Case Study Group Assessment Assessment Weight: 40% (3 deliverables)
Due: Sessions 6, 8, 11-12
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to reinforce the lecture material and give students practice at applying Database design techniques, as well as providing a relational schema using DDL statements and relational DML statements to demonstrate sophisticated access of the Database to be built.
This assessment will be completed in groups of 3 students (or as determined by the unit coordinator). Groups will be formed within the first 2 weeks of class. If, in the view of the coordinator, groups are not forming within a reasonable time period, the coordinator will randomly allocate students to groups. Students will be expected to work within these groups for the remainder of the semester on the group case study. Each group will choose a particular type of Information System, research the storage requirements then design and build a possible database for that system. For instance, a group may choose a POS system for a supermarket, a small online savings bank, a stock management system for a financial firm etc… Each group should choose a different system. To ensure this uniqueness, each group must decide on a system and email their idea to their tutor within the first 3 weeks. Your tutor will respond with an approval or with a message that you will either need to choose a different system or your tutor may decide alter your idea slightly for you.
Once it has been approved you should begin by working towards the first deliverable.
This assessment is worth 40% of the units grade and is a major assessment. Groups are advised to begin working on this assessment as soon as you have your System/ idea approved
There are three (3) deliverables for this assessment (Some deliverables will require a submission, as well as a demonstration in tutorials)
Deliverable | Weight | Week Due |
Database ER Model (Crows foot notation) submission | 10% | Week 6 |
Database Schema DDL statements (create the DB) demonstration & Submission | 10% | Week 8 |
Sophisticated DML statements (SQL use) demonstration and Submission | 20% | Week 11/12 |
Note: It is important to realize, that you must have prior approval for you IS System/ database plan
before you can submit. If you submit something for assessment without approval for the IS database, it will not be graded. Once you have an approved system/ database, you cannot change it without consent from your subject lecturer.
The day and time of the due week that the assessment must be submitted will be announced by your subject coordinator.
Deliverable Descriptions
Below is a description of the different deliverables and the requirements
Database ER Model
The ER Model deliverable is due in week 6 and represents the database structure you intend to build for the remainder of the group case study.
The ER model is to use the crows foot notation, and must represent the database you will build. It needs to represent a realistic depiction of the data requirements for the system you have chosen. I would expect there to be at least 5- 7 tables in this ER model and perhaps more depending on the system you are building it for. The feedback you receive may instruct you to add more tables if it is not detailed enough. This will need to be submitted through blackboard.
Database Schema DDL statements
For this assessment you are to create the Schema DDL statement to create your database. These should be placed in a script, and it is to be demonstrated in class to your tutor. You will need to run the script to show the creation of the database to your tutor. You will also need to submit the script through blackboard. The tables created in the script should be normalized to (and including) third normal form. Your tables should have all appropriate Primary and Foreign keys detailed as well as any appropriate constraints.
Sophisticated DML statements
In this component you will need to provide a script with appropriate SQL insert statements to insert the initial data into all your tables. This will be designed to be run after the database creation to insert the data so you can demonstrate the following component:
You are to construct a minimum of 5 SQL statements demonstrating a competency in SQL and sophisticated access to the data within your tables. At least 3 of your SQL statements must join multiple tables (Inner Join only is OK). You should also demonstrate a script to update and delete a record as well, taking care to maintain database integrity.
This will need to be demonstrated in class to your tutor, additionally, all the scripts need to be
submitted to blackboard.
The amount of test data loaded into your system needs to be enough to demonstrate a good use of your SQL statements.
Note :
When a demonstration is required in the class, all members of the group will need to be present. If a group member is absent, they will not be eligible for the marks for that component. During the demonstration, your tutor may ask you to modify something or to create a quick SQL statement to demonstrate your understanding of what you are doing.
Submission Guidelines
Your documents should be a single MS Word or OpenOffice document containing your report. Do not use PDF as a submission format,
All submissions will be submitted through the safeAssign facility in Blackboard. Submission boxes linked to SafeAssign will be set up in the Units Blackboard Shell. Assignments not submitted through these submission links will not be considered.
Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above) and determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and time will be penalized per day late (including weekend days) according to Holmes Institute policies.
The SafeAssign similarity score will be used in determining the level, if any, of plagiarism. SafeAssign will check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class members submissions for plagiarism. You can see your SafeAssign similarity score (or match) when you submit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the due date and time have elapsed your assignment will be graded as late. Submitted assignments that indicate a high level of plagiarism will be penalized according to the Holmes Academic Misconduct policy, there will be no exceptions. Thus, plan early and submit early to take advantage of the re-submission feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we grade only the last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission.
Academic Integrity
Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing
guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard.
Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
Plagiarism | Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism. |
Collusion | Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised. |
Copying | Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence. |
Impersonation | Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination. |
Contract cheating | Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment. |
Data fabrication and falsification | Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images. |
Source: INQAAHE, 2020

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