Assessment 2: Health Literacy Project Task overview
Course | NUR3101 Primary Health Care in a Global Context |
Assessment name | Presentation |
Brief task description | This assignment requires you to develop a 10-minute PowerPoint (PPT) voice recorded presentation |
Due date | By 2355 AEST 26th April 2022 |
Length | 10 minutes (for 10 PowerPoint slides- approximately 1 minute/slide) |
Marks out of: Weighting: | 80 marks Weighting: 40% (of overall grade) |
Course Objectives measured | Course learning outcomes: 2,3,4 |
Rationale / Graduate Attributes | This assessment enables students to work towards developing the following graduate attributes: Well-informed individuals with discipline-specific expertise and industry knowledge relevant to their profession or area of study Critical, creative, thinkers who can integrate and apply knowledge and relevant skills, including research and digital literacy skills, to analyse and evaluate ideas, concepts, theories and problems, and offer insights, innovative approaches and solutions; Effective communicators and collaborators who actively and respectfully lead, listen, reflect, discuss and negotiate in order to work productively with a range of individuals and groups, including professional teams; Ethical, engaged professionals and citizens who engage in, non- discriminatory, safe practices and consider the local, global, social, economic, legal and environmental influences on, and impact of, their attitudes and actions; Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives, equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply these capabilities in their professional practice |
Task information
Task detail | Health literacy discussion Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care (WHO). As an interdisciplinary team member you will develop a health education literacy plan, audio PowerPoint to present to colleagues of the primary healthcare team. This is an education package to inform staff of the current status of the global health concern within their community. Identify a global health concern and the country/ region of concern.Identify the appropriate Sustainable Development Goal and its relevance to the global health concern. Sustainable Development Goals may be retrieved from: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/Provide an overview of the global health concern to primary healthcare within the country identified, supported by literature.Provide epidemiological data from relevant contemporary literature.Provide an overview of signs and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and prevention if applicable to the global health concern.Provide a prevention plan (based on current literature) that has been or is currently utilised to manage the global health concern.Address any issues relating to equity and social justice for the chosen country and the community. |
Writing Style | This PowerPoint should be written using scholarly convention and writing including references for all images used. |
Referencing/ citations | Reference list to be provided as the last PPT slide using USQ APA 7th Edn. referencing style.Sources: The reference list must include at least three (3) scholarly sources no older than 6 years old.Images: Reference under image. |
Formatting Style | Assignments should be presented using: PowerPoint with Audio |
Resources available to complete task | The NUR3101 Study Desk Assessment Tab contains resources to assist with this assessment. An example PPT will be provided. Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
Submission information
What you need to submit | One Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt) 10 slidesName and student number on 1st slide of ppt10 slide ppt (maximum)Audio recording on ppt |
Do not submit the marking rubric | |
Submission requirements | This assessment task must be submitted in electronic format via the Assessment 3 Submission link in StudyDesk |
File Name Conventions | Save your PowerPoint document with the following naming conventions: surname_initial _ studentnumber_A3_NUR3101.doc/ppt (A3 stands for Assignment 3) E.g: Jones_J_006233466_A3_NUR3101.ppt |
Marking and Moderation | This task will be marked against the marking criteria available on StudyDesk.All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading averages before marks or grades are finalised.Final release of grades will normally be within three weeks of submission. This same timeframe applies for any approvals for an extension of time commencing at the time of submission. |
Academic Integrity | Student’s should be familiar with USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/13752PL |
Assessment policy/ procedure Extensions and Late Submissions | Students are encouraged to access the USQ assessment policy: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/14749PLApplications for an extension of time will only be considered if received in accordance with the USQ Assessment procedure https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/14749PL and the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedure: https://policy.usq.edu.au/documents/131150PLNote that USQ’s procedures requires applications are made for extensions PRIOR to the due date of the assessment. |

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