MRKT11028 Digital Marketing Assessment 3 Guideline
Term 1 2021
Assessment 3: E-Marketing Plan
Weighting: 50%
Due date: Week 12 Friday (4 Jun 2021) 11:00 pm AEST
Task Description
- Assessment 3 is an individual assessment where the students will design an E-marketing plan (EMP) for an imaginary firm in fashion clothing industry.
- You are required to prepare the EMP for the chosen product with the assumption that the product will be introduced into the Australian market in 2021.
- There are 7 steps to prepare an EMP according to the textbook (see chapter 3 for details).
- The word limit for the EMP is 3000 words excluding the executive summary, table of contents, tables, charts/graphs, the reference list and appendices.
- Your assessment should show an application of relevant E-marketing concepts, theories, and analytic tools learnt in the unit.
- Any assessment with a ‘Turnitin’ score of more than 25% will be checked by the marker and unit coordinator for potential plagiarism issues although it may not necessarily mean that you have plagiarised. If there is a substantial similarity score in the ‘Turnitin’ report, your assessment could be forwarded to an appropriate office/authority.
Assessment Criteria
- Executive summary (3 marks)
- Introduction to the report (2 marks)
- Situation analysis (10 marks)
- Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) and objectives (10 marks)
- E-Marketing mix strategy (10 marks)
- Implementation, Evaluation plan, and Budgeting (10 marks)
- Integrate findings from theoretical and empirical research including proper in-text citations and reference list using APA referencing style (3 marks)
- Mechanics (report format and writing style) (2 marks)
Penalties apply for exceeding word limit (1% mark will be deducted from the total mark for Assessment 2 for every 100 words over the allowed 3000 words limit)

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