leader who transforms schools. Why Choose

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