Assessment: Care Plan Report
Task overview
Course | NUR1398 – Foundations of Nursing Practice Theory |
Brief task description | Written care plan addressing nursing care requirements for older patients with degenerative conditions. |
Rationale for assessment task | Registered Nurses are required to think through the different aspects of patient care to arrive at a reasonable decision regarding the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a clinical problem for the person in their care. |
Due Date | 22nd August 2022 by 11:59pm AEST. |
Length | 1000 words +/- 10% (includes in-text referencing, excludes your reference list) |
Marks out of: Weighting: | Marks out of 100 40% of overall course |
Course Objectives measured | CLO 1 Implement the principles of professional nursing practice, including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care, for patients across the lifespan. CLO 2 Apply at a beginning level, elements of the clinical reasoning process, clinical decision making to plan and implement fundamental nursing care across the lifespan. CLO 5 Apply the principles of a person-centred and self-care approach when practicing basic nursing skills in the simulated clinical environment. |
Task information
Task detail | Case study Mr Stephen Campbell (DOB 4/8/41), UR number: 624519. Mr Campbell is originally from Scotland, migrating to Australia with his wife following their retirement. He has been a resident in the residential aged care facility for the past 2 years due to his Parkinson’s disease. His wife is 78 years old. His wife visits regularly. He has 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren who all live in Scotland. His children communicate regularly via phone or video call. Mr Campbell’s medical history includes Parkinson’s disease, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus type II. You are required to review the case study above and assessment documentation (provided on Study desk) and develop a 1000 word care plan for Mr Stephen Campbell, using a patient-centred approach, based on the patient’s care needs. You will need to incorporate clinical nursing interventions necessary to manage the care of the client incorporating all of these aspects of care: mobility and falls prevention hygiene needs pressure area prevention or wound care nutrition elimination psychosocial aspects of nursing care You are encouraged to include a multidisciplinary approach and identify other health care providers (e.g. Physiotherapist) that may assist in providing comprehensive care, however the focus of the care plan should be the nursing care of the patient. You may include some patient education aspects in your care plan. Although a range of topics are discussed, many will overlap. The best example of this are the psychosocial aspects, which may be contributing to the patient’s illness. Clinically, there are many different examples of care plans and/or clinical pathways. For this assignment, we have chosen a very simple one and have provided the template for you to use (see Assignment resources). This template includes the following: Assessment: This is your subjective and objective data gathered in your assessment of the patient Problem identified: This is your 2- or 3-part statement identifying the patient problems Planning/Interventions: The interventions you propose to address the problems/issues identified. Make sure you include a well-supported rationale (reason) for the nursing intervention. Evaluation: How will you measure the success of these interventions? Describe a successful outcome/ desired patient outcome. example: Assessment Problem identified Planning/Interventions Evaluation: Patient observed to be unsteady during mobility Risk of falling due to unsteady gait Maintain bed in lowest position which minimises injury if fall was to occur (ACSQHC, 2019). Patient did not suffer a fall during their hospital stay Ref: Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2019). National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/standards/nsqhs-standards |
Resources available to complete task | The Study Desk Assessment Tab contains many resources to help you with this assessment: Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
Presentation and Submission information
Writing & formatting requirements | Use the following points for your assignment. Penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to. Use the care plan template provided in the resources section of the Study Desk to develop your patient care plan Dot points are acceptable for the care planSubmit your assignment in Word format.Use Times New Roman size 12 font.Do NOT attach marking rubric to assignment. |
Referencing/ citations | In-text citations are required (no less than 5 references). Contemporary evidence based literature should be sourced (most references no more than 7 years old)Reference according to USQ APA 7th ed (https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/apa-referencing-guide). |
Submission | You are required to submit one (1) Microsoft Word document meeting the following requirements: No coversheet requiredFooter must include: surname_initial_studentnumber_NUR1398_A1_page no Do not include the marking rubric This assessment task must: use APA 7th edition referencing be submitted in electronic format via StudyDesk Turnitin has been enabled so that students can check for similarity matching within their assessment and make amendments prior to the due date to demonstrate academic integrity. |
Marking & Moderation | This task will be marked against the marking rubric available at the end of this document. All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their marking before marks or grades are finalised. Final release of grades will normally be within three weeks of submission. This same timeframe applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission. |
Academic Integrity & Misconduct | Students should be familiar with, and abide by, USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity and the definition of Academic Misconduct . Penalties apply to students found to have breached these policies & procedures. Students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module PRIOR to submission of this assessment. |
Assessment Policies & procedures | Information and links regarding USQ’s assessment policy/ procedure; extensions and late submissions; academic integrity & misconduct and marking are found on your course Study Desk Assessment page. Note on Late submission & extensions: Applications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in accordance with the USQ Assessment procedure and the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure. Refer to the links on Study Desk for copies of these procedures. |
Marking Rubric | NUR1398| Semester 1, 2022 | Care plan Assessment |
Development of care plan utilising the Nursing Process: Assessment/Cues. | 20-17.6 | 17.5-15.1 | 15-12.6 | 12.6-10 | 9.9-0 |
Very clearly identified the assessment cues for the simulated patient. | Clearly identified the assessment cues for the simulated patient. | Adequately identified the assessment cues for the simulated patient. | Generally identified, with limited details the assessment cues for the simulated patient. | Vague/ very limited or no evidence of the assessment cues for chosen simulated patient. | |
Development of care plan utilising the Nursing Process: Problems. | 25-21.25 | 21-18.75 | 18.5-16.25 | 16-12.5 | 12.4-0 |
Very clearly identified the problem/s for the simulated patient. Excellent link between assessments cues and problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient | Clearly identified the problem/s identified for the simulated patient. Very good link between assessments cues and problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient | Adequately identified the problem/s identified for the simulated patient. Good link between assessments cues and problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient | Generally identified, with limited details the problem/s identified for the simulated patient. A satisfactory link between assessments cues and problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient | Vague/ very limited or no evidence of the problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient. Does not demonstrate link between assessments cues and problem/s identified for chosen simulated patient | |
Development of care plan utilising the Nursing Process: Planning/ Implementation, | 30-25.5 | 25-22.5 | 22.25-19.5 | 19.25-15 | 14.9-0 |
Very clearly identified the care required for simulated patient. Very clearly links problems identified and appropriate nursing care planned for simulated patient. Discusses all key topics of care for the patient. Supports clinical decision-making with well-developed rationale and highly relevant supporting references. | Clearly identified the care required for the simulated patient. Clearly links problems identified and appropriate nursing care planned for simulated patient. Discusses most of the key topics of care for the patient. Supports clinical decision-making with well-developed rationale and good supporting references. | Adequately identified the care required for the simulated patient. Adequately links problems identified and appropriate nursing care planned for simulated patient. Discusses most of the key topics of care for the patient. Supports clinical decision-making with appropriate rationale and supporting references. | Generally identified, with limited details the care required for the simulated patient. Generally links (with limited details) problems identified and appropriate nursing care planned for simulated patient. Discusses some of the key topics for patient care. Rationales to support clinical decision making are missing details. Includes some references to support clinical decision-making | Vague/ very limited or no evidence of the care required for chosen simulated patient. Does not include relevant information regarding appropriate nursing care for chosen patient. Rationales not included Very limited or inappropriate use of academic resources to support clinical decision-making. | |
Development of care plan utilising the Nursing Process: Evaluation | 20-17.6 | 17.5-15.1 | 15-12.6 | 12.6-10 | 9.9-0 |
Very clearly identified the nursing evaluation. Very clearly links the care planned and nursing evaluation | Clearly identified the nursing evaluation. Clearly links the care planned and nursing evaluation | Adequately identified the nursing evaluation. Adequately links the care planned and nursing evaluation | Generally identified, with limited details the nursing evaluation. Generally, links with limited details) the care planned and nursing evaluation | Vague/very limited or no evidence of the nursing evaluation of care planned | |
Academic writing Word limit Expression Structure Referencing | 5-4.5 | 4.4-4 | 3.9-3.1 | 3-2.5 | 2.4-0 |
Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression Very high standard of academic presentation. Expressed ideas very clearly, concisely & fluently No spelling or grammatical errors Structure Well-constructed using template provided, very clearly expressed & linked main points Referencing Correctly cited sources both within text & reference list No mistakes in citation or referencing format using highly relevant literature | Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression High standard of academic structure and presentation. Expressed ideas clearly and concisely. 1 –2 spelling or grammatical errors Structure Well-constructed using template provided, clearly expressed. Referencing References to literature are good. Limited (1-2) mistakes in citation or referencing format. | Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression Adequate standard of academic structure and presentation. Expressed ideas adequately and concisely. 3-4 spelling or grammatical errors Structure Well-constructed using template provided, clearly expressed. Referencing References to literature are good. Some mistakes (3-4) in citation or referencing format. | Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/-10% Expression At times there is clarity of expression 5-6 errors in spelling & grammar Structure Used template provided however, main points were inappropriate, or they were not linked key content areas. Referencing Reference to literature is present but not strong.(5-6 errors in citation or referencing format. | Word limit: Not adhered to Expression Used incorrect terminology Numerous mistakes in spelling and/or grammar (> 7) Structure No or limited structure Referencing Literature not appropriate or insufficient. Incorrect referencing technique in citation or format. (>7) errors in citation or referencing format. | |
MARKS LOST FOR LATE PENALTY (IF RELEVANT -5% of the total marks available for the assessment item per calendar day deducted from total mark gained) | |||||
Comments from your marker: | Final Mark | /100 |

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