Hotel Online Customer Booking and Management System

Hotel Online Customer Booking and Management System


Hotel Management System is a hotel booking website where site visitors may search for available rooms using an online booking system. Users may search for hotels, examine room inventory, check availability, and book in real-time.

Users enter the date of arrival, verify the date of departure, and search for availability and reviews. Following the selection of the appropriate hotel for the chosen hotel, the entire booking and booking procedure is completed on-site, and SMS confirmation of the booking is given.

Panel of administrators

Manager of Accounts

  • Administrator – The administrator has the ability to manage administrator accounts and authorize rooms.
  • Room Types – The guide may define hotel rooms, set room rates, and submit photos of each room.
  • Bookings – All on-site bookings and bookings are presented, together with all booking details: arrival date, departure date, hotel name, room type, passenger number, and price.

Hotel organizations’ core goals may be improved by merging service-focused offerings with project management concepts. Such integration will include new inventions, quicker mindsets, and a risk-taking approach to the need for ongoing development and rapid responsiveness to change. Hotels may extend their existence by constantly re-establishing themselves by approaching each change as a project rooted in seamless functioning. As a consequence, consumers may reserve hotel rooms with ease.

Requirements for a Hotel Management System

This tool will make it easier for you to handle the operation. Users, Rooms, Payments, and so on may be obtained as a result of its ease of use and low-time administration. During login, they do not need to look for a paper file. The system is simple to use for members.

Methodology Development Model

This tool will make it easier for you to handle the operation. Because of its ease of use and minimal time management, it may get user information, rooms, payments, and so on. They do not need to look for a paper file while logging in. The system is readily managed by members.

The Waterfall model’s following steps are collection and analysis.

Requirements – This part includes all potential system requirements to be produced and is described in the requirements document.

  • System Design – In this stage, the specifications from the first phase are analysed, and the system design is prepared. This system design aids in the definition of hardware and system requirements, as well as the overall structure of the system.
  • Implementation – The system is first built through sub-units called units, which are discussed in the next section, with input from the system design. Each unit is produced and evaluated for performance, which is referred to as a Unit Test. Integration and Evaluation – Following the testing of each unit, all units developed during the implementation phase are integrated into the system. The entire system is tested for faults and failures after integration.
  • Distribution of the system – After performing active and inactive testing, the product is distributed in the customer’s territory or launched to the market.
  • Maintenance – There are certain issues originating from the client area. Patches are published to address these vulnerabilities. In order to improve the product, newer versions are published. These changes in the consumer environment are implemented with caution.
Tools and Technique

a. Php

b. Xampp

c. Mysql


e. Bootstrap

f. Visual Studio

h. Java Script

i. Css


Hypertext Preprocessor (or just PHP) is a server-side programming language that was created for Web development but is now used as a standard programming language. The PHP reference, which was founded by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, is now provided by The PHP Group. PHP used to stand for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the repeated explanation of PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP code can be inserted in HTML code or used in combination with a variety of web template tools, content management systems, and online frameworks. PHP code is often handled by a PHP translator, which is installed as a web server module or as an useable Common Gateway Interface (CGI). A web server contains the output of translated and utilised PHP code, which may be in the form of any sort of data, including graphics, as well as a created web page. PHP code may be used in conjunction with the command line interface (CLI) to launch standalone apps.


XAMPP is a stack package for a free and open online solution built by Apache friends that contains the Apache HTTP Server, the MariaDB website, and translators for text produced in the PHP and Perl programming languages. XAMPP is an acronym that stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P), and Perl (P) (P). It is a small, lightweight Apache installation that allows developers to easily construct a local web server for testing and use. The removable file contains everything required to set up a web server, including the server programme (Apache), website (MariaDB), and writing language (PHP). XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means it works on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Because most real-world web server installations employ the same components as XAMPP, transitioning from a local test server to a live server is a breeze.


MySQL Workbench is an integrated visual tool for web designers, developers, and database administrators. MySQL Workbench includes a data model, SQL programming tools, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user management, cache copy, and other tasks. MySQL Workbench is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a popular markup language used to create online pages and web applications. Create three World Wide Web-based technologies using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.

Online browsers get HTML documents from web servers or local archives and display them as text on multimedia web sites. HTML specifies the logical structure of a web page as well as the basic embedded symbols of a document. HTML components are the skeletons of HTML pages. Images and other objects, such as collaborative forms, can be embedded in a website using HTML standards. HTML allows you to build organised documents by specifying text structure semantics such as titles, paragraphs, lists, links, quotations, and more.


Bootstrap is a free front-end framework that is open source and can be used to create websites and online apps. Design templates for typing, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interactive features are HTML and CSS-based, with optional JavaScript additions. Unlike many web frameworks, it focuses solely on front-end development.


JavaScript, sometimes known as JS, is a high-level computer language that may be translated. The language is also thought to be dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, and multi-paradigm. JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, is one of the three core technologies on the World Wide Web. JavaScript allows interactive web pages and is thus an essential component of online applications. Most websites utilise it, and all popular web browsers have a JavaScript engine.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is a Microsoft integrated development platform (IDE). It’s used to improve computer programmes, as well as websites, web apps, online services, and mobile apps. Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store, and Microsoft Silverlight are used by Visual Studio. It is capable of producing both native and managed code.


CSS is a style sheet language used to specify the display of text in sign language such as HTML. CSS is the foundation of the World Wide Web, and it is compatible with HTML and JavaScript. CSS is intended to facilitate presentation and content presentation, including layout, colours, and fonts. These variants can increase content access, give greater flexibility and control over presentation elements, allow additional web pages to share formatting by providing relevant CSS in a separate css file, and minimise complexity and duplicate content structure.

Requirement of Specification

External Interface This is the real interface through which the user will interact with the program and complete the necessary activities.

I.D. for Admin Login:

Role: The administrator desires to access the system.

Precondition: Password and Username

End-of-life Success Condition: The primary display choice on the screen

Failed end condition: The user-submitted an invalid Username and/or Password.



Prerequisite: The administrator has successfully gotten to the search result.

The end of success: The modifications have been successfully implemented by the administrator.

Product Specifications for Software
  • Sequencing information in the Hotel Management System -Login information should be filled out before the user is permitted.
  • Error Handling -If the user does not fill out the validated information, the system will display an error message and prompt the user to provide the validated information.
  • Security is necessary for performance.
  • The system should be safeguarded against illegal access. Where a legitimate Username and Password are necessary so that no one else may access.
Logical Database:

Data Flow

ER Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Database Design

Schema Design

Figure : Flow Chart

Database Model

A database model is a form of data model that establishes the logical structure of a database and, more importantly, how data may be stored, organised, and modified.

  • The advantages of reserving an internet hotel begin to accrue well before your arrival. Our well-known customer assistance is now available on the internet.
  • Another advantage of booking a hotel directly is the use of a complete hotel cancellation policy and, in most circumstances, no deposit obligation.
  • Read hotel reviews and compare online hotel booking prices.
  • The major advantage of booking hotels online is convenience; you can book your accommodation while remaining at home. The internet allows you to search for hotels all around the world and simply compare properties and pricing.
Project organisation:

After the administrator logs in

  • The current situation
  • View Reservation
  • Rooms to View
  • Check out the payments
  • e-mail newsletter
  • Log out

After a user logs in

  • Examine the rooms
  • View the Gallery
  • View available facility
  • Booking
Scope and Potential

This activity is sometimes referred to as a feasibility study. Create and assess feasibility studies, such as profit analysis, technical feasibility, timeliness, and project feasibility. Interviews should be used to plan work. Feasibility studies are carried out to establish whether or not the suggested strategy is viable in the firm. It all starts with a request from a user for a new system. It contains the following items:

  • Determine who is in charge of the new system.
  • Enter the user’s request here.
  • Detecting flaws in the existing system
  • Defining the new system’s aims and objectives
  • Assessing the viability of a new system
  • Create a project charter that will serve as a guide for the rest of the project.
System Analysis

It is a process of gathering and evaluating data, detecting faults, and disassembling the system into its constituent elements. System analysis is performed to investigate a programme or its components in order to determine its goals. It is a problem solver that enhances the system and guarantees that all components of the system are functioning properly in order to reach their purpose.

The system analysis function’s goal is to increase the proposed system’s systematic specificity. The detailed system specification should clarify what the proposed system will perform without mentioning the technology that will be employed to achieve these requirements. These criteria will be implemented using specified system specs. The crucial model itself may have numerous models, each representing a particular system aspect. Data flow diagrams can be analogous to data, with linkages and diagram changes reflecting system-time activity. As a result, the main model includes the following.

  • Content illustration
  • Typical data flow diagrams
  • Clarification of the lower bubbles process
  • Flow data dictionary and storage in DFDs
System Development

Converting a user interface into software development is part of system design. The following are included in the description of the proposed system design:

  • Website strategy
  • Diagram of Sequence
  • Flow Diagram

This activity entails module planning, review, and integration into a comprehensive continuous process. Implementation is the process of acquiring all of the required components and merging them to create a fantastic product.

Development of Tests

This method provides a collection of test data that may be used to validate a new system before it is accepted. During the manufacturing process, all components are tested to guarantee that the system does not cause errors. If there are any errors, we fix them, and it is becoming more acceptable.


User Visit Home Page:




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                                                                                                                        <p>Providing guests unique and enchanting views from their rooms with its exceptional amenities, makes Star Hotel one of bests in its kind.Try our food menu, awesome services and friendly staff while you are here.</p>





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                                                                           <p class=”about-para-w3ls”>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Sed tempus vestibulum lacus blandit faucibus. Nunc imperdiet, diam nec rhoncus ullamcorper, nisl nulla suscipit ligula, at imperdiet urna</p>

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                                                            <h4>Stay First, Pay After! </h4>

                                                            <p>Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates.</p>

                                                            <p><i class=”fa fa-check” aria-hidden=”true”></i>Decorated room, proper air conditioned</p>

                                                            <p><i class=”fa fa-check” aria-hidden=”true”></i>Private balcony</p>



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                                                            <h4>24 Hour Restaurant</h4>

                                                            <p>Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates.</p>

                                                            <p><i class=”fa fa-check” aria-hidden=”true”></i>24 hours room service</p>

                                                            <p><i class=”fa fa-check” aria-hidden=”true”></i>24-hour Concierge service</p>



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                                                                                    <h4>Lucas Jimenez</h4>


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                                                                                    <h4>Sarah Connor</h4>


                                                                                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.Lorem ipsum dolor .</p>  

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                                                                                    <h4>Ivan Simpson</h4>


                                                                                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.Lorem ipsum dolor .</p>

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                                                                                    <h4>Marc Gutierrez</h4>


                                                                                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.Lorem ipsum dolor .</p>

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                                                                                    <h4>Single Room</h4>


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                                                                                                <h3><span>$</span> 150</h3>

                                                                                                <a href=”admin/reservation.php” >Book Now</a>





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                                                                                                Worth to come again


                                                                                                <p>Sed tempus vestibulum lacus blandit faucibus.

                                                                                                            Nunc imperdiet, diam nec rhoncus ullamcorper, nisl nulla suscipit ligula,

                                                                                                            at imperdiet urna. </p>

                                                                                                <h5>Julia Rose</h5>



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                                                                                                Worth to come again


                                                                                                <p>Sed tempus vestibulum lacus blandit faucibus.

                                                                                                            Nunc imperdiet, diam nec rhoncus ullamcorper, nisl nulla suscipit ligula,

                                                                                                            at imperdiet urna. </p>

                                                                                                <h5>Jahnatan Smith</h5>

                                                                                                <p>United States</p>


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                                                                                                <i class=”fa fa-star” aria-hidden=”true”></i>

                                                                                                <i class=”fa fa-star-o” aria-hidden=”true”></i>

                                                                                                Worth to come again


                                                                                                <p>Sed tempus vestibulum lacus blandit faucibus.

                                                                                                            Nunc imperdiet, diam nec rhoncus ullamcorper, nisl nulla suscipit ligula,

                                                                                                            at imperdiet urna. </p>

                                                                                                <h5>Rosalind Cloer</h5>



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                                                                                                Worth to come again


                                                                                                <p>Sed tempus vestibulum lacus blandit faucibus.

                                                                                                            Nunc imperdiet, diam nec rhoncus ullamcorper, nisl nulla suscipit ligula,

                                                                                                            at imperdiet urna. </p>

                                                                                                <h5>Amie Bublitz</h5>



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Admin Index Page:








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            <p><span class=”fontawesome-lock”></span><input type=”password” name=”pass”  value=”Password” onBlur=”if(this.value == ”) this.value = ‘Password'” onFocus=”if(this.value == ‘Password’) this.value = ”” required></p> <!– JS because of IE support; better: placeholder=”Password” –>

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      // username and password sent from form

      $myusername = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST[‘user’]);

      $mypassword = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST[‘pass’]);

      $sql = “SELECT id FROM login WHERE usname = ‘$myusername’ and pass = ‘$mypassword'”;

      $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);

      $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC);

      $active = $row[‘active’];

      $count = mysqli_num_rows($result);

      // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row

      if($count == 1) {

         $_SESSION[‘user’] = $myusername;

         header(“location: home.php”);

      }else {

         echo ‘<script>alert(“Your Login Name or Password is invalid”) </script>’ ;




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MLI500 Leadership and innovation Assessment 1

Subject Title Leadership and innovation Subject Code MLI500 Assessment Assessment 1: Leadership development plan Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words Learning Outcomes LO1 Examine the role of leaders in fostering creativity and innovation LO5 Reflect on and take responsibility for their own learning and leadership development processes Submission   Weighting 30%

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FPC006 Taxation for Financial Planning

Assignment 2 Instructions Assignment marks: 95 | Referencing and presentation: 5 Total marks: 100 Total word limit: 3,000 words Weighting: 40% Download and use the Assignment 2 Answer Template provided in KapLearn to complete your assignment. Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST/AEDT on the wdue

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TCHR5001 Assessment Brief 1

TCHR5001 Assessment Brief 1 Assessment Details Item Assessment 1: Pitch your pedagogy Type Digital Presentation (Recorded) Due Monday, 16th September 2024, 11:59 pm AEST (start of Week 4) Group type Individual Length 10 minutes (equivalent to 1500 words) Weight 50% Gen AI use Permitted, restrictions apply Aligned ULOS ULO1, ULO2,

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HSH725 Assessment Task 2

turquoise By changing the Heading 3 above with the following teal, turquoise, orange or pink you can change the colour theme of your CloudFirst CloudDeakin template page. When this page is published the Heading 3 above will be removed, but it will still be here in edit mode if you wish to change the colour theme.

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Evidence in Health Assessment 2: Evidence Selection

Evidence in Health Assessment 2: Evidence Selection Student name:                                                                    Student ID: Section 1: PICO and search strategy Evidence Question: Insert evidence question from chosen scenario here including all key PICO terms.       PICO Search Terms                                                                                                                                                                                                          Complete the following table.   Subject headings Keywords Synonyms Population  

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Assessment 1 – Lesson Plan and annotation

ASSESSMENT TASK INFORMATION: XNB390 Assessment 1 – Lesson Plan and annotation This document provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Marking Matrix that XNB390 markers will use to grade the assessment task

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XNB390 Task 1 – Professional Lesson Plan

XNB390 Template for Task 1 – Professional Lesson Plan CONTEXT FOR LESSON: SOCIAL JUSTICE CONSIDERATIONS: Equity Diversity Supportive Environment UNIT TITLE:    TERM WEEK DAY TIME 1   5           YEAR/CLASS STUDENT NUMBERS/CONTEXT LOCATION LESSON DURATION         28 Children (chl): 16 boys; 12

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A2 Critical Review Assignment

YouthSolutions Summary The summary should summarise the key points of the critical review. It should state the aims/purpose of the program and give an overview of the program or strategy you have chosen. This should be 200 words – included in the word count. Critical analysis and evaluation Your critical

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PUN364 – Workplace activity Assignment

Assessment 1 – DetailsOverviewFor those of you attending the on-campus workshop, you will prepare a report on the simulated simulated inspection below. For those of you who are not attending, you will be required to carry out your own food business inspection under the supervision of a suitably qualified Environmental

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FPC006 Taxation for Financial Planning

Assignment 1 Instructions Assignment marks: 95 | Referencing and presentation: 5 Total marks: 100 Total word limit: 3,600 words Weighting: 40% Download and use the Assignment 1 Answer Template provided in KapLearn to complete your assignment. Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST/AEDT on the due

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Mental health Nursing assignment

Due Aug 31 This is based on a Mental health Nursing assignment Used Microsoft word The family genogram is a useful tool for the assessment of individuals, couples, and families.  It can yield significant data and lead to important, new patient understandings and insights as multigenerational patterns take shape and

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Assessment 2: Research and Policy Review

Length: 2000 words +/- 10% (excluding references)For this assessment, you must choose eight sources (academic readings and policy documents) as the basis of your Research and Policy Review. You must choose your set of sources from the ‘REFERENCES MENU’ on the moodle site, noting the minimum number of sources required

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HSN702 – Lifespan Nutrition

Assessment Task: 2 Assignment title: Population Nutrition Report and Reflection Assignment task type: Written report, reflection, and short oral presentation Task details The primary focus of this assignment is on population nutrition. Nutritionists play an important role in promoting population health through optimal nutritional intake. You will be asked to

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Written Assessment 1: Case Study

Billy a 32-year-old male was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with a suspected overdose of tricyclic antidepressants. He is obese (weight 160kg, height 172cm) and has a history of depression and chronic back pain for which he takes oxycodone. On admission to the emergency department, Paramedics were maintaining

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Assessment Task 8 – Plan and prepare to assess competence

Assessment Task 8 – Plan and prepare to assess competence Assessment Task 8 consists of the following sections: Section 1:      Short answer questions Section 2:      Analyse an assessment tool Section 3:      Determine reasonable adjustment and customisation of assessment process Section 4:      Develop an assessment plan Student Instructions To complete this

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Nutrition Reviews Assignment 2 – Part A and Part B

This assignment provides you with the opportunity to determine an important research question that is crucial to address based on your reading of one of the two systematic reviews below (Part A). You will then develop a research proposal outlining the study design and methodology needed to answer that question

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NUR332 – TASK 3 – WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT for S2 2024. DESCRIPTION (For this Task 3, the word ‘Indigenous Australians’, refers to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia) NUR332 Task 3 – Written Assignment – Due – WEEK 12 – via CANVAS on Wednesday, Midday (1200hrs) 16/10/2024. The

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NUR100 Task 3 – Case study

NUR100 Task 3 – Case study To identify a key child health issue and discuss this issue in the Australian context. You will demonstrate understanding of contemporary families in Australia. You will discuss the role of the family and reflect on how the family can influence the overall health outcomes

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NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster

NUR 100 Task 2 Health Promotion Poster The weighting for this assessment is 40%. Task instructions You are not permitted to use generative AI tools in this task. Use of AI in this task constitutes student misconduct and is considered contract cheating. This assessment requires you to develop scholarship and

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BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY

BMS 291 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology CASE STUDY Assessment No: 1 Weighting: 40% Due date Part A: midnight Friday 2nd August 2024 Due date Part B: midnight Sunday 29th September 2024 General information In this assessment, you will develop your skills for analysing, integrating and presenting information for effective evidence-based communication.

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Assessment Task: Health service delivery

Assessment Task Health service delivery is inherently unpredictable. This unpredictability can arise from, for example, the assortment of patient presentations, environmental factors, changing technologies, shifts in health policy and changes in division leadership. It can also arise from changes in policy within an organisation and/or associated health services that impact

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LNDN08002 Business Cultures Resit Assessment

LNDN08002 Business Cultures Resit Assessment Briefing 2023–2024 (Resit for Term 1) Contents Before starting this resit, please: 1 Assessment Element 1: Individual Report 1 Case Report Marking Criteria. 3 Assessment Element 2: Continuing Personal Development (CPD) 4 Guidance for Assessment 2: Reflection and Reflective Practice. 5 Student Marking Criteria –

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Assessment Task 2 – NAPLAN Exercise

Assessment Task 2 (35%) – Evaluation and discussion of test items Assessment Task 2 (35%) – Evaluation and discussion of test items AITSL Standards: This assessmeAITSL Standards: This assessment provides the opportunity to develop evidence that demonstrates these Standards: 1.2        Understand how students learn 1.5        Differentiate teaching to meet with

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EBY014 Degree Tutor Group 2 Assignment

  Assignment Brief Module Degree Tutor Group 2 Module Code EBY014 Programme BA (Hons) Business and Management with   Foundation Year Academic Year 2024/2025 Issue Date 6th May 2024 Semester Component Magnitude Weighting Deadline Learning outcomes assessed 2 1 2000 words Capstone Assessment 100% 26th July, 2024 1/2/3/4 Module Curriculum

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