Assessment Task 4 –
ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and Professional Culture
Task Name
Team ITSM Poster Presentation
The poster presentation enables students to develop their oral communication skills, video recording and editing skills, and poster presentation skills. It will also test their knowledge and application of the Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) framework.
Timelines and Expectations
Percentage Value of Task: 15% (45 marks).
Due Date: Week 11 – Sunday 29, May 2022, 11:59 pm.
Minimum time expectation: This task will take a minimum of 10 hours to complete.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K4-K5, S1-S4, A1 and A2.
Assessment Details
IT service management (ITSM) is the process of designing, delivering, managing, and improving the IT services an organisation provides to its end users. ITSM is focused on aligning IT processes and services with business objectives to help an organisation grow.
Irrespective of the size of business, every organisation is involved in IT service management in some way. ITSM ensures that incidents, service requests, problems, changes, and IT assets in addition to other aspects of IT services are managed in a streamlined way.
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This is a team task. Students will be allocated to teams of 4 members. One student should be nominated team leader. Teams will prepare a poster and accompanying video presentation on the application of the ITSM framework to an organisation of their choice. Students will be required to explore various aspects of ITSM in an organisation that provides IT services and explain how ITSM can enhance their organisations business proposition. Suggested organisations may include banks, insurance companies, clothing manufacturers etc.
Teams should confirm the appropriateness of their selected organisation before commencing work on this task.
Poster Presentation
Specific criteria for the poster include:
- Details of each student in your teams – name, student ID number, course ID, title of work, lecturer/tutor name, and date submitted.
- A brief overview of the selected organisation.
- ITSM content sections should address existence or application of the following:
- Service lifecycle – including service strategy, service design, service transition, service operation and continual service improvement.
- Processes and functions – including business relationship management, financial management for IT services, demand management, capacity management, IT service continuity management, security management, problem management and seven-step improvement processes. Note: not all of these may apply. Teams should select carefully and provide reasons for selection and omission.
- Measurement, metrices and the Deming cycle
- Appropriate graphics, images, and graphs.
- Appropriate design techniques i.e., font type and size, appropriate colour, and layout.
- A list of 6 to 10 authentic references consulted in APA format.
- Includes a link to your Unlisted Video on YouTube (see below)
- Delivered electronically in A1 or A0 poster size, in portrait orientation.
The poster can be created using any appropriate software for example, MS PowerPoint, Publisher etc. A MS PowerPoint poster template is provided in Moodle. Before submitting you must convert the file to a pdf.
For assistance in preparing a poster presentation, see: basics
For example, poster presentations, see:
A quality poster will include details of team members, background information on their selected organisation, and a detailed accurate application of the ITSM and discussion of appropriate content sections. It will adhere to graphics and design principles. It will demonstrate clear and concise language and provide evidence of research from quality authentic sources.
Video Presentation
Each team will be required to record a short 5 minute video, using Kaltura (see support and instructions book in Moodle) or some other appropriate video editing software.
Specific criteria for the video include:
- A discussion of all content sections.
- Demonstration of appropriate communication techniques.
Any video that exceeds 5 minutes duration will be marked based on the first 5 minutes only.
A quality video presentation will include an introduction of all team members, and an overview of thecontents of the presentation. Each team member should contribute to an accurate discussion of application of ITSM to their approved organisation. Team members will demonstrate quality communication techniques such as speaking audibly, using pauses and volume changes to emphasise points, and avoid speaking in monotones. The presentation will be delivered in the required time duration.
Academic Presentation
Assessment should be presented in accordance with instructions in writing guides, layout, and appearance guidelines. Please note a title page and table of contents is not required for the poster.
- Help sheets:
- Writing guides:
- Layout and appearance: appearance/
- See FedCite – referencing tool:
Submit an electronic copy of your team (one submission per team by team leader):
- poster (in pdf format)
- Your completed video must be uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted file so that it is only accessible to anyone who is given a link to the file. This link must be included in the poster. This is so your video is accessible to the marker; if the video is not accessible, then it will not be marked.
- Your poster must be submitted to Moodle in the submission point provided by the due date and time.
- Please be aware that uploading videos to YouTube may take longer than you expect, and it is your responsibility to allow enough time for the video presentation to upload, for the link to the unlisted presentation to be included within your poster, and for you to then upload the poster to Moodle by the deadline. Make sure you allow yourself sufficient time for this to occur.
- Please do NOT upload your videos directly to Moodle. Any videos provided directly in Moodle will not be marked.
This assignment will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Feedback and marks will be provided individually in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at:
Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see:
Marking Criteria/Rubric
Assessment Criteria | Marking Scale | |
Poor Excellent | ||
1 5 | ||
Poster Presentation: | ||
ITSM content sections: | ||
Team and organisation details | 0 | |
Service lifecycle | 0 | |
Processes and functions | 0 | |
Measurement, metrices and Deming cycle | 0 | |
Graphics and design | 0 | |
References APA format | 0 | |
Poster Presentation Total | [30 marks] | 0.0 |
Video Presentation: | ||
Discussion of content sections | 0 | |
Communication | 0 | |
Organisation and presentation | 0 | |
Video Presentation Total | [15 marks] | 0.0 |
Total Mark | [45 marks] | 0.0 |
Total Worth | [15%] | 0.0% |
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