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How misinterpretation of crime harms the society
The behaviour of an individual cannot be considered criminal in the perspective of criminology unless there is a social or psychological reason lies within. Crime scenes take place when there is a logic behind or deep reason that has forced or turned the person to perform such act which he never intended to do (Smith & Raymen, 2016). However, there may some other instances which include willingness to involve in crimes. Concerning such fact, the study of criminology is primarily assessing crimes from a communal outlook by examining who has committed the crime, why they have committed the crime, their effect, and how to prevent such acts effectively (Smith & Raymen, 2016). It has been identified that major crime behaviour is found among young people as their mental or psychological maturity were growing and prone to propaganda or negative influence which affects their lives and lead to criminal justification by the court of law (Smith & Raymen, 2016).
According to (Ellis et al., 2019), signifies that criminal behaviour is the most usual behaviour among youths or person who are in their teenage (Ellis et al., 2019). There are end numbers of ecological studies conducted to examine the crime rates with the proportion of an age range of 15 years to 30 years old (Ellis et al., 2019). Nevertheless, some instances indicate that people are often found guilty even if there is no proof of any crime. In this essay, an in-depth study will be performed to understand how a misinterpretation and judgement could lead to harm the society negatively. Understanding the perspective of criminology will help provide substantial knowledge to know the inner reasons and outlook of crime and victims effectively. Thus, this paper will shed light on the importance of criminology and conclude whether such behaviour should be criminalized or not.
Comprehending criminology or the study of crime helps one to develop a mutual understanding about the criminal perspective to know who, why, and how their behaviour transformed into criminal behaviour (Smith & Raymen, 2016). Besides, it helps in reducing crime rates and ensures policies are well defined to control effectively (Smith & Raymen, 2016). Criminologists critically understand why they involve in committing a crime and the factors that affect them negatively (Smith & Raymen, 2016). Several cases indicate behaviour which cannot be considered criminal, but which arguably results in harming society. In a news report by CBC News Canada on May 13, 2020, the headline reads, father of a four year old not found guilty who was been accused of murdering and child abuse (Grant, 2020). According to the report, the accused has been legally charged and taken under trial for the second-degree murder of his daughter Rebekah in 2014 until the court judgement has been made (Grant, 2020). After the case examination and measuring pieces of evidence of the report, it has been found by the court that the victim was not guilty and held with wrong charges (Grant, 2020). The shreds of evidence include a thorough investigation which signifies that the wife of the victim or the mother of Rebekah is been closely involved within the case (Grant, 2020).
However, the case has been registered against child abuse and murder charges which indicates that the social status of the victim is been severely damaged without any solid proof or evidence. Thus, it signifies that the father is been perceived as the sole victim behind the case (Grant, 2020). This specific perception by the police, court of law, or society shows that how a simple misinterpretation or misjudgement regarding any case could bring someone in danger or social anxiety (Smith & Raymen, 2016). Moreover, such irrelevant judgements and trails are baseless and do not provide any ethical considerations while perceiving the overall case logically and over the perception of criminology (Smith & Raymen, 2016). There is one significant theory of criminal justice system is that it presumes that an individual act out of free determination, and the actions of the criminal are the result of one’s willful intention to act by breaching towards the law (Smith & Raymen, 2016). Additionally, criminal behaviour can be referred to as one’s behaviour whose intention is against the law and conduct of an offender that leads to an unlawful act or deed (Smith & Raymen, 2016).
Similarly, in this case, the victim has no clear indication or will to do such proceedings to her daughter as it is believed that father’s and daughter’s relationship or love is unconditional and priceless (Grant, 2020). Concerning such fact, there is no chance that the father is associated with the child abuse and murder, but it has identified as per the news report that it was the child’s mother who used to physically abuse and has a violent behaviour towards her daughter in the past (Grant, 2020). Thus, this indicates that it is her mother who was to blame for the death of Rebekah as she was been identified for violent discipline her daughter (Grant, 2020).
After identifying the overall case of the criminal scenario, it has been understood that the behaviour of the mother who has been found guilty after the trail’s decision made by the judge in court has criminal behaviour. Child abuse is a serious offence under the court of law and strict actions need to be taken, but misinterpretation of murder or nay sudden death is illogical and does not make any sense. However, in between such events, the father of the child has faced social and psychological challenges that have damaged his mental state negatively. Besides, broadcasting such stories by media may result in damaging the image of fathers who are represented as beloved by their daughters. It also creates negativity towards the society concerning the relationship between a father and daughter. The behaviour of the mother has been identified as criminal and of a serious offence as parents are supposed to be careful and protect their children with love and empathy instead of physical violence and torture.
Ellis, L., Farrington, D., & Hoskin, A. (2019). Handbook of crime correlates (2nd ed., pp. 116-127). 2019 Elsevier Inc.
Grant, M. (2020). Father found not guilty of murdering 4-year-old daughter who was ‘victim of child abuse’: judge | CBC News. CBC. Retrieved from
Smith, O., & Raymen, T. (2016). Deviant leisure: A criminological perspective. Theoretical Criminology, 22(1), 63-82.
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