Mark Travers in his article posted by Psychology Today dated 8th Sept, 2020 posed a question; “Are dating apps a breeding ground for dark personality?” in which new research suggests that the answer is likely yes (Johannes Kepler University). Dark personality triad comprises personality traits of Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopath.
“The psychologist recruited 555 German adults to participate in a 3 week tracking study. The psychologist found that the negative traits were much better predictors of online dating usage than the neutral/positive traits. The current study contributes to understanding of the complex interaction of personality and actual behavior in the concrete field of dating apps and dark personality.”
(Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/social-instincts/202009/are-dating-apps-breeding-ground-dark-personalities)
For each answer, please give at least three (3) references (if any).
Your report should include: –
1) What do you think motivates users of dating apps? (10 marks)
2) If you are a Public Relations/Communication practitioner working with any dating apps company, what will be your possible advice to the company using your adequate understanding of general psychology in terms of cataloging possible users? (15 marks)
3) In this world of computer mediated communication, which area of general psychology that best describe the current trend and popularity of dating apps? (15 marks)
4) What will be your opinion, are dating apps a breeding ground for dark personality? Explain and justify your answer by giving at least two (2) necessary example(s) with relevant theory or understanding from psychological view. (10 marks)

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