Weight: | 40% |
Type of Collaboration: | Individual |
Due: | Week 9, Monday 2nd May 2022 at 1700 |
Submission: | Refer to Section 2.5 of the LG – General Submission Requirements |
Format: | Short answer – each question should be answered separately and NOT as an essay. All assignments are to be typed. Typing must be according to the following format:3 cm left and right margins, double spaced. Font: Arial or Times New Roman Font size: 12pt. See further submission requirements below |
Length: | 1,500 words |
Curriculum Mode: |
Word count There is a word limit of 1500 words (500 words for each question). Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500 words plus 10%.
Aim of assessment
The aim of this assessment is for students to;
- outline and explain how the multidisciplinary team can meet the the care needs of a palliative person and their family
- evaluate support strategies for a palliative persons family or carers
- consider ways to provide coordinated, integrated palliative care reflecting the palliative persons wishes.
Short answer case study
Mr Jock Jagger, a 67-year-old male has been transferred from the Emergency Department to the Medical ward. His wife brought him in to hospital from home as she no longer felt comfortable managing her husband’s increasing back pain and was worried about malnutrition as Jock had not eaten for two days.
On admission to the ward the clinical manifestations were:
- Pain score 6/10
- Mild restlessness
- Nausea
- Dry mouth
Mr Jagger has a history of bowel cancer and had aggressive treatment 12 years ago. Three (3) months ago, he noticed he was becoming increasingly lethargic, after investigations he was diagnosed with stage 4 (metastatic) bowel cancer and has opted for no further treatment and to focus on managing his symptoms.
Whilst examining Mr Jagger, you chat about being cared for at home and he explains that he wishes to return home, he agreed to come to hospital because his wife is worried about caring for him as he continues to deteriorate. His Advanced Care Plan does outline his wish to stay home but he does not wish to burden his wife.
Short answer questions
- Outline and explain the delivery of comprehensive care for Mr Jagger who wants to return home. Your answer should include the role of the multidisciplinary team using a palliative approach. (500 words)
- Evaluate two strategies to support families and carers who are providing end of life care. (500 words).
- Consider ways to provide coordinated, integrated palliative care that takes into account Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. (500 words).
Submission Requirements
- Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus
- Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the unit vUWS site.
- Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_Firstname_assessment title
- Your assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx format.
- This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your responsibility to contact the Unit Coordinator for assistance.
- Examples may be available on the vUWS site.
- There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the Subject’s vUWS site for specific Subject resources
Marking Criteria:
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass | Unsatisfactory |
Question 1 | Outstanding | Excellent | Very good | Good explanation | Poor explanation of |
Outline and explain | explanation of the | explanation of the | explanation of the | of the delivery of | the delivery of |
the delivery of | delivery of | delivery of | delivery of | comprehensive care | comprehensive care |
comprehensive care | comprehensive care | comprehensive care | comprehensive care | for Mr Jagger that | for Mr Jagger that |
for Mr Jagger who | for Mr Jagger that | for Mr Jagger that | for Mr Jagger that | includes the role of | includes the role of |
wants to return | includes the role of | includes the role of | includes the role of | the multidisciplinary | the multidisciplinary |
home. Your answer | the multidisciplinary | the multidisciplinary | the multidisciplinary | team using a | team using a |
should include the role of the multidisciplinary | team using a palliative approach. | team using a palliative approach. | team using a palliative approach. | palliative approach. | palliative approach. |
team using a | |||||
palliative approach. | |||||
(500 words) | |||||
/25 | 25-21.5 | 21-19 | 18.5-16.5 | 16-12.5 | ≤12 |
Question 2 | Outstanding | Excellent evaluation | Very good | Good evaluation of | Poor evaluation of |
Evaluate two | evaluation of two | of two strategies to | evaluation of two | two strategies to | two strategies to |
strategies to | strategies to | support families | strategies to | support families | support families |
support families | support families | and carers who are | support families | and carers who are | and carers who are |
and carers who are | and carers who are | providing end of life | and carers who are | providing end of life | providing end of life |
providing end of life care. (500 words). | providing end of life care. | care. | providing end of life care. | care. | care. |
/25 | 25-21.5 | 21-19 | 18.5-16.5 | 16-12.5 | ≤12 |
Question 3 | Outstanding | Excellent | Very good | Good consideration | Poor consideration |
Consider ways to | consideration of | consideration of | consideration of | of ways to provide | of ways to provide |
provide | ways to provide | ways to provide | ways to provide | coordinated, | coordinated, |
coordinated, | coordinated, | coordinated, | coordinated, | integrated palliative | integrated palliative |
integrated palliative | integrated palliative | integrated palliative | integrated palliative | care that considers | care that considers |
care that considers | care that considers | care that considers | care that considers | Mr and Mrs | Mr and Mrs |
Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. (500 words | Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. | Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. | Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. | Jagger’s wishes. | Jagger’s wishes. |
/25 | 25-21.5 | 21-19 | 18.5-16.5 | 16-12.5 | ≤12 |
Academic style: | Writes in an | Writes clearly and | Writes clearly and | Writing is | Writes in an |
Writes coherent | advanced style | succinctly with a | satisfactory use of | reasonably clear, | elementary style |
responses using | exhibiting highly | coherent, logical | language enables | but at times the | with very basic use |
appropriate | coherent and logical | flow of ideas | effective flow of | effective flow of | of language and |
professional | flow of ideas. | exhibiting advanced | ideas. Minor, | ideas and meaning | poor articulation of |
language to | Organisation of | clarity. No errors in | infrequent errors in | is hindered. Minor, | ideas. It may be |
enhance | material exhibits an | spelling, | spelling, | frequent errors in | verbose, convoluted |
understanding and | advanced level of | punctuation, | punctuation, | spelling, | or difficult to read. |
logical flow of | clarity. No errors in | grammar or | grammar and | punctuation, | Organisation of |
ideas. Uses correct | spelling, grammar, | sentence | sentence | grammar and | material and main |
sentence structure, grammar and | punctuation or sentence | construction. | construction that do not impede flow | sentence construction | points is unclear. The errors in |
punctuation. | construction. | of ideas. | sometimes impede the flow of ideas. | spelling, punctuation, grammar and | |
sentence | |||||
construction | |||||
impede meaning. | |||||
/10 | 10-8.5 | 8-7.5 | 7-6.5 | 6-5 | <4.5 |

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